Quote by GnV
There is indeed merit in a written Constitution for the United Kingdom but don't expect it any time soon...
I doubt there is the political will to do it and if it is managed anything like the Chilcot enquiry, I doubt it would ever be in my grand children’s lifetime, let alone my children's lifetime
However, I do enjoy living a Republic where there is a clearly defined written Constitution which stretches as far as defining the language of the Country and a Constitutional Court which can and will defy the will of Parliament to the benefit of it's citizens when a matter is declared as 'unconstitutional' thereby overturning legislation in a more defined way than the 'airy-fairy' suggestion of sovereignty which exists in the UK Parliamentary system of Governance.
But, you are of course right about the apparently unelected and unaccountable EU Commission and I can see why you say that except that it is for the elected Members of Member States to appoint Commissioners every 5 years and the President of the Commission is elected by a majority of the component Members of the European Parliament who themselves are elected representatives in the State which returned them in elections so, like it or lump it, there is transparency.
All excellent points, and the transparency of which you speak does have at least the merit of allowing me to see very clearly why we need to leave.