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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 54
0 miles · Cheshire


This an an issue that really gets my goat.......... mad :x :x
As I drive one of the smallest, greenest, most fuel effecient cars you can buy in the UK (not including Hybrids), I get really pi$$ed off at paying nearly a £1 a litre!
When I bought the car, it cost me £20 to fill it costs £30!....which, doing the maths is: in TAX and for the fuel!....which means that I'm paying about 6p per mile tax!
I feel like getting the car sign written with something like "How F**king small, clean and green a car do I need to be able to afford to drive in the UK?"
P.S, it's made by a very well known german company that also make very expensive cars with a three pointy badge thingy! wink
Kitty, PM'd you.
After trawling a little further, It would appear that the fault lies in the XPCOM interface modules contained in the Mozilla (FF) installation package. These are unique to Mozilla applications and can, according to the docs, be "fixed" by carrying out an upgrade of FF (see the FF help files for details)
These packages allow FF to interact with external (i.e. not in the program) objects, for the creation/modification of user interfaces. These are the bits you see (sorry if that sounds like I'm talking down), and are fundamental to the expansion abilities of the Mozilla based browser system that includes FireFox, Thunderbird, etc.
Are you running any McAfee products? If so you could be getting a conflict between the McAfee update exe and your browser. McAfee is deisgned to work with IE and IE only. It requires that certain settings are made in IE, although you may never use it. McAfee do not even recognise FF as a browser and susequently do not provide ANY support for users running FF.
I have located a Forum discussion relating to this problem,If you want the URL then PM me, as I don't want to post the URL here.
21 with 13 years experience.....excellent combination biggrin:D
Blue, I'd love to be "on the list", I know this is a bit of a cheek after missing out on last sundays social, because of pre-planned DIY endevours! :D
<raises right hand and holds the SH Bible in hand>
I hereby swear to uphold my pledge to be present at the 21st birthday party of Blue. I will make no other plans or allow myself to be swayed by offers of wealth, beauty or eternal life.
I apologise for posting the pic. I certainly didn't do it with any intention of causing either SH or the owner of the vehicle any embarrassment.
<feeling suitably chatised redface surprisedops:>
@ Velvet Lips.....taken on the way to work one morning....small world...yes smile
As a Bi guy, I done it with guys, and I have to be honest, never thought about it with a me thinking now wink
Random pic......Took this with my cam phone a couple of months ago....tickled me...
Pic removed.
The phone number was clearly visible, as was the reg number. Though it was quite amusing, the policy is that we don't allow phone numbers on the site should extend to pics too. We won't want this poor guy getting all sorts of odd phone calls, would we?
Blue xxx
Got top an invite to the Village meet on sunday....but I was busy building my decking sad :( :( :(
I'd been planning it for a month, got the wood ordered (£750 worth!!!), everything in place....then I had to spend all weekend, building the sodding thing, whilst thinking about all the fun that everyone would / is having.....:(:(:(
Blue, thanks for the invite and hope to meet up as soon as...biggrin:D
Si. x
Quote by Shireen_Mids
We have a caravan....... And the one thing that pisses us off more than anything is the stupid twats that think they can jump in a small space in front of you when you are coming up to a roundabout.... Fully laden the car and van are ... It dont stop on a fecking sixpence..... mad

Now this I know!!....When dad and I are going racing, we have a motorhome and a van, both with trailers and race cars on...all up we reckon near on 7.5 tonnes (train weight) each....and some knob in a souped up shopping trolley always decides to "sneak in" just before a roundabout/traffic lights or any other place he/she can cause maximum disruption. Trying to stop 7.5 tonnes is no mean feat, and I'm sure that his/hers pathetic tin box is going to provide zero resistance if we plowed into the back of it (have been tempted once or twice, to just give em a nudge!)
Other things, in no particular order:
Trucks that overtake on the motorway, when they have a 1/2 mile an hour speed differential. You should all be doing 56mph, so bloody stay in the nearside lane!
BMW/Mercedes/Audi/VW/Volvo drivers that think; A They own the road; B. Are completely baffled by the concept of indicators. If the whole concept of driving and/or using the equipment supplied in modern cars, confuses these F**kwits, then give them their bus passes now!
People who read whilst driving , I see this everyday, mostly maps or office documents. Maybe it's just me, but the longer I can stay away from or have to think about work, the better. They don't pay me enough to want to be on the phone, reading a sales chart or reading a map.
Dripping taps
People who say they will do something, then don't! That includes phone calls, emails, meetings, etc, etc, etc...I'm ok with the fact that some people like to waste the time they have on this panet and that's fine.....just don't waste MINE!
Mates or family members that only contact you when THEY want something! We all have, Hi mate, long time no see, what's going on with you?....rather....Hi mate, look sorry to disturb you, but I've been a wanker and (insert name) has found out what I've been doing, any chance I can doss at yours for a few nights......
Which leads me onto......
The "friend" that asks to stay a few nights....and 3 months later is still here!!..
Just to conclude the friend staying item. After many polite request and hints, a firm but distinct "Get your shit and f**koff" has done the trick.... biggrin
Grumpy Old bet your ass I am!!.....
Quote by naughtynymphos1
guys posing as a woman or couple etc

I have to ask why people do this? they think that when they meet, the woman/couple will say "oh well, your here now".....Muppets...complete muppets!
Quote by bhd1976
As far as being a single male goes, It's all to do with supply and demand......there's plenty of supply, but limited demand....oh and a lot of singles think that if they reply to an ad and don't get sex, then it's crap.....they don't realise that women (in general) prefer to establish a relationship (however brief) before letting some hormone crazed ejit loose on them!...biggrin

Well said sir, you beat me to it.
Story of my life!....always seem to finish before others!....oh we're not talking about food....damn...damn....damn.... wink
As far as being a single male goes, It's all to do with supply and demand......there's plenty of supply, but limited demand....oh and a lot of singles think that if they reply to an ad and don't get sex, then it's crap.....they don't realise that women (in general) prefer to establish a relationship (however brief) before letting some hormone crazed ejit loose on them!...biggrin
I believe that using sites such as this (what, you mean there are others!...:D), should be no different from meeting people in "normal" situations. Get to know folk, let them get to know you and see where it leads......
Quote by naughtynymphos1
Is there anything wrong with, once having arrived at a meet and you dont' feel that you can go through with it (for whatever reason), to say, in a polite manner, I don't think we're right for each other, but as were here, might as make use of the time and spend some time having a few giggles?....or is that just me? redface

nothing wrong with that at all, i believe arranging to meet someone does not mean u will have sex with them, u arrange to meet to see if you like and if you do not you have to say, i would not like to think someone had sex with me out of obligation i would rather them say
Conversely, I wouldn't have sex with someone that either didn't fancy me, or was doing it out of obligation.....hell if I wanted that I'd get
Sutton a G/F's 4x4 and in the woods, both on the same day...
Smart car (mine) with the above GF.....good job she was flexible!
Gregory's nightclub in Nantwich, in the downstairs section...
BJ in the piano bar at Millieniums in Alderley Edge.....
Bowlers.....damn that brings back memories!.....and no I wasn't under the stage!
Is there anything wrong with, once having arrived at a meet and you dont' feel that you can go through with it (for whatever reason), to say, in a polite manner, I don't think we're right for each other, but as were here, might as make use of the time and spend some time having a few giggles?....or is that just me? redface
To be video'd.....I've done videoing for others (I've got 2 ultra small digivid cams), but I've not had the opportunity to be the "star turn".
I've also thought about a Roman style and sex....all set in suitable surrondings.
Quote by BrummyMatt
I have a woman that "does" for me .... my laundry that is lol

Same here....biggrin:D:D
For me the show pics / don't show pics is a catch 22 situation.
Although I do not "advertise" my sexual behaviour to my neighbours, etc, etc, I am neither embarrassed nor ashamed of my life, but I'm not sure if I'd like the woman 2 doors down to see my pictures or read my advert but (the woman 3 doors that's a different story...wink)
I feel that putting a picture on your ad that includes your face does show a certain amount of honesty, and also helps people to decide, early on, wether they think your suitable for them or not.
As far as meeting people, in a "normal" environment, that have seen my advert goes, it doesn't bother me, as I regard myself as someone that can play "intellectual tennis" with the best of them, so any flippant remarks would be handled accordingly.
I understand that this isn't everyone's perspective, and I respect the privacy of those that do not post pictures of themselves.
Have a fantastic time (you lucky git!)...and try not to get to upset at the thought of us lot here in the rain...and cold....and snow... biggrin :D
Quote by Sarah
I'm sure someone will be along to claim them lol

@ Sarah...Ummmmm.... I think they could be mine....I was trying some bigger one's out last night, and I think I put mine down, somewhere round here..... redface surprisedops: :oops:
@ Darkfire.... welcome from another newbie.
Ok, it looks like the "regulars" have corraled us newbies into the same what there an initiation to undergo now?..... :shock: :shock: lol
Quote by Liamnavyguy
Hi everyone.
what kind of music or which particular song do you listen to whilst having sex??
mine has be the Bryan Adams album!!
wink :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

you have time to listen to an entire album!....sheesh...I'm lucky to see out a radio edit single...pmsl.
but to answer the question.....I am partial to a little classical spainish guitar music....Flamenco, etc, etc.....
Quote by tattyxpx
Ahhh...the lesser known Chavinglish (pronounced" What you f**king looking at!!!").
After countless studies and numerous surveys, I've concluded that the person that wrote this is at the upper end of the social group, known as "Chav".
Certain aspects of this colourful, yet totally incomprehensible language give it away; No mention of "Mi Biatch" or "Innit" and I'm suprised to see not even a "F**k off, you c**t"..a truelly remarkable peice of prose, for which he/she would be awarded an "A" grade at school (well at least a class A drug!)

and living slap bang in the middle of McChav Central... lol I understand this language very well wink
p.s. Mal looks like you've lost out rolleyes dunno
My sympathies to you for having to put up with these ner'do wells......I'd love to see Chav Hunting replace fox hunting...Yes I know that chasing a small defenseless animal across miles and miles of countryside is cruel and in-humane, but I'm sure the foxes wouldn't mind, while we did it...biggrin:D
Quote by johneboy
Alright Si wave
Watch out for the sarcy buggers and piss-takers..... the place is littered with em :grin:
Worse of the for a few days havin his boils lanced... feel free to pm him with inane questions while he's away lol

PM him....really...oh where should I start...........maybe "Do Austrailians wear velcro on their feet to stop them falling off the world?"....or possibly......"If your on a motorbike, wearing dayglo pink, lycra cycling shorts, travelling at the speed of light, does it matter that you could end up being your own father?".....or my personal favourite..."What's the difference between a duck?"
Sorry ms amber.....hi hun... redface surprisedops:
I did see on "Departure Lounge" on BBC1, a peice on people voluntering to help to rebuild PiPi, one of the towns destroyed in the Tsunami on Boxing day.
You do have to make your own way there and pay for your own accomodation (approx £14 a night for basic digs), but they said that it is a very worthwhile experience.
In answer to the question "How quick is your mind?".....I have to say, a damn site slower than my mouth!...biggrin:D:D
I have seen these on other forums, and it always confuses the hell out of me!....bit like that ever so annoying "txt speak"!! mad :x
@ jennaj....I am familiar, to a degree, with the ways of the Brum. many a happy time in Sutton Park wink
@ Vicky_uk......kisses!!...sheesh, your too kind redface surprisedops: :oops:
Ahhh...the lesser known Chavinglish (pronounced" What you f**king looking at!!!").
After countless studies and numerous surveys, I've concluded that the person that wrote this is at the upper end of the social group, known as "Chav".
Certain aspects of this colourful, yet totally incomprehensible language give it away; No mention of "Mi Biatch" or "Innit" and I'm suprised to see not even a "F**k off, you c**t"..a truelly remarkable peice of prose, for which he/she would be awarded an "A" grade at school (well at least a class A drug!)