we think that this will just be another layer of bureaucracy that will serve no useful purpose,why not improve the systems we already have in all if the countrywide coverage is patchy then sort the system out not invent another one that is open to abuse by vindictive the end of the day why not give the B.M.A. more teeth for example.
I blocked someone by mistake and since then have not found how to system works by the looks of it but has its downside,pity really she was a very nice
Sorry you misunderstood what I meant about being shallow I didn't mean to imply or offend anyone in that people can't have likes and dislikes about size that would be totally unreasonb;e. What I should have said I think was that those who ridicule the larger people in a cruel and unfeeling way and it applys to larger men too, are the ones who create the insecurity problems. Yes I have likes and dislikes about people but I hope I would not offend or upset anyone.
We are mature in our 50's and new to this scene. It seems that no one takes us seriously. We have the same drives as the younger generation but maybe the wisdom to know what we really want at our stage in life. It's a shame, our age group has much to offer.