know a chav when ya see one now?
Ows ya whippit?
Do ya ever give up?

Lb :love:
Quote by lil_miz_naughty_0204
:shock: you know the sad thing about this is that it is so true. Shop owners rush foods off their shelfs quicker than you can say death but cigarettes dont shift even though they are responsible for so many deaths each year.
Quote by Rainbows
Okay guys 'n gals!! Been jumping up and down with this one all week - and now I just have to share!!!! Nerves are now starting to set in - so I need ALL the luck you can send me!
I - Rainbows - have been asked to DJ at my local gay establishment on Friday!!! :shock: :shock: Having been given the odd midweek "gig" I have now, finally, progressed to the ultimate night - a packed out, people turned away at the door, Friday night!!!!
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce::D :D :D :D :D :D
Ahem - sorry! Just sooooooo excited!!!!! :D
Quote by Wicked Wizard
H'm, boring is very subjective. What bores you may interest me, and vice versa. Some people adore word play, others find it totally deadening. Similarly, we could have quite a debate about what qualifies as pointless. Is having a darn good laugh when you're feeling a bit out of it pointless or therapeautic? The post I have in mind lifted my spirits somewhat, so if it was pointless to you, it wasn't to me.
I'd be rather wary of foisting my subjective opinions on other people. You never know where that road will lead.
Quote by Wicked Wizard
Well, perhaps one of them was locked to prevent me posting a reply about the Buddhist who refused Novocain during a root canal treatment. He wanted to transcend dental medication. And even worse, the one about my hero Ghandi... he, as you know, walked barefoot most of the time, which produced an impressive set of calluses on his feet. He also ate very little, which made him rather frail and with his odd diet, he suffered from bad breath. This made him a super calloused fragile mystic hexed by halitosis.
So it was probably a good move to lock it!
Quote by rachel-lane
a few of my ts friends have a bizzare way of spending their time they type in a word and see what results show . so i tried fuckwit on google and hey presto john prescot was top of the list ...what a suprise