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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 44


Quote by Ben_Minx
I doubt your word.
As far as I know the very few law firms who claim to do no win no fee libel cases expect you to pay prohibitive insurance premiums and court fees. The chances of them takin on most cases are negligible.
However you could provide a link to these noble lawyers that are happy to defend the honour of the weekly paid for no charge.

The firms that do work on a "no win, no fee" basis are very careful about which cases they take on. They only usually take cases on that basis where there is a very strong chance of a win AND where the person being sued is worth suing (i.e. has deep pockets). They do get paid if they win.
It is not possible in this country to work on the basis that the firm receives a percentage of the damages (which is how they do it in the States), so the way it's done is to set inflated fees (i.e. Higher hourly rates than usual) and then once the client has won, the fees are charged. Often there'll also be a costs order against the losing party though, so the fees are paid by them (although, the courts determine the amount of any costs order, so if it doesn't cover all the fees, the client pays the difference).
It isn't about lawyers being noble and defending people's honour for no charge. They get paid if they win, so they only take on the strongest cases. Most of the time, the case will settle before trial, and that will also count as a win.
Always read the small print!! lol
I just wanted to send a message of love, thoughts and support to anyone who has lost a loved one in the line of duty and to anyone who has been injured or affected by war. Today is a very special day of remembrance, being both Armistice Day and Remembrance Sunday. I know that today is an important day for several of my friends on the site - I am thinking of you.
They went with songs to the battle, they were young.
Straight of limb, true of eyes, steady and aglow.
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted,
They fell with their faces to the foe.
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.
I've changed my mind! Rhianna's is definitely my theme tune!!
I don't think the sound function works very well in the chatrooms on here. I have a built in webcam on my laptop and everything is set so that the built in cam and mic are used. In , it all works beautifully. But, in chat, it is hit and miss. On a couple of occasions in the past, I have been <ahem> entertaining in a chatroom and have been asked to put on sound, and it has worked absolutely fine. On other occasions, it has dipped in and out or just not worked at all.
In short, I don't think it has anything to do with your settings or your cam. I think it's the chatroom functionality that is the issue in this case.
Lilith kiss
p.s. shouldn't this be in the Chatroom forum, so that Ops have a better chance of seeing it?
Quote by GnV
please leave other nobs kneeling

Pretty ladies in naughty knickers
Quote by GnV
On the one hand, the idea of a deeply Christian man in power in the States is an awful thought to me.

Apart from the separation of State and religion in the US, mainly influenced in times past from the eastern seaboard - Romney's home base like the Kennedy and Bush dynasties - every US President has needed to show a close association with religion in order to be elected.
In almost a British monarchical style, as well as being the Commander in Chief, the President is as much the Defender of Faiths in the minds of the average American without their being a mandate, legally, to be so.
I can't think of a single American President in all my 60+ years where I have taken an interest in such matters that has not been portrayed as being 'deeply religious' so I find your comment interesting that you should think it an awful thought Lilth.
I think there's a big difference between political religiousness and genuine religiousness when it comes to American politics, GnV - the bit in bold above is telling... They need to show a close association with religion to be elected. What happens once elected is not necessarily reflective of campaign politics. But, I do agree that it is bizarre that religion plays such a huge part in American politics, given the separation of Church and State.
Quote by Lizaleanrob
you will have a long wait now!! rotflmao:rotflmao::rotflmao:

drinkies I'm delighted that Obama won!! :-)
I actually know a lot about mormons, as one of my closest friends is a very, very devout mormon. And I'm talking nothing below the neck before marriage kind of devout (and she married aged 31...)
This friend gave a speech at my (gay) wedding in support of our relationship and our love. She spoke about how, despite her belief that marriage is the union of a man and a woman, and her belief in all of the testaments (including all of the "thou shalt nots"), she loved me as her friend and her religion taught her to be charitable to others. It was a speech all about love and it was incredibly moving - it was very important to me that she spoke, because a lot of my family is religious, and I wanted to try to show them that it's not impossible for an atheist in a gay relationship to be close to a devout Christian.
Anyway... I obviously have a lot of good things to say about mormons, as my friend is a wonderful person. It is one of the few Christian religions I have learned about where the people who are part of the faith are all incredibly devout and seem to be quite accepting of those who don't believe what they do, because they are subject to so much prejudice themselves.
Mormons are not polygamous - those who are polygamous are not members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. They are factions that have broken away from the main religion.
I could tell you a lot more about mormons, if you're interested. But, I won't bore you all with everything I know unless people ask!
In answer to your question, flower, I'm not sure how I feel about Romney. On the one hand, the idea of a deeply Christian man in power in the States is an awful thought to me. But, on the other hand, I know a number of mormons very well because of my friend and I have a very high opinion of them all.
So... I'm reserving judgement until he does something I can judge!
Quote by whiplash

well if ya dont ask..ya dont get............not that i do anyway

:laughabove: Love it, whip!! No chance of misunderstanding that theme tune, eh?!!
I'm torn between a few, but at the moment am going with
What would be your SH theme tune if you could have one playing when you log into chat or the the forums to announce your arrival? lol
Sheesh GnV - that was quite a rant!! Perhaps you should pay me a visit and I'll take your mind off it all! :twisted:
I'm gutted that we can't make this one :-(
We'll hopefully make the valentines one though! It's my birthday around then, so I'll be accepting kisses as presents! Lol
Quote by GnV
Hence the pitchfork!
Borrowed from someone else's signature.... "Get behind me satan, I know the way" :lol2:

I would prefer you to be behind me... hump
And be careful where you put that pitchfork!!
Quote by GnV
Me me!

flipa GnV... Make sure you read the disclaimer first though, eh? I work for Satan...! :twisted:
... Looking forward to the weekend, as I'm going to watch the Quins v Gloucester tomorrow! :bounce:
Quote by flower411
I ADORE Krispy Kremes!! Sorry flower!! ;-)

Don`t be sorry !!
It`s just that we can never have sex now !!flipa
Shit. There goes THAT plan... banghead
Hey Cubey - your hard angles would look great on my curves ;-)
I'd invite all of you, and call it a gangbang... :giggle:
Quote by flower411
I`d love to know the details of the reciprocal arrangement currently in place with the US regarding extradition of US citizens who have committed crimes on US soil .
In edit : of course when I said "committed" I meant people who been "accused" of crimes .rolleyes

I'll look it up and explain it to you ;-)