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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Male, 62
Bisexual Female, 56
0 miles · Oxfordshire


Nope the rain never dampens my enthusiasm. Had some great nights out in the rain. As others have said it keeps the idiots away and leaves the carparks free for us proper doggers. Get out and have some fun and make love while the rain pours(or something like that!)
I'll bet the pub are really pleased with any listing that may increase police activity around the area.(not)
Will echo the last comments. Be respectful, don't approach anyone unless you get an invite and if you don't feel comfortable about a car trust your instincts. Plenty of unmarked cars round this area and they have started going out paired up. Be safe and be lucky.
Going to be out and about tonight if anyone wants to meet up. Leaving about -7 so will check mail before then to see what response there is.
Have to be an echo and say don't worry about it mate. Had my details taken so many times I should have a filing cabinet all to myself in the Thames Valley area
Sorry all due to boy racers and much activity from our friends in blue we had to change locations across border into oxon. Was a very good night despite the rain and a big thanks to the couple in the 4x4 your lady is absolutely amazing.
Thanks to the couple I met on Tues night in an Oxon location. It was a great night and I really enjoyed! Hope you did too? To the two males who kept driving up to their car and parked so close you couldn't slide a fag paper between you and them I think you should take some time out and read the ettiquette. Putting your lights on them and trying to get into their car without getting out of yours will never work. Oh and just to hack you off totally they came back the next night with friends. So thanks for two awesome nights, you're a great couple and I know you use this site and will know who you are. See you soon I hope xx
Agree with you postie. Took my lady out the other night for the first time just to get used to being out. went to a local site I use regularly and introduced her to some regulars. She wasn't up for a play but felt far more relaxed when we left. Good job she didn't see the idiot following us out with his lights out. If you're reading this mate I spotted you as soon as we hit the main road and if I ever see you again you have more chance of getting pregnant than getting a show off of us. The lads in the car park have also noted your details and will pass them round to the regular couples. The only advice that any newbie needs is to read the etiquette before ever leaving the house.
Jomu you'll never retire from the game. Bet you were out the next night!! I went out last night and needed the AA to get my car started twice just to get to site, but hey I didn't mind breaking down as long as I got there I've got get you home cover!! See you around.
Hey dirty that could be a whole new thread. What's the most popular dogging wagon? Actually you could probably save yourself the bother and just ask the police they spend as much time as anyone in the car parks at night!
Cracking weekend of action again. Many thanks to the couple in the mondeo on the bucks border,great show, you're one lucky man to have such a beautiful lady, and to the couple in the small people carrier thanks very much. See you out there warty
Warty you want to get out again mate it's kicking big style out there now. Plenty of action although there are a good number of newbies who don't look up any guidelines. we could do with a few more of us old style respectful doggers out there.
Quote by openryan
hi can anyone recomend a nice dogging place in birmngham or surronding areas where ther are no numpty's

Mate i hate to be the bearer of bad news but there are numptys everywhere it's just a matter of getting out there and finding the sites that suit you.
Have to agree with you singledogger. Met some absolutely great people out there and i know that others can come back and say that I can meet great people all over the place but at least being out there I know we have the same interests. As for danger, have to say i haven't really felt threatened anywhere even with 5 car loads of boy racers sat in front of my car. You can be threatened anywhere and I for one find it far more intimidating in a pub or club on a Saturday night than sat in a dark car park. I'm sure that toohot has interests that don't rock my boat but we're all different and thats what makes the world go round.
Be very careful all you doggers out there in the Thames Valley area. The police are now using unmarked corsa's with plain clothes officers in them. They drive in and sit for a while like normal doggers. Anybody outside will be questioned and details taken. They are also monitoring the dogging websites so please dont post too much info.
Maybe we should all carry shears and do a bobbit on these blokes. Two shows in different sites last night. One ruined by a man approaching with his dick out when the couple make it plain they just want watchers nothing more. Pity we can't post there descriptions and reg no's to warn others off and hopefully them themselves(only joking mods). Moved to another site as this man showed no sign of leaving(after he'd returned from chasing the couple up the road). Met some good old fashioned doggers respectfull and patient. Result, a great show from a great couple. It's still out there and maybe we need to educate these idiots ourselves and if need be give them the cold shoulder and drive them 've managed to get rid of a few from one of my regular sites by doing just this.
Hear hear for surreycontacts2 and long will it continue because there are still enough genuine doggers left to keep it going.
Where's the art of patience and the thrill of the set of headlights incoming disappearing to? The scene may not be the same but it's still alive and kicking and the buzz is still the same.
Like I told the officers each evening. For the most part absolutely nothing is happening anyway if they must cast aspertions on us innocent gentlemen out bat watching. And like them we are anti drugs and anti drink driving. We are parked in very out of the way places(better to see the bats) and have a good knowledge of the local area. That is the sort of knowledge they should be tapping into not coming in giving us grief and hassle then telling us to move on. We could be of great use to them as the law abiding citizens that we are.
Rob having never met you (although if what you say is correct you may have been in a car park when I've been in there) I won't pm you. It's not a case of a few going out doing all the work, making the contacts, sitting for hours with absolutley nothing happening and then we just pm people where it's happening. Too be honest I don't even pm couples until i'm sure of who they are. If you want the fun and the thrill of a great evening then get out of your car and come over and chat. Get yourself known when you're comfortable swap phone numbers and then you'll be in the know.
Been speaking to a few people from London way recently rob and they're all coming up here as the police are clamping down, down that way too.
Thames Valley police are definitely going for it at the moment. Had my registration and details taken three nights running. Apparently if you're number keeps cropping up they will send someone round to question you.
Can't tell you that rob. We get enough attention from the local constabulary at the minute so we're not going to broadcast where we are. You just have to get out there and be patient you'll find us.
Excellent time rob and repeated Tuesday night at another site with same couple. Get out there mate, get out the car and join us we don't bite.
Having had a larger amount of police activity than normal recently(seven drive throughs one evening) we decided to approach an officer who was taking registrations last night. Apparently Thames Valley Police have decided to put us doggers into the same category as drug dealers and clamp down on our supposedly lewd actions. We were told that everytime the police enter a known dogging site they will take all registrations and if any show up regularly the owner will be questioned. If we are doing nothing other than standing there then there's nothing they can do but it will start to get inconvenient for us as they will question us each time we're noted after that. They are using websites to get their information so please don't give away too much info in the forums. Pretty sure this clamp down will be short lived but watch your backs out there for now.
Glad to see you had another successful evening DD. Had a great night out our way too Friday night. This warm weather's certainly bringing the people out.
To all that were out on Oxon/Bucks border Friday night thanx for a great evening. D & C awesome as always and hope to see you again soon. A will never forget his first success as a newbie dogger thanks to you C! And to the other couples great to see you out. Hope the new couple felt relaxed when they left and that having a chat and watching without pressure to participate made you feel at ease. Maybe we'll see you out again soon.