I posted the wrong link,
Will find the newer one and repost it..
Another campaign from the Stockport Express..
What I dont understand, if this has been going on for years un-noticed, how come its suddenly so shocking.
Obviously the users must be descreet enough as NO ONE KNEW about it until it was noticed on a website.
If anyone knows which website they are referring to, I would love to know (PM) me as I emailed the Paul the author (who must have signed up on certain websites, to view details) but he will not reply.
Maybe he wants areas clearing of single males so he gets all the cream to himself.
Maybe he was rejected one night and now has a grudge.!!
On the subject of South Manchester, does anyone recommend any decent sites or know where everyone went too when they closed certain others around here..
Please PM and DON'T put details in a reply as a post, as you will get us in trubble..!!!
Have to say I agree, although you get a couple of bad 'apples' with the boy racers, most of the time they keep themselves to themselves, its even fun when thier inexperienced driving leads to two or more bumping into each other...
Again, its the clowns that think every car with two people in, is an automatic invite and squeeze and harrass as close as they can to scare the couple away.
The location you mentioned is active and had plenty of fun there in the last few months.
Don't knock it until you have tried it..
Maybe Police realise they are missing out on something when they have time to kill in the early hours..
I approached JML about elasticated trowser uppers with a remote control, but they rejected on health and safety as the sudden lifting in your pants could cause some nasty damage.!!!
I am currently sat in a car park in Bolton, the sun is setting and its nice and warm..
Anyone couples or single females care to join me???
Send a PM and I will let you have the loacation..
No pressure, no hassle, just watching and maybe joining in fun..
See you later..
Police are obliged to ask the female, alone if they suspect any foul play to ask her if she ok and there of her own free-will.
It is possible that they want to speak to her alone, hence approaching her side and not yours.
I suggest you keep calm and as you did have a valid reason for being there. In all fairness, loosly accusing you of dogging without any proof could leave him open to a complaint of false accusation.
Find it best to be friendly and say you are chilling out as you cannot sleep, or felt sleepy on the way home, so stopped.
Be careful givin back-chat as they have every right to arrest 'on the suspition of' meaning your car is left unattended for the 4 hours they can keep you in a cell before they let you go to find your own way back and hopefully the kids havent seen your car on its own.
They have proberbly given up on the single males as many times I have been pretending to be asleep when they come over, they get the same excuse for being there.
Have fun..
Since when has a burglar been a sex offender..
FFS this country
Before you venture to Stockport
Had a cpl of good times there...
Cops putting threats and pressure on to leave, I once complained to a Sarge regarding incinuations, not been back as now go to north manchester.
Was not funny the night a car tried ramming itself through the metal gate at the top only to drive off towards 10 Police cars heading my way.
Watch out for bricks and rocks thrown from the bushes, don't recommend being alone in there as you maybe a good target. Least if few of you, the worry of witnesses may put some off.
Pop in now n again, rarely anything happening whereas other places have turned out some cracking nights.
Have fun
Any couples, females looking for doggin fun tonight on the west coast of Cornwall.
I am genuine, non pushy, easy going and understand the rules.
Looking to watch and participate if invited.
Enjoy oral, especiall giving as much as taking.
Give me location and time, and I will reply with details to get hold of me.
Look forward to seeing you later...
Appartarantly I varied from the 'Norm' with a consenting couple..
What the hell the 'norm' is in this I have no idea..
Should give you enough to go on but was nothing illegal or offensive.
Was there other night..
They have made it better in closing it off..
Park at the new car park bit by going round the long way and then wait near the fence.
If you want fun, jump over style and down the old lane. In what they have done there is made it more secluded for outdoor fun in that you get loads of notice of someone arriving and if stopped... YOU ARE JUST OUT FOR A WALK !!!!
Have fun and cheshire couple, if you fancy some fun there... gimme a shout ;)
Should have clicked PM !!!!
It can be fun, especially when a couple phones at 3am in the middle of a good session..
Try it.. You may just like it before calling others for enjoying it.
Sure beats sales people calling.!!!!!
It is NOW illegal to watch a couple perform an act of gross indecency too.. You will all be in the sh1t.
So don't get caught near a car with a couple in..
This includes standing by a car, in a bush or using any kind of electronic device such as a camera or night sight. Unless your badger watchin !!!!