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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Male, 65


Quote by blonde
so is the accent and the soup :inlove:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

And the kissing...
...not to mention the letters!
Quote by markz

So does a blind mind reader need Braille?

Did that sound funny in your head....... rolleyes
You tell me... you're the mind reader. :roll:
Quote by blonde
You mean you've never heard of an "ole crusty" from Wigan??? :shock:
and I thought you were a man of the world! kiss
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I am, but Wigan is just a place people imagine. It isn't really there. It's just Bury moving around quickly.
Quote by markz
There are some strange people on here...... rolleyes

Some of them have even lost control of their extra-ocular superior and inferior oblique muscles!
I know exactly where I'm putting them....... :roll:
Into empty space?
yes........I'm a mind reader........ :roll:
So does a blind mind reader need Braille?
Or is that Phrenology?
Quote by blonde
There are some strange people on here...... rolleyes

Some of them have even lost control of their extra-ocular superior and inferior oblique muscles!
:giggle: God I luv you!!!!
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

In a physical way hopefully biggrin :P
Quote by Calista

Melton Mowbray

Pork Pies or cheese? :giggle:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Well you're the one who mentioned pier, you tell me. :P
She might have meant Wigan or Blackpool though dunno
They don't specialise in pies there though.
Quote by markz
There are some strange people on here...... rolleyes

Some of them have even lost control of their extra-ocular superior and inferior oblique muscles!
I know exactly where I'm putting them....... :roll:
Into empty space?
Quote by blonde

Melton Mowbray

Pork Pies or cheese? :giggle:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Well you're the one who mentioned pier, you tell me. :P
Quote by Dawnie
If you are swinging and having fun, why does it need to be perfect confused

Cos it's a pisser when they stop pushing and you have to go home even though the rest of the kids are still on the playground? dunno
Quote by markz
There are some strange people on here...... rolleyes

Some of them have even lost control of their extra-ocular superior and inferior oblique muscles!
Quote by Dirtygirlie
If you are swinging and having fun, why does it need to be perfect confused

Cause I'm particularly anal and if it's not perfect I'm blaming you! kiss
I do like a woman into anal :P
Quote by blonde
to my peer ....nola xxxxxxxx
steve xx

I'm not sure she's into water sports mate ;)
He said peer not pier ......... you bad boy!! smackbottom
BUT ......... you make me giggle :giggle:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I don't think she's a fan of Melton Mowbray either :P
(I do so love it when I can play with sexy Blondie's mind!)
Quote by Dirtygirlie
You're a bit strange really! :giggle:

Strange is good, it's normal that sucks :P
Quote by noladreams30
I use condoms, full stop, end of.

You won't hear any argument from me... anything is better than nothing... just! ;) :twisted:
Quote by travlinmanukok
the froggies are still pissed off about agincourt so dont tell me about the french ?
best thing that came out of france was an empty boat ?
think about that

I'd sooner have the French than the Yanks!
For one thing the bread is nicer! :twisted:
Quote by travlinmanukok
to my peer ....nola xxxxxxxx
steve xx

I'm not sure she's into water sports mate ;)
Quote by noladreams30
I don't think it's a question at all.

Well of course it isn't. That wasn't what my tirade was about.
I see far too much automatic actioning and very little thinking about how condoms are nowhere near 100% effective... at anything... they even have a tendency to go down when used as a party balloon!
So unless people are prepared to wear latex gloves, oral dams AND a condom then be prepared to be at risk.
Quote by splendid_
I think it is, at best, tactless and at worst, unkind to be so dimissive of those who have surgery.

Sounds like my cue :twisted:
I can't abide falsies.
Big, small, medium I don't really care, I just want to know that whatever's in my hand or in my mouth or that I've just cum on is 100% human and not a bag of saline or silicon.
Quote by GnV
He's French.. so send him to the Guillotine!

Typical bloody frogs... always interested in giving head :P
I'm still clinging to my desire to be shot by a jealous husband on my 92nd birthday.
I have to laugh at all these safe-minded people preaching the benefits of condoms... like they make much difference when it comes to STDs rolleyes
For some really strange reason, I'm presuming it's either then thinking outside the box or just generally being unfussy but STD bacteria couldn't give a flying fuck whether they get to where they want on a finger, a tongue or a dick.
In the real world wearing a condom is the equivalent of putting an extra overcoat on in case you get shot. :roll:
It may help you dodge the bullet, but luck and making enquiries about your prospective partner's sexual history would probably make more of a difference.
Imagine, you're a horny bloke and you get to take part in a horny FFM. You dip your fingers into the treasures of female A, then you mustn't miss out on the treasures of female B so you give her a diddle too. Now, can the observant out there tell me what difference a condom will make to the 2 women who have just had bacteria passed directly from one pussy to the next?
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying condoms are a bad thing, they most obviously aren't. But the way many here preach the C word it's as if they're made of Kevlar or something. Wear them by all means, just don't expect it to make an awful lot of difference. Well not unless you're going to keep your fingers and tongue to yourself that is!
Quote by Bonedigger
To Peanut
I'd love you to french kiss me.....all over :rascal:

Quote by Calista
Most our friends know what we're like and ask questions before we get chance to say anything LMAO, actually some of our friends are worse than us :twisted: We're more than happy to talk sex etc with "safe" friends, as long as it's within certain boundaries.
My parents have the odd classic moment regarding sex etc. We just nod knowingly LMAO.
Oldest daughter and middle daughter both have had sex ed at school and we try to be as open and honest about sex and related as we can, keeping it age related, youngest son doesn't need to know just yet ;)
Lots of innuendo etc, makes life a bit more flirty and fun!

My eldest (22 and heavily pregnant) complained to me the other day that she remembers some of the wisecracks and jokes I passed when she was a kid and is only now understanding what I meant. My shoulders got a few smacks too.
Kids, ya gotta luv 'em!
Quote by __random_orbit__
is there tea and biscuits afterwards?
that might encourage the lacklustre electorate

They don't need any encouragement to be lacklustre... they're quite good at it already :P
Quote by little gem
I can feel a 'show us your tree' kinda thread coming on! ;)

Makes a change from 'show us your bush' I suppose.
What every fit bit needs... a reminder that she's one year closer to the big Four-Oh :twisted:
Quote by flower411
Have you noticed how quiet the trolls are today ??
There`s been no abuse and no arguments`s been days since one of them attacked somebody for disagreeing with an original poster !! :shock:
Are they hibernating ??
It has been quiet without them ....but maybe we can all have a bit of fun while agreeing to disagree lol
We can say stuff without being attacked or abused just because we hold a different view !!!
Hurrayy !!! :thumbup:

Says one of the biggest trolls here! rolleyes
I have this longish word on the tip of my tongue, hyp.... something or other, I can't quite bring it to the fore. :roll:
SEEE !!! I told you lot to be quiet !!
Now you`ve woken one of em up !! :roll:
What do you expect, one of the biggest trolls here woke us up by starting this thread?
How do you expect anyone to sleep with all that clamour going on, not to mention the strong smell of bovine excretia burning our nasal passages.
Quote by Dirtygirlie

now that's just too clever for your own good!
Just doing as I was told! innocent
For some reason I can't imagine you'd ever do as you're told! :whistling:
Quote by Dirtygirlie
If the topic comes up then I talk about it regardless of who's part of the conversation. For example earlier this evening my youngest daughter was asking me where she could have her next piercing. I suggested maybe her clitoral hood, she replied that it sounds marginally less painful than her nipples.
I do like my kids to be open and frank about these matters. smile
NB I just _know_ she'll just go out in the New Year and get her foof pierced, I just know it! rolleyes

There's no marginally about it! It is absolutely less painful and way more fun! :rascal:
But I'm not sure I'd have a conversation with my parents about it! :giggle:
I've not had my bits pierced, but I have had one of my nipples done, and I can say quite categorically that it fucking hurt... big time! :fuckinghell:
Though it could have been something to do with the fact I have small nipples (even for a bloke).
My ex-gf had both nipples and a vertical clitoral hood piercing and she maintained that although the nipples were painful she barely felt her lady bits being done. I have to say it was a nice surprise when I came down for the weekend to find extra bits of titanium attached to her. biggrin
Boobs are boobs regardless of the shape and size.
I suppose if I was pushed I'd state a preference for the smaller boobie, but having said that humungous ones would not be a deal breaker.