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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 46


Quote by bluexxx
Which part of "nope" do you not understand?
rolleyes rolleyes rolleyes rolleyes rolleyes rolleyes rolleyes rolleyes rolleyes rolleyes rolleyes

Sorry blue . . . didn't mean to offend you . . . LOL :shock:
Quote by freckledbird
DP = dog poo, you silly billies rolleyes lol

My god she got in one . . . or for a dog that's a number 2 . . . or something? :grin:
So a question to our well rounded community. . . .
Is DP two in number 1 or one in number 1 and another in number two. . . .
I'd have said the late rif asked . . . what say you?
discuss . . .
Quote by bluexxx
Had you thought about a second night of bukkake somewhere down south?

Nope rolleyes rolleyes rolleyes rolleyes rolleyes rolleyes rolleyes
Well look . . . . if you manage to escape without drowning pop down south like and get stuffed and spuffed on by a few of us southerners . . .
Oh sweet Blue. . . indeed how you live upto your name.
. . . and indeed how up north you are . . .Had you thought about a second night of bukkake somewhere down south? . . . and then you'd be green as well as blue . .
. . . . saving us all petrol that is rolleyes
So if you get a venue down her count me in :twisted:
I'd put my old hair dresser in room 101. . . . I never asked for lop sided hair, what made her think I did?
for goodness sake . . . what exactly is vanilla dating?
Is it going out for a date with someone without, expecting them to jump into to the sack with you, while screaming fuck me? . . . or is taking a chance with someone you happen to have met through serendipity; that may or may not have the same sexual confidence and openess of someone you might meet on this website.
In or out of a relationship I never shy and always acknowledge if there is chemistry between myself and that girl who for some reason I always find myself smiling at and that she always smiles back. In a relationship I just feel glad and better about the world if that happens. Out of a relationship perhaps I'll chance a cheeky compliment and ask her for her phone number and see where it leads.
I can't say I've met many women that aren't little sex pots at the best of times, while swapping partners and moresomes are fun, I'm quite happy to explore this new girls realm sexual experience and sexual exploration.
So bollocks to saying she can't be a 'little goer' cause she's not open minded or pro-active enough to spend time on a site like this . . . chase her you horny Dawg . . . .
. . . no sex on the first date? . . . If you read those eyes right the first time by the second date she'll be ripping off her knickers and sitting on your face :grin:
That's my thoughts anyway . . . .
. . . . and just for the record . . . . what is a vanilla date?
Percy x
Quote by VenusnMars

Recently we have seen less and less of the old guard.
The Laird

Guilty as charged.
. . . OMG . . . you are a guard . . . . what sort of hat do you wear? wink
But on a more serious note I struggle with spelling and grammer due to my dislexia . . . I think I've managed puctuation ok . . . It'd be a shame to be shot down in flames for said mistakes instead of someone disagreeing strongly with the essence of what i wrote . . . and hopefully that shouldn't happen too regulary in an open minded community like this. . . . I hope!
I have to also agree that I too feel angst when one of our moderators says 'the search button is your friend'. I'm a relative newbie . . . I'm interested in what people have got to say. Often these 'searched topics' can be old threads and people aren't that interested anymore. I'd much prefer to engage in a 'young' thread that, perhaps re-itterates or mimics a previous one but, is a thread and discussion I'm involved in, get to voice my views, and get to answer to people replying to my posts.
Hello to all the newbie's and their similar or same views as perhaps people have expressed in various forms another time . . . I'd love to hear what you've got to say about stuff . . . ? smile
Percy X cool
Quote by happyabz
this won't be any help but I switched to a Mac last year and have not had any trouble like you described since... biggrin

you've seen the light my friend
Ditto on both accounts . . . :thumbup:
SO . . . in retrospect this thread wasn't a good idea . . . reading over the posts I realise many of the girls have answered back as if I wouldn't worship them for lack for not having a diamond (yes shaped gap not hole . . . you pedantic purveyors smile
Yes I love that diamond shaped gap . . . especially as its a good differentiator bewteen and attractive girls and a convincing TV rolleyes
To the girls that have it you can expect worship from me when and if you meet me. For the girls that don't, I'm sure I can fit my arm through there anyway wink
So all in all perhaps its time for one of the girls to open a big knob worshipping thread . . . you won't catch me on there. rolleyes
Lots of love
Percy :smoke:
Quote by manofmuchfun
Perv ! :shock:

. . . . erm . . . your point?
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
I'm joking !
Each to their own !
Erm . . . looking at the Avatat I had guessed that . . . wink
Quote by VenusnMars
I'm supposed to have a hole there?! :shock:

. . . . yeah sure . . . . most women have . . . if you want I'll pop over some time and point it out . . . wink
Quote by manofmuchfun
Perv ! :shock:

. . . . erm . . . your point?
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
. . . . the little diamond shape hole that you can see between a girls legs
. . . whoa . . . I didn't say clitoris, or vulva, or vagina for that mater . . . no we've had those threads I'm sure. . . .I'm talking about the hole you can see between a girls legs when she stands in front of you (or you stand behind her) . . . its beautiful . . . . I love to put my fingers through there . . . or my arm . . . yummy! :smile2:
Tell boys and girls . . . what do you think . . .
Quote by Brewster
Morale is if your going to use deep heat then make sure you wash your hands after

I concur . . . . this really is a tale of 'you don't have to put your hand in the fire to find out it will get burnt' . . . . or don't rub Deep Heat on your gonads . . . it stings like shit . . .
. . . . not that I get alot of shit on my nads . . . but hey . . . our local Indian makes a killer of a jalfrezi . . . . :embarrased:
I must confess when I was younger I suffered from a acute back pain . . . I started to use Deep Heat to try and relieve it . . . One day not long after having put some on I felt horny and had a wank . . . I'll never forget that . . . It was nice at first and then it got hot to the point where I was sort of un-comfortable but still enjoying it, . . . . then it got so hot I was in agony . . . I was in the shower trying to wash it off . . . cold water . . . you name it . . . finally I came to happy medium with a bucket of Walls Soft Scoop . . . I've never enjoyed smearing ice cream on my John Thomas so much! . . . innocent
Hi everyone,
Just wanted to say I hope you all have fun tonight. . . . I'm not coming due to not having a been around long enough, which is something expect I'll be glad of by the time I actually get down to one. . . . just wanted to wish you all well and for you guys and girls to sink a shot for me. :high-smile: drinkies
Percy xXx
Quote by Kit-Off
I am one of the new ones ont this sight. I hope I will not dissapoint you. Hope you enjoy having a laugh.

Kit-off are you Swedish by any chance? :notes:
. . . And indeed . . . welcome back Melons, . . I'm a relative newbie too, so, hello :wave2:
Quote by prags
However just spent 10 mins going through a thread about shiney happy people do i need to say anything else :shock:

Are yes but . . . that was a friendly, complimentary, join my club kinda thread, this is the beginnings of a dis . . . :silly: . . . . I'm not sure I can make anymore sense out of it that that? :doh:
I often get shiny at the weekend, and I'm happy almost all of the time . . . :thumbup:
Oh . . . . but its late . . . I guess I'll have to wait till I rise again before I get that shiny feeling.
Night all.
Little black dresses hitching up to reveal a her bum and no knickers . . . . :shock:
I dunno . . . . back in the day all this fandangled rope was need to cut of the oxygen supply to the brain . . . but then one day some bright spark said . . . . lest just use Amyl Nitrate instead . . . and from then on everyone one just had heightended sexual expreinces and maybe a slight head ache afterwards instead dying if it all went wrong.
Quote by Ms Amber
My daughter gets around £10 because all her friends at school get the same......I think I have been bloody ripped off by the sound of it! confused

I'm shocked . . . blink . . .
. . . I got 20p . . . I thought my Auntie's kids do well and they get 3 quid . . . but 10? . . . you had better hope you haven't got kids with budding business acumen . . . make sure any teeth under pillow definately come from their mouths eh . . . . :sparring:
OK I've added a fair question and some sort of insentive in the form of a carrot and a stick (proverbial - but I doubt she'd worry if it wasn't) I'm still not sure which is the carrot and the stick but then I'm not a donkey either . . . erm :doh:
. . . but lets face it lads . . . condoms are crap.
Roll on the cure for all things bad and the day I can squirt in/across whoever wants it!
. . . . e gads . . .
Looking back on my post history I'm far to serious for my own good and probably my well being . . . . Arrggghhh . . .
so I'm posting a joke . . . (I have got a funny side honest redface )
A bus stops and two Italian men get on. They seat themselves, and engage in animated conversation. The lady sitting behind them ignores their conversation at first, but she listens in horror as one of the men says the following;
"Emma come first. Den I come. Two asses, dey come together. I come again. Two asses, dey come together again. I come again and pee twice. Then I come once-a more."
"You foul-mouthed swine," retorted the lady indignantly. "In this country we don't talk about our sex lives in public!"
"Hey, coola down lady," said the man. "Imma just tellun my friend howa to spella Mississippi."
I love going down on a girl, especially if she's all trim down there.
I love that hole . . . I remember finding a copy of Fiesta as I walked down a road when I was about 11 yrs old. I spent the next 3 years locking myself in my room at every available moment while wanking and thinking about how great it would be to kiss and lick one of the girls in the mag! . . . Age 14 I got my first touch . . . age 15 I was virtually a swinger (thank god for youth club) . . . I'm 26 now and nothings changed (although I've stopped going to youth club). I'm obsessed with that rich pink colour and the warm and inviting hole that it surrounds. I wish I kept that copy of Fiesta, . . . its got alot to answer for smile