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2 months ago
Straight Male, 52
0 miles · Hereford and Worcester


Question time was a great watch but i was suprised William Hague has already flown to kiss Americans backside ignoring our fellow Europeans who we need most at the momemnt,well how will they reduce 6bn before the end of the year by having pointless foreign trips which can be done through other far cheaper conferencing,phone
Quote by kentswingers777
We all know there are people out there that play the system.
Whether it be bad back syndrome or simply won't work. There was a incident on Sky news and in the papers only last week of a guy with five kids who does not work, and spends it all on booze. It was obviously apparent to anyone who saw that, he could easily work but the system as it stands at the moment is nowhere near tough enough.
That system needs huge change and the genuine ones out there get all the help, and anyone who can work has three months to find work or has ALL benefits arguements.
Whether they could do that without people screaming human rights bollocks is another matter completely.
I know of people who could easily work but say they are too ill to work, yet one of them helped a friend two months ago put up a massive brick wall and does other things too. He has not worked for over eight years now and his wife gets carers allowance too for him. So they are getting double the bubble, when in fact he IS fit for wife quite frankly is just a lazy fat cow, who has done no work in all the years Mrs777 has known her, which is 18 years now.
They sit at home most of the day playing their Playstation games, living in a house that is a tip, whilst she eats all the pies...that pisses me off no end.
The problem is there are loads out there doing the same thing, and it needs to be changed.
YES we are all entitled to benefits BUT and I say BUT....only those that are entitled to them, and many are entitled to fuck all yet are allowed to spunk the system. That needs to stop, and stop now.

Why are you allowing your middle class wife to befriend these slobs!!
Quote by Lizaleanrob
is it me or is this whole thing becoming really desperate and uncomfortable to watch/listen too dunno
the other thing correct me if i`m wrong even if a lib/labour alliance is formed could a vote of no confidence in parliment force another election :dunno:

I personally cant see a stable government from either side,but a vote of no confidence would only be achieveable if we have some rebels in the lib/lab corner
Lib Dem is like the ugly woman who all over sudden everyone wants to bed...this country is up for aution, really shameful on a democratic society for politicians to be so % didnt vote for the colour blue
Quote by kentswingers777
I think you will find that there are people much more nasty in the BNP than Griffin.
I think the hardliners will now boot him out, and replace him with someone who is more radical than he is.
They certainly will not like the humiliation of the election votes.

That would be really help draw more votes for them not!
Quote by awayman
Apart from Green party the rest left with nothing what a waste of money and resources,ban them all i say.

Hang on, the BNP have contributed £130,000 in lost deposits to the cost of running elections this tie round; where I live two constituencies raked in at least £2K apiece in lost deposits for BNP, UKIP, English Democrats, the Christian Party and sundry other fuckwits. Given that the costs of fringe candidates are marginal you may as well encourage them and see their lost deposits as a tax on bigotry, stupidity and general bollock brainedness.
Now why didnt i think of that:thumbup:
Apart from Green party the rest left with nothing what a waste of money and resources,ban them all i say.
Quote by Lizaleanrob
Nick Griffin finishing 3rd in Berking need we say more

and as usual on here a lot of fuss about nothing :giggle::giggle:
Morning Liz,am glad the other mainstream parties concetrated on immigration as well
bigote :giggle:
You know this Eastern Europeans....where are they coming from?Africa
sorry phuckers my original post was to the whole thread not your just your post wink
but these eastern europeans may well have to come from/via africa due to volcano dust :huh:
Can you say that in english please
Quote by Lizaleanrob
Nick Griffin finishing 3rd in Berking need we say more

and as usual on here a lot of fuss about nothing :giggle::giggle:
Morning Liz,am glad the other mainstream parties concetrated on immigration as well
bigote :giggle:
You know this Eastern Europeans....where are they coming from?Africa
Quote by Lizaleanrob
Nick Griffin finishing 3rd in Berking need we say more

and as usual on here a lot of fuss about nothing :giggle::giggle:
Morning Liz,am glad the other mainstream parties concetrated on immigration as well
Quote by brucie
i went to the polling station ready for change and a vote for clegg. but when push came to shove i decided fuck it im not voting for brown im voting for the party whos ethos i belive in. i suspect many more will see teh horror of a conservative government as their pencil nears the ballot paper.

Err you might have been right,well this will be along night!!
Quote by foxylady2209
Its against the law to discuss election or campaign while the polls are still open

The officials won't allow any discussion of choices, or electioneering whithin the polling station itself. That is the extent of any control over political discussion.
I haven't voted yet - if there isn't a queue I will be voting for whoever is the LibDem option. Seriously - do you think it's illegal for ME to tell you MY choice?
Why would i care who you vote for?
My point was that you were incorrect in stating that discussing it is against the law. Not that you would be interested in the result. Keep up.
keep up???/....does it matter anymore the misleading exit poll is out,watch this space
Quote by foxylady2209
Its against the law to discuss election or campaign while the polls are still open

The officials won't allow any discussion of choices, or electioneering whithin the polling station itself. That is the extent of any control over political discussion.
I haven't voted yet - if there isn't a queue I will be voting for whoever is the LibDem option. Seriously - do you think it's illegal for ME to tell you MY choice?
Why would i care who you vote for?
Quote by Mr-Powers
Its against the law to discuss election or campaign while the polls are still open

Really, well you better let the tabloids know that then!
The tabloids/papers were published before 7am this morning
Its against the law to discuss election or campaign while the polls are still open
Quote by kentswingers777
As I have previously stated....whilst I agree with some of their policies, certainly not all of them.
That is why I will not be voting for then on Thursday....Tory for me.

I really hate it when you have to say that every single fucking time,yet you spend your entire time defending them,make a stand for heaven sake..i dont think there is a single person here agreeing with all the policies of their parties!!
So what if they have Immigration has their top to deal with it is what we want to hear,but reading from their thoughtless manicrapto every aspect of this society will be determined by the colour of skin,sexual orientation,religious affliation ecetera ecetera...
If you want to vote for BNP go ahead its your damn right!
Quote by kentswingers777
Maybe I should start a collection fund.

Oppression? By whom to who?
Mind you though I never see a poor union leader, and whilst his members are out on strike getting strike pay they still get carried around in their big Jaguars collecting their salaries, which in many cases is more than the PM.
I remember the great days of the 70's and 80's when a shop steward would scream " EVERYBODY OUT " at a whim. Concerned not about their members, but about bringing down Governments, Ted Heaths to be precise. That is how powerful they became. I never want to go back to those dark days of union powers. They won't as Thatcher saw to that one with the secret ballots, and the closing of the medievil union shop floor policies. I bet the TUC loved those new laws as they could not dictate anymore to their members exactly what to do.
Yeah lets celebrate those days.
By oppression you mean those nasty men who pay the wages? How dreadful of them for even thinking about becoming a bosses NO bosses NO wages........simples.
Or shall all bosses split their profits with their workers, well it's only fair. :twisted:
We have decent employment laws now to protect the workers, and the unions have about as much power as the NUM.
The miners and the print unions who were the worst are mere figments of the past now, were the ones constantly trying to wield their swords, but the mighty have fallen and are no more.
Cheers Mags. lol

Why are you talking to yourself...are you MAD?
N Griffin hates the way slaughter of halal meat is carried out but proposed drowning immigrants in ironic,what a narrowminded buffoon
Quote by Lizaleanrob
I think that teacher crossed the line,try be in the police and see how teen thugs insult and treat you,a teacher attempting to kill a school kid what a horrible thought

Police train for riots and such sitiuations...teachers are just trying to give you an education...big difference, lets hope you are never pushed to breaking point!
Teachers get training to deal with unruly kids dont they?,but Mr Harvey returned to teaching far too early....that poor kid has a permanent hearing problem
so it seems
when the teacher said "please put that burner down or your going to get thick ear "
he well and truly failed to hear that :giggle::giggle:
i think he had a problem with his sight as well as he didn`t see it coming either :giggle::giggle:
Quote by Mr-Powers
I think that teacher crossed the line,try be in the police and see how teen thugs insult and treat you,a teacher attempting to kill a school kid what a horrible thought

Police train for riots and such sitiuations...teachers are just trying to give you an education...big difference, lets hope you are never pushed to breaking point!
Teachers get training to deal with unruly kids dont they?,but Mr Harvey returned to teaching far too early....that poor kid has a permanent hearing problem
I think that teacher crossed the line,try be in the police and see how teen thugs insult and treat you,a teacher attempting to kill a school kid what a horrible thought
Gordon has no one to blame but himself,he didnt give that straight talking northerner chance to full express herself,how dare he call her a bigot....damn Griffin and his lot are rubbing there hands in glee
Quote by kentswingers777
You ask too many questions. wink

Its you opportunity to promote your party lol .....nite mate
Just out of curiosity what didnt you agree with on the BNP manifesto?!
Quote by kentswingers777
Plenty of jobs to do within the local communities.

hehehe i guess that cleaning graffiti off the walls,seriously this party has nothing to offer even the people they pretend to be advocating for....well if that Oxford twit or Clegg gets the top post i would be in a position to sack my local MP if they are not up to the job
At a time where its next to impossible even to get a volunteer work,does there manifesto mention anything about creating more jobs?
Quote by kentswingers777

I have read their manifesto and watched their broadcast.
There are many elements there which I agree with, and some I do not.
The other parties manifestos I think are lies anyway.
The BNP will do better this time around, and it is possible that Griffin will be elected.
What they advocate in their manifesto appeals obviously to a lot of people, and seeing for many immigration is their no 1 concern, then I will not be suprised IF they do well.
Immigration has been ignored for far too long, and it is only in recent months that Labour have decided to talk about it....more like they had to seeing as an election is looming.
I think to ignore the BNP is a dangerous game to play, and if they get more than a million votes like they did in the European elections, then it is impossible to ignore them.
In some areas a BNP vote may well not be a wasted one.

Would you list a few please!
Of course but remember it is my and anybody's else's right to agree or not to agree with their policies.
Immigration and to curb the numbers coming in, which I think all the parties are now saying.]
Stop putting the rights of criminals above the victims...Restore capital punishment for certain crimes....To introduce a system of workfare for those in unemployment benefit for more than six months with compulsory work and training in return for decent payment.
The NHS policies seem about right to me.
To bring our soldiers home from Afghanistan, which is a big yes.
To oppose the European currency, and to withdraw from the European Union. Trade be told what to do and what laws we can have, is a big no.
That is some of the things I think are good policies, there are a few more but you did ask for some, which I have given.
Oh i see,thanks....How would they force a compulsory work policy at this financial climate i wonder?!
Quote by kentswingers777
I have read their manifesto and watched their broadcast.
There are many elements there which I agree with, and some I do not.
The other parties manifestos I think are lies anyway.
The BNP will do better this time around, and it is possible that Griffin will be elected.
What they advocate in their manifesto appeals obviously to a lot of people, and seeing for many immigration is their no 1 concern, then I will not be suprised IF they do well.
Immigration has been ignored for far too long, and it is only in recent months that Labour have decided to talk about it....more like they had to seeing as an election is looming.
I think to ignore the BNP is a dangerous game to play, and if they get more than a million votes like they did in the European elections, then it is impossible to ignore them.
In some areas a BNP vote may well not be a wasted one.

Would you list a few please!
Quote by Lizaleanrob
i gotta ask with all so called hate for the bnp on here why has anyone bothered to look at their manifesto or broadcast i know i have done neither and would not be interested in looking
they have nothing of interest for me but all the anti bnp seem to be interested dunno

I didnt i heard it on live radio when they launched there crap