I think the clue is her going 'up and down'... all wrong, curl your hips up so that your cock is naturally directed towards your head and get her to grind back and forth against you by rolling her hips - she's in control so she should be able to make your cock rub against her g-spot and because she's moving back and forth against you her clit is getting stimulated too. If you've got a toned stomach and strong abs you should even be able to tense them as she's getting closer effectively allowing her to rub her clit harder against you.
Can a woman give me a concrete, unquestionable reason as to why the toilet seat needs to be left down? There is a very good reason but I'm not going to profer it... :P
I voted yes to see if you will actually go, I reckon you're just another drama queen attention whore.
If a few made up statistics make people take care of themselves and drink more water then i'm all for it. Water makes your whole body work better in every conceivable way... to many to list. Often people think they're fat when in fact they just look worse cos their body is retaining water from not drinking enough water and indulging in too much caffeine and alcohol.
rearrange these letters... t h e t r e b l e
Layer cake is quality... Alien v Predator is a travesty to what were amazing and original film baddies. It could have been so good but instead they came up with a film that any 6th former and multi-million pound budget could have knocked together. Money does not a good film make...
for the record i am a self confessed movie snob.
Nice that we won but all this bleating is making us look a bit fucking small time in my opinion... where's the smugness that comes with being a united fan?? fortress OT??? and what the fuck is happening with people wanting us to win??!!!
I can't wait for the natural order to return... Manchester United at the top, hated by everyone... what with Rooney, Smith and Heinze we've finally got some bite back in the side and with the likes of young Rossi coming through all we need now is a replacement for Keane and you'll see all the other no marks back where they belong.
The best band i've ever seen live for pure energy and response from the crowd was the prodigy when supporting Oasis at knebworth.... Oasis were pretty special that weekend aswell.
Saw Madonna recently and to be honest i didn't think she was all that. Of recent times the best band i've seen live are the libertines - pre Pete's crack breakdown.