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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 46
Straight Female, 46


Quote by buttfan
Robbie, age may have nothing to do with it, if it's crap then it's crap!

Its crap in your opinion... and age does have a lot to do with it. Alot of the music that touches us is directly correlated to our generation - that stands to reason as common sense. Our generation and our peer group.
Your comments - if its crap then its crap - however, does bring us back to the age old irony of someone dismissing another persons art... a genre of music can never be crap, only not to your taste. Within that genre you can question the artistic quality but after your comments regarding ODB i feel fairly confident in assuming you know fuck all about hip hop.
I expect no one who wasn't touched by his artistry to mourn him - but i do hope that, through myself, he's maybe helped few, in future, make more informed decisions before opening their mouths regards a genre they know little or nothing about.
RIP for one of the funniest and most original lyricist in hip hop history... I realise most of you won't appreciate that as either hip hop is out of your realm of music taste and/or you're just too old. But i'm sure ODB wouldn't hold it against you. ;) biggrin
Quote by Flirty Fruitcake
No she won't!She won't forsake me - you sang it mate - don't diss your own lyrics! wink

I lied to sell records...
Quote by Flirty Fruitcake
but she won't forsake me! wink

Yes she will. You may think not but everybody, given the chance, will shit on you from a varying heights.... its an unfortunate aspect of human nature and the constant battle to caress our self esteem.
alas i was here well before the post regarding monsieur williams...
On a spiritual level and in reply to your question - if you sit and wait... you lose. wink
I think the clue is her going 'up and down'... all wrong, curl your hips up so that your cock is naturally directed towards your head and get her to grind back and forth against you by rolling her hips - she's in control so she should be able to make your cock rub against her g-spot and because she's moving back and forth against you her clit is getting stimulated too. If you've got a toned stomach and strong abs you should even be able to tense them as she's getting closer effectively allowing her to rub her clit harder against you.
Can a woman give me a concrete, unquestionable reason as to why the toilet seat needs to be left down? There is a very good reason but I'm not going to profer it... :P
I voted yes to see if you will actually go, I reckon you're just another drama queen attention whore.
Quote by da69ve
statistics are all very well but if you believed them all we wouldn't eat or drink anything and that goes for water too.

have you any idea how stupid you sound???? I never thought i'd see the day where someone would question just how good water is for your body.... just goes to show, quite ironically too, that you can take the horse to the water - but you can't make him drink it. rolleyes
Quote by steve-shireen
Water makes your whole body work better in every conceivable way... .

You obviously haven't tasted the water round here then have you....
It is soooooo hard......I used to have a black car and HAD to polish it every time I washed it because the crud in the water round here left the car looking like a bloody dalmation
water filter... ;)
If a few made up statistics make people take care of themselves and drink more water then i'm all for it. Water makes your whole body work better in every conceivable way... to many to list. Often people think they're fat when in fact they just look worse cos their body is retaining water from not drinking enough water and indulging in too much caffeine and alcohol.
Arsenal... small time losers... the number one club in England will always be Manchester United... biggrin
Quote by surreycouple2003
First date as well so need to be a fairly middle of the road type film.

first date, surly you want t spend two hours getting to know each other instead of staring at a screen. i'd reckomend bowling or something like that! so ya intereacting with each other!
F*ck that - meet in a bar, kick start with a couple of sambuca's, get hammered, talk absolute non-sense, snog.
Job done.
Cinema / bowling etc etc is all a bit High School if you ask me wink
Have to agree.. meet up friday night and hit the funky cocktail bars in soho and covent garden still packed with all the after workers!! god i love living in london biggrin
Layer cake is quality... Alien v Predator is a travesty to what were amazing and original film baddies. It could have been so good but instead they came up with a film that any 6th former and multi-million pound budget could have knocked together. Money does not a good film make...
for the record i am a self confessed movie snob.
If i may make a suggestion... purchase some 5-HTP from holland and barratts. Take one before you go to sleep and you'll find you don't wake up.. until the morning atleast. smile
Nice that we won but all this bleating is making us look a bit fucking small time in my opinion... where's the smugness that comes with being a united fan?? fortress OT??? and what the fuck is happening with people wanting us to win??!!!
I can't wait for the natural order to return... Manchester United at the top, hated by everyone... what with Rooney, Smith and Heinze we've finally got some bite back in the side and with the likes of young Rossi coming through all we need now is a replacement for Keane and you'll see all the other no marks back where they belong.
The best band i've ever seen live for pure energy and response from the crowd was the prodigy when supporting Oasis at knebworth.... Oasis were pretty special that weekend aswell.
Saw Madonna recently and to be honest i didn't think she was all that. Of recent times the best band i've seen live are the libertines - pre Pete's crack breakdown.
and hence we find the term 'coyote ugly'... only once have i been in this situation and it is no coincidence that that is the one time i've faked an orgasm!! rolleyes
Quote by weewallie
Any one with ideas?

word of advice... give up mate, the whole swinging scene is a falacy, a rumour, an urban myth. I come on this site to chuckle to myself at all these people 'pretending' in some mass state of dillussioned belief. Sometimes its hard to find where the lies stop and the truth starts.
Seriously, take that mouse pointer, click on the 'X' on the top right hand side of your window... walk away from your computer (towards the pub would be a good start) and forget allllll about what you thought you saw here. I've probably just saved you a lifetime of false hopes... fuck me I'm a nice guy! wink
Quote by liss11210
Although i reckon the Daily Mail is the worst.

A girl after my own heart... it annoys me how it sneaks under the radar with its snooty middle class, volvo driving, Tarquin and Constance breeding condescending views.
I have to be honest and say i think tabloids are the absolute scurge of modern society... they have no idea of responsible journalism and write headlines to sell papers... the misguided views that many people hold because of what they've read in 'the sun' beggars belief. I hate them and, along with other sectors of the media, i blame them for many of the problems in our society... i would say it is safe to say that views on asylum seekers wouldn't be so extreme and wide spread if it wasn't for the 'reporting' in many of the fleet street rags... there is no mention of course that increased life expectancy and reduced birth rates are leading this country towards a social service meltdown - it be wouldn't paper selling news to explain to people that actually if we don't get more immigrant workers in this country inflation will go through the roof and public services such as the NHS, state pensions, housing benefits, single parent benefits will all but disappear. rolleyes
Quote by surreycouple2003
Hi Robbie
Actually I was kinda hoping to dispell the myth from the male angle (in particular me!!).
However should that fail miserably (which with the help of the lovely people it I am sure it wont!) I will definitely bear the offer in mind.

cheers mate but i'm gonna have to rain check... in a meeting til lunch next tuesday morn and then i'm booked in for my monthly deep cleansing facial and eye brow reshaping at 2pm. rolleyes redface
Quote by surreycouple2003
I'd love to tell you more but it would be wrong of me to dish out any further details - have to protect her anonymity.....! wink

you surprise me son, you really do... what happened to spreading the wealth? community togetherness?? plain old social responsibility???!!!!! just shows you doesn't it, you never can tell... rolleyes :P
Quote by surreycouple2003
I am the male half of SurreyCouple and am seeking suitable volunteers to aid me with my quest.

yeah go on then... just tell me where and what time to meet your missus and we'll put this urban myth to bed... so to speak. maybe you should video it for proof... for those 'your full of shit..' moments. wink
Quote by surreycouple2003
If you think thats elitist you want to try getting an invite for one of our parties!!!!!!

yeah I'm off for the liposuction this afternoon mate... should be good for halloween yet!! ha ha... :P lol