simple response - don't fall into the populus of 'stupid' britain who buy tabloids and/or the daily mail... you buy, they supply.
maybe the girls you're replying to are getting better offers or more imaginative and/or appropriate email responses??
we came, we saw, we kicked arse!! Ghostbusters
I agree.. those lips... i think they'd look good whatever they were wrapped around.
Of the superstar status i think Angelina Jolie and Carmen Electra would be an excellent choice... i think they have a very good mix of naughtyness and attitude for a really dirty fucked up session. I can see AJ being the more dominant of the two. :twisted:
easy... get a white stick and some big sun glasses.. pretend your blind. ;)
Is it possible to attach an image or would i need to host the pic first... failing that pm me and i'll email ya - see if you think I'm a future David Bailey.
I was seeing a trainee doctor for a while - she said it was due to a big build up and release of endomorphins into your system. She also used to have us munching on a supplement called 5-HTP for a week upto a session... that seemed to enhance it everything even more.
for the record 5-HTP is freely available in holland and barrats... but you shouldn't use it for more than weeks at a time unless you're depressed.
I actually do know what he's on about... not the whole planet thing.. but sometimes see funny colours and swirls in my vision and generally feel very very light yet my limbs are too heavy to move after i've cum, only if its been a very long drawn out session... lots of stopping and starting and teasing etc etc..
My first thought it 'what were you doing reading the sun in the first place??'... my second thought is along the same lines.
When i become leader of the (not so) free world i will ban tabloids and their irresponsible journalism.... I'll also round up all the Daily Mail staff, look them in camps, torture them, persecute their families leaving them with no option but to flee the country in fear of their lives - i wonder how unsympathetic they'd be about asylum seekers then??!!
knowing what i know now... i'd have probably go back and do more drugs at uni.