It amazes me, that on here, users complain about others requesting people with specifc attributes... its quite hypocritical. its choice, choice to swing, choice to not sleep with someone you deem as fat or unattractive, choice to only have sex with a guy with an x" cock.
Although it does seem some specifications are more frowned upon by others... depending on whether they, or their friends, associate themselves with the specified (with negative connotations) group. It seems the politics of swinging has met the politics of the internet community.. ;)
I suppose it depends on what area of life you're talking about... i think nice guys can finish first in the relationship side of things however in other areas, like your career, nice guys invariably do not come first (there are exceptions ofcourse but we are speaking in generalisations here) - I've not employed people before now because they have come across as being 'too nice'.
Love, respect and be loyal to friends and family. In your career think of number one - i always ask myself, 'in the overall perspective will this benefit me?'... loyalty doesn't pay bills, buy cars or take you on holidays - in later life the people that you work for who demand your loyalty will be nothing more than a vague memory, as you will be to them. Nice guys don't finish first, but neither do the bad guys.. the ones that come first are the bad guys who look like nice guys. ;)
Troy - I got a reply back from my friend, he said they're dealing with these all the time... he came back with the same advice as offered by someone else.
Hi Rob,
He has to contact icstis and they will sort it out as the dialers can be
either by clicking on URL or by a Trojan so it is down to the individual
to secure their own PC.
Tell him to report it to Icstis first and to ring BT and dispute the bill by saying he had not dialled
it. He might be able to get it sorted without paying anything.
Troy - My friend is in the U.S at the moment but i've emailed him and when he gets back to me i'll let you know what he said.
Troy - whatever you do do not pay it. Offer your computer to BTcert (computer emergency response team) as evidence - they will be able to check the logs on your computer. I'm good friends with the head of BT security, i'll send him an email and see if i can get some advice for you on the best way to go...
I can sympathise, spent most of the day exchanging incredibly dirty emails with a friend for most of today... :twisted:
In the U.S you've got Thanks Giving late November! anything that has the words give and thanks in it has some serious potential! I'm think school girls and school masters... whack!!!.... 'thank you sir'!! :twisted:
Regardless of gender, your hubby's boss is in breach of the terms of emploment contract provided by himself - if, as you stated, the contract specifies that he provides work attire for ALL employees in that role.
If he proffers a written warning (usually the first stage of disciplinary) then Satin must NOT accept receipt of it, i.e. he does not sign anything to say he received it and ideally just leaves it in his bosses office. Having a copy of his employment contract to hand may also speed this up - seeing someone in court is neither good for the employer and especially not for an employee as it is seen as a big black mark against people in certain sectors. Personally i would never take anybody to a tribunural unless i a) knew i had a 95% chance of winning and b) would gain enough compensation whereby working wasn't a major issue anymore.
Marya - I would assume that she is working under the premise that she has gone to the effort to provide such good photos that she maybe doesn't need to give any more info, i can also understand why someone would not necessarily give so much info about themselves (even more so for a single woman).
I can only imagine what her inbox is like now?? (ha ha... if this was a friday afternoon that would almost sound like a smutty inuendo!)
... not a piss take on this one, the pics on this one are very well taken with equal amount of sex appeal and class. The pics are almost too good - to the point were i wouldn't be surprised if they are professional.
Don't use shaving gel... king of shaves oil is the way to go, for women and men.
... 'criminal record is an advantage'!
Some of them have me in absolute stitches... and i don't mean just one particular section in the ads (I'm an equal opportunities piss taker) - some of the 'enticing' pics are just classic, no other word for them!!
Also, in the women looking for women section there are loads where they state 'my bf will be there and only join in is you want him to?' - surely these should be in the couples looking for women section?? I think that 95% of the ads in there are like this... i'd love to know what the stats for success are on the ads.
Nice use of the though... good work young man! ;)
don't worry.. most of us don't get past the eye's ;)
these people make me laugh... simply because of the assumptions they have and except to be held by others.
news flash - just because people enjoy sex with like minded people it doesn't mean that they want sex with ever 'like minded' person.
nb. the second 'like minded' is used very loosey with respect of yourself.
I often wonder how these people (namely the glut of whinging single guys) find building relationships in the real world???