Point taken G & H, could I now ask the Mods to do me a favour and lock this off, I feel I've had my say and I've enjoyed the discussion and most of the replies have been well made. Thanks all...........XX
I have to say I kind of expected the flak, I made my comment after seeing what i thought was short shrift from a mod to a newbie when I felt the mod was being a little heavy handed.
I respect the opinion of any and all of you, don't agree with all you say but i respect your right to express it.
On a general comment and perhaps this will help to clarify, it is true that it is as likely to be new members as mods and I admit I could have widened by point, i just felt at the time that I should expect more from the mods, I apologies to the mods who clearly don't deserve the criticism. Its important you realise that I don't imply all the mods, but I had a brief exchange with a mod this morning over this subject and the parting line was
'When I'm in Modding Mode, don't worry you'll know'
If my post has only served to make some members and mods think twice before taking a newbie off at the knees then all well and good. I noticed the question was also asked as to why I am a member of a site if I dislike it so much. I never said I disliked the site, I have enjoyed time on the site and have made some good contacts. It can be amusing, touching, interesting and lively, why wouldn't I want to stay a member.
I also said i would accept the views pro and con of people posting, so for all the thoughtful answers thank you whichever way you have expressed your opinion, for all the vitriolic replies, the paucity of your response reflects poorly on you.
And unless I'm booted, i have no intention of leaving so this wasn't a flounce as I depart with my tail between my legs, I hope to bump in to you again around the forums and chat room!
your last line rather illustrates my point in the post I just made in the Cafe?
This will be a bit of a test....wonder if this will get locked or I'll be cast in to outer darkness? I would like to raise a discussion about Moderators and some of the scathing coments that I have noticed by some of the Moderators, particularly where newbies are concerned. My understanding of the role of moderators is to oversee the posts and to take action where there is abusive, bullying or offensive behaviour or language in the boards, to give help and guidance and to generally be a positive presence for the general wellbeing of members and the site. Where I think they step beyond their remit and generally create a bad atmosphere is when they intervene on message boards by adding derogatory or sarcastic posts to message strings when they spot a new or inexperienced person may have made a gaffe. If they were trying to be helpful and not demean then a pm to the member would be discreet and sympathetic way of helping, unfortunately I get the impression that some mods have rather let the power of their position go to their heads. I raised a similar matter a short while ago and had a couple of posts from other members who were rather fed up with the attitude towards newbies and I would like this topic to be discussed more generally. If I am felt to have over stated my case then I will happily be persuaded otherwise but I will rather lose faith is a full and frank discussion is not permitted.
So, what do the members think?
Get over yourselves guys, sorry but really, did I need a moderator to make a comment, I was supposedly addressing members...my understanding of the moderators was that they were there to ensure that there wasn't abuse or anything dodgy going on, are we not perhaps pushing the boundary of the remit?
Gee whizz guys, give the bloke a break, I had a grin when I first read what he wrote...is there any chance that we are just a tad too sensitive and precious?
Deep apologies, have to exeunt stage right as they have changed our shifts agaiun and I am now working that day, keeping the streets safe and all that..........TTFN for now, have a good day...XX
Ok, been here a while now, posted a few times, planning on doing the paintball thing and would like to get to know a few more people.....whats the form with a munch? And is it purely a social thing or is it a little more......er.......fruity? Don't want to make a prat of myself, you know, the only guy in fancy dress syndrome?
Since I joined the site I have sent a few replies and responded to some ads but to little avail, did speak several times with a girl in Cornwall who was nice to chat to but never chanced my arm at arranging a meet for mostly practical reasons. Started this with hope in my heart and would never dream of being a no show or timewaster but the lack of any response to my genuine efforts has rather dampened my ardour. Now resort to just browsing for amusements sake and have rather given up trying to arrange anything, have recently joined another site which is far more forgiving and where the members are friendlier, less judgmental and.....sorry to say this......a little more respectful, at least if they aren't interested they say so and even then we still sometimes keep in touch for a laugh. Sorry if this is whingy, bit knackered, had a long day and ready to crash XX
May not make it that late in the year Olive, let me know the dates though and I'll do my best!
Will be on the island on 21-23 June if anyone fancies arranging a dalliance?
By the way, when is a dalliance a tryst or isn't it?
ad no. 287652
Hi Jen, deep sympathy for your predicament, spent 6 weeks in the same situation so anything I can do to help.........sent you a pm
You lot are soooo cruel but what a hoot, I started out looking for a bit of carnal fun on this site but being a single male I quickly gave up on that idea, but the comedy value is worth every minute on line.
You can only imagine the surge of frustrated hormones that provokes posts like this!!!!
Changing tactics is one thing...............
its not the idea that anyone could be fellating my JT, its the state of the person doing so ....call me squeamish but I'd just rather know.....soz
I do agree with all the posts so far, a little imagination really does go a long way, I am sooo still a newbie but have happily made contact with one or two couples and one or two fems, largely through being able to string a sentence togather and injecting some humour into the chat.
How off-putting is the mental image of a frustrated guy hunched over his keyboard typing one handed conjured up by a post like that?
All good things come to he who waits so chill out fellow traveller and enjoy the journey, if it doesn't take a little ffort its not worth having!!!
A hole in a wall in a gents bogs is a glory hole?
I'd want to be real sure I knew who was in the next cubicle!!!!
Bless them though, you can't blame them for being a little aspirational, its a big step to take and if you are curious but not desperate you may as well ask for the ideal to start with and adjust your expectations as you go.
I speak as one who dropped a reply to them under a different ad but obviously didn't meet the crietria but thats ok. ( I really will have to ditch the hungover work picture!)
duh, and what I meant to ask was, for any tips as to how to arrnge ameet whilst over there this year. Apparently hubby from last year has gone all prudish so I'm not counting my chickens this time!
Can't claim any experiences yet through this site but did enjoy being led astray last summer whilst on the island for a break. Not that it has anything to do with last year but strangely enough I seem to be on my way back there in June!!! Island life for me!
Thanks for adding me to the list, can you please pm me with the details so I can pay the deposit?
I've had a trawl round a few sites and this is by far the best and friendliest I've come across, lots of advice and even though (as a single guy) snowballs in hell have more of a chance than I do of meeting someone through ads, it doesn't put me off if I have to make an effort. in fact I'd rather it was more than just hormones that sparked a relationship. You sound like a nice couple I'm sure you'll get on great when you dip your first toe in the water at a social event.
My plan is to take my time, get to know a few people through here and maybe at an event or two and above all be myself.
Sounds good to me and quite local which is even better, face pic (hung over so be gentle) on way!
was a slightly oblique reference in the other forum to new members not necessarily turning up, like a joke but not as funny! sigh!
Phew, that was fun, just managed to post in the wrong forum!!! Never mind, here goes again although the joke is a bit stale second time round.
Took the point about new members, mines is 44 years old but still works, can I bring it along if I give it a polish?
Please put me down for a provisional, will confirm and deposit when my chaotic lifestyle subsides in to some order!!!
Good idea by the way, I'll bring the arnica!
you can tell I'm a newbie!!!!
was trying to get in on the paintball event on the 20th Aug, put a post in the wrong place on this site and you can get in loads of trouble!!!
Throw myself on the mercy of the forum and plead for forgiveness!!!
Take the point about new members, my member is about 44 years old but still works, can i bring it along please?
Put me down for a provisional please!
Being able to relaod so often and with so much splurge is something I've always hankered after...........sigh