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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 110
0 miles · Nuneaton


I'd just like to point out that this is the 100th posting, yes the 100th posting about Dawnie's delectable arse!!
:happy: :thumbup:
Quote by Dawnie
My spelling is dreafull, spell check doesn't work for me and ..... i don't actually care lol.

Snap :lol2:
Quote by tweeky
I read opinions not spellings.

I only look at the pretty pictures lol
Sounds really scarey lol I mean Redditch!!
Hiya Marie, hows it going? Long time no see kiss
Get down deeper and down
Down down deeper and down
Down down deeper and down
Get down deeper and down
Classic Quo - "coff coff"
Interesting match up this, however Turkey are more technically gifted than the Syrians plus the Turkish home crowd will help over the two legs so I'll go for Syria 1 - Turkey 4 as a result.
Listening to the national anthem when the tv stations close for the night
followed by a white dot and a continous tone lol
Actually beng scared of getting caught while sneakily drinking cider in the park
Think you need to get the flat tyre fixed before you go Allan!!
Quote by paddy
I,M a good looking guy who's not short of a few bob. All I want to do is invite a fit lady to have champagne licked from her pussy. What am I doing wrong! James x

On since 2005, no adverts, no About Me, virtually no Forum posts - give him time as obviously it'll be a vintage champagne before too long.
Or just remembered he was a member here lol and the shouted in the thread topic :lol:
Yes, I'd suggest not shouting for pussy might help too! :lol: dunno
Quote by anais
Im always typing singing heaven confused :? :?

More like whinging heaven!! lol
Quote by Bambi
A couple of words I heard today, quite common norally but often not used in the same sentence...
"Murray" and "finalist"!!

Thats a new one I learned today :jagsatwork:
See Bimbo, you're never too old to learn something new!! bolt
So is the answer no then Whippy or are you still thinking about it?
A couple of words I heard today, quite common norally but often not used in the same sentence...
"Murray" and "finalist"!!
Quote by skinny
Could be humour dunno

Quote by Lost
Think Skinny's taking the piss in a tongue in cheek way there Trev smile

Sorry, must be having a blonde moment as that totally slipped past me!
Quote by Lost

Yeah thats what we thought, although we couldn't resist sharing the laughs with others :)
You know I luvs ya Trevs' x
lol Laughter is obvioudly the way to a women's foo foo!! :bounce:
Thanks to Ben for that one, but then again he does live in Wales?! lol
Quote by Toots
It's usually 'show us yer tits love' and nowt more than that. *wounded look*

Hmmm never seen you on cam Toots but I do know that you have long arms!! lol
In no particluar order ....
Jessica Alba
Audrey Tautou
Dita Von Teese - She has the smallest hands I've ever had the pleasure to kiss!
Salma Hayek
Halle Berry
I'm not ususally greedy but would all of them at the same time be too much of a distraction?! dunnoinnocent
Thanks Try for another great night even if there were some technical hiccups at the start lol and thanks to JohnTina for keeping an eye on events and sorting our the curly sarnies :lol:
Quote by flower411
Somebody just said to me that a cuddle can be better than sex.
Now .... lol
Really ???
I don`t think so !!
Cuddles can be great and I`m prepared to accept that there are good cuddles and bad sex but I`m pretty much of the opinion that I`d rather have bad sex than a good cuddle but I`d definately want a decent cuddle to make up for having had the bad sex. :lol:

Someone once said to me that ironing could be better than sex ..... I agreed!! :lol:
Flowers, it could be that they were just being diplomatic in turning you down!! :lol:
Quote by HnS
Ahhh it's good to be back home, did I miss anything while I was away?

not a lot, just some ones arse in the chatroom
Not saying who though innocent
Give us a clue please? :lol:
Ahhh it's good to be back home, did I miss anything while I was away?
Well i look forward to seeing Dawnie's arse at the Cov Social
Toodles for now see you all in mid June xxx
Quote by whiplash
Need i say more

Isn't Kevin a friend of Roland's?
Quote by Shaz_n_Tony
I can move my living room around and think, that looks great but after a couple of weeks I get bored with it and move it around again.
We have a big living room (front and back knocked into 1) but we have been here nearly 2 year now and there is just no where new to move anything, what should I do, i'm bored and feel unsettled until it's moved again :sad:
Takes ages to as have cables and computer stuff everywhere :crazy:
Anyone else have sudden urges to move everything around?
Tony :uhoh:

Just blindfold yorselves, you'll soon get pissed off with not knowing where the furniture is banghead:doh:blink
Quote by flower411
OMG !!! :shock:
I`ve just received a copy of a letter sent to my GP from the consultants at St Thomas`...
The consultant described me as a "pleasant 50 year old gentleman" OMG OMG !!
Spose I`ll just pull up me armchair and put me slippers on and settle down with me pipe !!
Is this the end ? Can I ever recover any credibility ? dunno

Quote by tyracer
shi's big secret is out!
never knew you posed for comics shi
no wonder meeko does as he's told lol
Edited to remove image breaching forum policy.

Where on earth do you think Shi gets her name from Tryacer?!!?! There's a whole series of comics that she's appeared in (Ooops sorry Shi, no one was supposed to know! :lol: )
Check out my good friend Billys site
Both on here and in real life I'm as innocent as a baby goat! lol
Must admit thought that I do more ironing in real life than on SH :bounce: