I'd just like to point out that this is the 100th posting, yes the 100th posting about Dawnie's delectable arse!!
:happy: :thumbup:
Quote by paddy
I,M a good looking guy who's not short of a few bob. All I want to do is invite a fit lady to have champagne licked from her pussy. What am I doing wrong! James x
Quote by skinny
Could be humour
Quote by Lost
Think Skinny's taking the piss in a tongue in cheek way there Trev
Quote by Lost
Quote by flower411
Somebody just said to me that a cuddle can be better than sex.
Now ....![]()
Really ???
I don`t think so !!
Cuddles can be great and I`m prepared to accept that there are good cuddles and bad sex but I`m pretty much of the opinion that I`d rather have bad sex than a good cuddle but I`d definately want a decent cuddle to make up for having had the bad sex. :lol:
Quote by Shaz_n_Tony
I can move my living room around and think, that looks great but after a couple of weeks I get bored with it and move it around again.
We have a big living room (front and back knocked into 1) but we have been here nearly 2 year now and there is just no where new to move anything, what should I do, i'm bored and feel unsettled until it's moved again :sad:
Takes ages to as have cables and computer stuff everywhere :crazy:
Anyone else have sudden urges to move everything around?
Tony :uhoh:
Quote by flower411
OMG !!! :shock:
I`ve just received a copy of a letter sent to my GP from the consultants at St Thomas`...
The consultant described me as a "pleasant 50 year old gentleman" OMG OMG !!
Spose I`ll just pull up me armchair and put me slippers on and settle down with me pipe !!
Is this the end ? Can I ever recover any credibility ?
Quote by tyracer
shi's big secret is out!
never knew you posed for comics shi
no wonder meeko does as he's told![]()
Edited to remove image breaching forum policy.