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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 110
0 miles · Nuneaton


Quote by meat2pleaseu
Are you sure they're proper messages and not just where peoples tongues have dragged across the keyboard when they look at your pictures? :rascal: sillyhwoar:

That's a lot of tongues managing to hit the right button!! :giggle:
Forum post number 1000!!! I thank you for putting up with all the waffle!! lol
Still, it's good to hear that the rich are getting richer! lol
Another reason for not gong on cam
As well as being fooking ugly!!!
Why Me?
I'm glad I'm only visiting this lousy country!
Do you have to put something witty here?
When I saw this thread I thought it was going to be about No Hardened Swingers?!
Quote by deancannock
Unauthorised whispers should be charged at £1 a message. :grin:

for the poor 'ole recipient of said whisper i assume lol
oh if thats the case...I'm changing my profile to a 21 year old bi fem...looking for good times..age and size unimportant....I would make a mint !!! :lol:
Dean, you missed out the word "back" between profile and to :lol:
How about a yellow/red card icon that can be attached to the name instead for chat room offenders? Then the next step would be to impose a ban for a straight red (say a week) and the same for frequent offenders with say 5 yellows in the same month?! dunno
Quote by Ben_Minx
Well I take my hat off, they are fine fine bikes.

Thought Truimph made bras?!
Quote by MidsCouple24
Friends are like knickers....Some crawl up your arse....Some snap under pressure...Some don't have the strength to hold you up... Some get a little twisted...Some are your favorite... Some are holey...Some are cheap and just plain nasty...And some do actually cover your arse when u need them too:-)

And available at most supermarkets in multipacks?!
Quote by Dawnie
Well I have some :lol2:
I have to admit that I like the soft skin on my boobies confused

You have boobies too as well as a pert arse Dawnie?! dunno lol
Quote by Fobs
Hasn't seen Dawnie's arse in the chatroom - is sad and feels left out lol

Neither have I?! innocent I just make it up as I go along ......
Super guy and many a bad back due to lugging amps around when I was younger. Bizarre that they have just recently announced a new gadget too.....
Quote by Cubes
lol As I don't have a TV going without watching it for a day/week/month/year is really really easy!!

I bet that makes you really popular with the TV licensing folks! Do you get a lot of visits from them, or is that just an urban legend?
Nope, no one ever visits me except ladies wanting their ironing doing innocent
Quote by SinSi
For lent I'm not eating during daylight hours, so breakfast is in the wee hours of the day then nothing apart from water until the sun goes down (damn the clocks going forward!!) :thumbup:

Isn't that supposed to be Ramadan? That's not until July is it? ;)
:lol: I let the abbot know about that, I'm sure he'll chuckle silently to himself
For me, I really can't think of anything I couldn'tlive without, but there are some things it would be a pain to lose.... Internet, telly, etc. But when you think that some people don't even have a home, it sort of puts things into perspective. sad
And make sure that the table cloth is ironed nice and smooth too!
lol As I don't have a TV going without watching it for a day/week/month/year is really really easy!!
For lent I'm not eating during daylight hours, so breakfast is in the wee hours of the day then nothing apart from water until the sun goes down (damn the clocks going forward!!) :thumbup:
As it will be Easter weekend how about making some homemade Simnel cake or even possibly Simnel muffins to go with the tea? coffee
Quote by Toots
If i could get my hands near a developer thingy here I'd i'd, well i'd smother him with my boobles....

They could well be female Toots!!
Went to the front page today and it tells me in a popup that it's detected I'm using an Android device.....AN ANDROID DEVICE? Yer what!!!!
For the record, Toots (that is me - points to self) is a Windoze free Op...
I use an iMac i7 and as a browser either Safari or Firefox.
I thought it was called Veet nowadays?!
I DO NOT USE ANDROID IN ANY SHAPE OR FORM, the shame of it, the shame.
Sort it out!

Best wishes and a long and safe journey through life ahead
Quote by Meeko
If you see me or my worse half (Shi) in chat just say Hi.. we dot bite and don't care if you have 2 feet 3 or the 1. We don't judge but will do out best to make you feel welcome :welcome:

From personal experience I've always found that Shi was more interested in the middle leg innocent
I'd heard that it had a slight mechanical problem with it already?
Until it's fixed make the most of the Welsh National Forests folks while they are still peacefully quiet!!
Quote by tweeky
Once maybe but think I am cured now. Guess your a lot more likely to be infected if you use chat. I dont use chat,I can keep up with the forum by visiting once a week and the members in my area by checking every month or so. Not really much to get addicted to. I'd like to be checking daily due to the wild social scene in my local area but there simply isn't one. The clubs in the area are better listed elsewhere and the best one in my area not listed at all sad
That said, if you want to talk about politics! This is the place to come :neutral:

Good to see you using your loaf tweeks!!
Always used to think that your avatar was a head coming out of a baked bean?! Well when looked at quickly lol
Quote by Dawnie
Any progress on the arse feeling Sinsi lol

Well that sure is a subject for debate?....
:wanker: :giggle:
Well, I have a massive area for you to aim at :giggle:
Area?! We're talking about your small arse Dawnie!! :lol:
Quote by Cubes
Another tip: Stay away from that SinSi. He's only after one thing! Fortunately it's just your ironing! :giggle:
:welcome: to the :swingingchair: madhouse!

lol you say that as if it was a bad thing?! dunno
Quote by st3v3
Any progress on the arse feeling Sinsi lol

Well that sure is a subject for debate?....
:wanker: :giggle:
Quote by Dawnie
Si smackbottom

The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth
The truth? you can't handle the truth!
The truth is out there!!
All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.
Quote by paddy
Phew, I thought I'd been banned

You could be if you wanted dunno
Your soo cheeky :lol: Oops your a Site Moderator, change of approach, your lovely.
Paddy xx
Dawnie's got a lovely bottom!! innocent
If you dont use a PC/laptop/mobile you won't get any viruses ...... simple dunno