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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 119
0 miles · Cheshire


Hear Hear to the above two posts...
Although I'd say 'idiocy' seems to afflict all genders / races and partnerships etc.
I always like to feel a chatroom is like a pub. That you'd never in a million years expect to walk up to somebody and drag them off to a corner for a private chat. So why do it in a chatroom?
Yes it's nice to have your own thread of conversation, but you shouldn't too worried about it being overheard either.
Conversation is sexy (imo), you don't have to make the conversation about sex. The sexiest people I have known could hold a conversation. They can hold one for hours and leave me feeling aroused (mentally) and intrigued, without a single sexual conversation taking place.
I also agree with the notion that far too many people assume "swinger = easy lay". Far too often I've heard people say they've been here a week and still not had any luck. Good grief, is it me? is it?... Do they really expect folks to get to know them over such a short period of time... and get to know them enough to want to sleep with them?
And finally, respect for women?... well humm, controversy here, but I don't think women deserve any more respect than anybody else. People deserve respect (until proven otherwise). Sometimes, that means it's ok to disagree with a woman in chat, and say so. A disagreement should not be seen as disrespect.
What I find most disturbing is the number of 'white knights' rushing to the aid of a woman with bunch of vomit inducing platitudes and compliments in the vain hope that somehow they will be seen as a hero and 'respectful' male.
I'm not condoning the idiots who abuse and insult women here... just it's ok to debate with a woman and disagree! without some 50 men siding with some woman to gain favour.
Oh, and like conversation... the BEST folks I know I can argue with all night and still adore them. That's because of the way they behave when you disagree. It's easy to be nice when you want to get into someone's pants. It's far more telling to see how folks behave when they have a different point of view.
It's interesting actually... when folks disagree in the fora, you get a far better natured banter than when they disagree in a chatroom.
Somehow, the chatrooms pander to the worst mentalities and the fora tend to bring out the best!
For me I think it's got worse.
The whole swinging scene is far less 'underground' than it used to be... which in a sense is a good thing, but it's almost like a fashion now "to have a dabble at swinging for a laugh".
As a result, it attracts of a lot of folks just along for the ride, or for a quick shag (not too dissimilar from nightclub on friday night).
It's nice to have so many new folks, but some of the attitudes and assumptions (swinger = easy lay) are not helpful.
Also, there's just a part of me that's not a fan of commercial swinging sites. These places DO cost money to run, and it's not cheap with thousands of members. That said, it just contributes to a site feeling less 'of the people' and more 'business'.
All of that said... this site still manages a pretty good atmosphere, and is infinitely better than a number of other high profile websites who have taken commercialism to a stupid level.
I guess I just miss the smaller, more homely atmosphere... and my pipe and slippers.
Far be it from me to criticise...
but I will anyway.
Who the bloody hell wants to meet some total random stranger from the net 'tonight' without any hint of who / what they are, or where they've been?
I personally would worry about someone SO desperate for a shag that they needed 'anybody' tonight, or would drive miles and miles to meet up with such a person.
I suppose, both sides of the party deserve each other, but let's be honest here...
If you're willing to have sex with someone that easily, then you're also likely to attract someone of the same ilk.
Who did you sleep with the night before? and who will it be the night after?
You really are gambling with your health... your chances of catching something aren't just increased a little's massively increased. Clearly swingers tend to have a few partners, but the kind of folks willing to shag at the drop of a hat will have had PLENTY, and the kinds of folks willing to meet those people will have PLENTY also.
Perhaps it's horny to think of shagging a stranger, I can see that... but I'm gonna stick to my guns and claim it's lunacy too.
Oh, and couples... if you are online at 2am in the morning begging for someone to join you, 'm sorry but there's something wrong in your relationship. If you can't make do with each other, what's that telling you?
*pre bacon sarnie rant over*
I'm in a far better mood this morning, but that shouldn't stop me mentioning this....
Guys, STOP using that bloody phrase "Maybe we could meet up sometime" after 3 minutes of chatting and discovering someone is within traveling distance.
Have you any idea how often a woman (she only really has to be breathing to get offers, and even then, that's optional for some men) gets asked to meet up?
Wouldn't it be nice for a change if you just chatted and left her feeling impressed but never pressurised, or pestered?
Sometimes it's what you don't do that has more effect that what you do do.
I'm now going out for dinner
So you lazy buggers will need to add some of your own gripes
I can't do ALL the work you know.
Now ladies, some of you are no better...
Please try to remember not to be a bunny boiler on MSN.
I recently took a THREE minute toilet break in the middle of an MSN chat, and this is what I returned to:
AK: BRB, just need the loo
Varca: OK babe, hb
Varca: Are you back yet?
Varca: I know you're there
Varca: Are you chatting to somebody else, only I can go if you want me to.
Varca: Why are you ignoring me?
Varca: Look, I get the picture, you just need to tell me where I stand.
Varca: You really are a bastard you know
Varca: I know you're reading this.
Varca: Fine, I'm going to delete and block you
Varca: This is your last chance
Varca: Very last chance
AK: Back
Varca: Ignore what I've typed I was just upset
And cock shot males...
We are all grown up now, we've all had a look at other men's willies and measured etc...
Please don't try shoving your balls so far down that you're clearly in pain in order to make your penis look longer. It just looks like you're shoving your balls so far down you're in pain to make your willy look longer.
And don't hold a beer bottle next to it either. We can see you're holding the bottle in a funny way to start with, and it just looks fucking pathetic that you'd try to compare it that way
And Mr 9 Inch.... I don't care if you ARE on cam. It's still not 9 inches you bloody moron. You're the worst of the worst trying to double bluff your way into having folks really believe it is. And you can stop that crappy holding technique to make it look thicker than it is too.
And men pretending to be women/couples...
PLEASE try to be convincing at least.
Some tips for you:
Don't forget to keep using the term "Us" when you're chatting a woman up... only it seems as soon as you get hard, you keep saying "I".
Don't call yourself "Lez". How many lesbians do you know who actually use that term? And how many of your MALE mates use it? Use your brain dickhead.
Try not to tell whoever you're chatting up that "You're wet" within 3 minutes of chatting to them.
I have never met a woman in my life who blurted that out shortly after pestering you with umpteen uninvited whispers.
If you are going to steal some images, don't friggin use video caps with the damn scan lines showing on the image. And don't nick ones that look like they've come from a California porn set. How many Bi Fems from Grimsby do you know who drape themselves over a Ferrari overlooking Santa Monica beach?
oh and men...
We get the fact that you're tall, or that you drive a beamer, or that you've paid for a posh holiday, or are on a business trip.
You don't have to grab every chat opportunity to make a show of it.
Nicelady: Hello Mr Show Off, are you well?
Mr Show Off: Hi Nicelady, you look stunning, love your profile pics, I'm well thank, just so tired having just parked my BMW outside the executive lounge of my intercontinental trip to New York on important business, where I had to pay for first class to get seats to accommodate my 6'7 manly frame.
Rest Of Room whispers: Wanker
"Open minded liberal couple... seeks male, must be between 6'2 and 6'3, dark hair only, must live within 3 miles and be between 31 and 10 months or 31 and 11 months".
Oh aye, very bloody open minded and liberal you are.
and whilst you're at it...
Stop calling yourself "new to this", when your profile has pics of you in the 70s being gangbanged by a team of West Ham fans in the away end of Old Trafford during a cup semi final.
and don't you think it's about time the "Bi Curious" tag was ditched.... since on your profile there's 20 shots of you with your tongue up 3 different women's private... how much more curious can you be?
Anybody with "Shy" or "Romantic" in their name is clearly anything BUT
So give it up and tell the truth.
Oh, and another thing...
Don't come in chat giving the entire world a rerun of your personal meet with someone else....
It starts to look like you're treating the others as a trophy and that you need everybody to notice that you met up.
It's the sort of thing a teenage boy does smelling his finger in front of his mates.
Since I was requested to start such a zone.... after a mild rant in chat...
Let me first get a few things off my chest:
1) Do NOT put "Genuine Couple" on your profile.
The notion of saying you're genuine doesn't mean you are. So don't bother.
2) Why put "No Time Wasters" on a profile?
I can hear the huge sigh of disappointment amongst the time wasting community as they whisper "dammit, that rules us out then"
3) Do not say "Attractive couple"
That is for OTHERS to decide you big heads!
4) Do not come on cam with the cam pointing at your tits and you playfully keep most of the buttons undone... and then complain when men say "nice tits"
5) Don't whinge about how you're going to 'leave' the site.
If you're gonna do it, do it, but don't tell an entire chatroom in the hope folks will notice your attempt to gain some attention
Right, that's my little rant over with. I will be back shortly!
Please feel free to add rants of your own (without prejudice) !
I recently read an interview with some musicians.... but I think it's relevant to some degree...
they basically stated that when you look back over old techniques and how you played (or filmed) etc... there would be so many influences (of that time). Not only that, but a certain naivety that you just cannot recreate. It's impossible to react, think, act the way you did when you were younger... just impossible.
If you make a movie in 1940, it's inevitable that somehow the fashions of the time, the body movements (yes we walk differently today than we did then!), the intonation, even the quality of light on streets, and the smog etc all conspire to give a 'feel'... when you wrap it all up, it's very hard to recreate exactly. In fact, impossible.
In a sense, that gives some credit to the film makers, not so much for their technique, but the fact they they DID capture something of that period, something you just can't recreate.
It would still be as hard to recreate an 80's movie too... you could do a decent job, but never truly copy it.
It's true that some good TV work (Life on Mars, Mad Men etc) do a fine job of bringing the past into the present day. But not a perfect job.
So, remaking a movie can be very difficult. Not least when the original was a hit. I personally thought that The Thomas Crown Affair did a splendid job of a remake. So it is possible.
Sadly our increasingly commercial world (and general lack of ambition in some parts of the film work) means that a movie remake is more of a 'rehash'. A convenient and substandard attempt to make a quick buck.
Sometimes, I've wondered if we ourselves are the tainting the view... simply because we remember seeing films in our youth and cloud our judgement with fond memories.
Alas, I was quite surprised and pleased when my son watched the remake of the Italian Job (first), and thought it 'just ok'. Then when he was surprised to learn there was an original... we watched it together. He was duly impressed and claimed the original truly WAS 'miles better' (his own words).
Films used to be an experience, now they are a commodity, traded and pushed to us to make a very tidy profit. Is it any wonder that we lose a little of the magic along the way?
There are a wide variety of folks, but of course there are a handful that would (to my mind) appear to be on ego trips, who whilst claiming not to want such attention repeatedly invite it. Still, that's life.
To be fair, it's couples too (more so than men I feel).
Thankfully, the majority of folks are half decent and use the cam merely as a bit of fun and a pleasant way to see someone (and their reactions / laughter etc), rather than a means to gain some accolade / ego boost.
Here's the 'sound minded' individuals on here who make it worthwhile!
Without that, the rest could never work (for me)
With it, I don't need the rest, it's just a bonus
At F2.8, your depth of field is very limited... you'd better have good focus speed (manual or auto), and this is not easy with wildlife.
Remember this rule of thumb.... you should be spending at least 1.5 times as much on lenses as the camera.
I used a 5D MkII and a 1D MkII to avoid changing lenses when shooting wildlife... one with a 400mm L zoom and one with a 200mm prime
Invest in the lenses above the camera every time.
And don't get suckered into the megapixel race... there are actually many reasons why higher megapixel is WORSE quality, but I don't want to go into mega technical detail. If you get above 8mp you'll be fine for almost all applications.
For me I've started listening to internet radio stations, where there is far less commercial pressure to play a limited range of predictable bands...
Also, sometimes, you read interviews by your favourite artists and they might refer to some other band or artist... which leads you to investigate etc.
Or plain old radio sometimes... there's still the odd song that comes through that's different and appealing. My only trouble is remembering them long enough to investigate!
I'd definitely recommend internet radio though. They tend to specialise in certain types of music, but also tend to have a very wide range of bands playing similar music... so a good way to get 'more' of what you're into.. if that makes sense.
I think we have fallen into the trap of giving our children 'knowledge' and diminished their desire to be inquisitive.
We arm them with information, but they miss out on much of the experience that is usually undergone to gain that information.
This means that they know how sex and drugs and alcohol work, they know how divorce and violence work...
But they haven't 'learned' it. The didn't go through a slow gradual process of discovery, and found a point where they felt comfortable, having tip toed into the realms of discomfort.
The whole discovery process has been abolished, and we as parents haven't helped. We now want our kids to finish the race first, and as such we take them to the answers at the very end of the journey.... not allowing them time to enjoy the actual journey itself.
That said, you need only look at how folks vote the BNP to see the dangers that ignorance poses.
Education is a wonderful thing. It's just being ruined by a desire to reach the end goal far too soon. Almost all of our society is 'NOW' orientated. Stardom now, money now, bigger car now, good exam grades now. When you start to go down that path, is it any wonder the virtues of learning and patience are lost?
For me... sex is more than just the physical aspect.
IF (God forbid) my partner was sent away for a couple of years, I could live with it... providing I felt they still wanted me sexually and I still wanted them.
Of course, I adore the physical... who doesn't?... but if something happened where she couldn't physically have sex... so what?... as long as my mind still got 'fucked' regularly... I'd make do.
Not entirely sure that answers the question!... but sex for me is a fair bit more than getting my end away.
For me... sex is more than just the physical aspect.
IF (God forbid) my partner was sent away for a couple of years, I could live with it... providing I felt they still wanted me sexually and I still wanted them.
Of course, I adore the physical... who doesn't?... but if something happened where she couldn't physically have sex... so what?... as long as my mind still got 'fucked' regularly... I'd make do.
Not entirely sure that answers the question!... but sex for me is a fair bit more than getting my end away.
I have laughed at hearing of the death of a loved one.
Nervous laughter can come to the fore any time, any place.
There is nothing wrong with questioning our response to 'the unusual'.
Many disabled people will tell you that excessive staring is irritating, but most understand it... but worse still, is those that NEVER look... as if they want to deny the 'unusualness' of a missing limb etc.
So RO found something funny in someone's misfortune... haven't we all?
The real tragedy is in the condemnation of honesty. He wasn't mocking the individual, he was laughing at the situation. We're all guilty of that at some point.
Also, it's nothing to do with intelligence (or lack of). I can't see a damn thing wrong with an honest, open posting. If we stop folks raising those issues, we will never ever be honest with ourselves in society, we'll all become to scared that we'll upset someone, brush it under the carpet and never ask a war veteran "how DID you come to lose your arm then?"
Of course it's classic rock...
What's making it seem not, is the artist, not the musical genre.
Wings were never associated with being a 'Rock' band per se... not in the grand sense of Zep, The Who etc... but then some would argue that the Stones were never a 'Rock' act.
If Live and Let Die had been done by Cream... it'd be Classic Rock, but because it's Wings, we don't want to say it is.
Ultimately it's as much a rock track as Bohemian Rhapsody, or Stairway to Heaven. It's as mad as Mods vs Rockers... The Who were supposed to be Mods, but we all know they Rocked.
Live and Let Die is as much Rock as anything else IMO.
Regarding the newer (like U2 are new?)... you have to remember the Rock genre has slightly shifted over the years. There was a time when Rock was quite light, and heavy rock was as heavy as say, Sabbath, ACDC, Zep etc. Yes were considered prog 'rock' as were ELP.
Rock was quite extreme back then.
Nowadays, Rock is considered quite mild... Queen, U2, Bon Jovi, you name it... it's very mild compared with Metallica, Anthrax, Nine Inch Nails et al.
Anyway, course it's bloody rock, we're just prejudice about who is allowed to make 'rock' music and Wings aren't in the 'allowed' club.
Alas, I must agree with the opening post...
It can be very hard to hold a conversation in a chatroom.
As ironic as it seems, they are usually the last place to find intelligent, flirtacious (not sexual) banter.
I also noticed a couple of folks mention the White Knights. This too is becoming a tedious phenomenon. Attractive ladies are always welcome, but the assumption that all they say and do is 'right' is a quite incorrect one.
Cliques are a natural occurrence in chatrooms. I don't much like them, but they are understandable. However, it's all too easy for forget what it's like to be new.
Welcome to the forums then... and best of luck with your quests (whatever they may be!).
It would be rather easy to say 'it's wrong'... or that it's a form of deceipt (which it is)... however....
Even as a couple, or a genuine single, most folks choose to keep aspects of their relationship private.
We shouldn't be afraid of telling parents... but we often do. We shouldn't even worry about what our (grownup) children think... yet we keep it from them also.
So is it really any surprise that as part of ALL our 'secrets' some people keep this place as their secret?
If hand on heart anybody can tell me they never keep anything from their husband,wife,partner, let them stand up and be counted.
If we agree that we all do keep some things from partners, not entirely out of selfish reasons, but just for 'a simple life'... then it becomes a matter of degrees. Is the next door neighbour's husband that you fancy something you'll always admit to your partner?... or that you looked at some woman in Tesco lustfully? Or maybe that you watched a porn video on that business trip away?... or that you had a stolen kiss with a colleague at the office party...
There is an argument to suggest that this place is more than a 'one off' though, and that it COULD start to cause a rift in a relationship. I think this is true. That said, so could porn, drink, gambling etc.
In the end, I just think it's easy to criticise. We don't ever really know why folks are here... and being a couple doesn't always make it right. There are couples who are using this place to repair broken relationships, some using it to fulfill an emotional gap... you name it.
Remember that many folks in society will make all sorts of assumptions about you if you tell them you're swingers. The majority of those assumptions will be ill founded, or downright wrong.
Don't make the same mistake in passing judgment on solo swingers.
Life is rich, complicated and intriguing... enjoy it!
Only just spotted this topic, but damn good one I'd say.
Somebody mentioned earlier that there's a difference between free speech and assuming a license to be abusive. Well yes, I agree with that. However, when you take pure speech or text alone, it's not really possible to determine the 'intent' r the motive behind the words.
"you are a nazi" can be deliberately provocative, but it can equally be accurate, or at least someone's opinion.
"All men are stupid" - the same applies. Of course it's an easy statement to make if you want to provoke a reaction, but perhaps, however incredible it may sound, someone could be making a genuine point of view.
How do we know the intent?
This leads is to a very sticky wicket indeed.... because 'Freedom of expression' is countered / constrained by the interpretation of either a) The masses, or b) authority (police, government etc).
There can never really be true freedom of expression as long as that expression is subject to potential recrimination.
Do I worry about that? a little.
On the one hand, I want to stand up and say if folks want to say or write something, then they should be allowed to do so.
Do I want some guy shouting outside a school playground "do you like my cock?" - No.
Already I'm working out justifications in my mind for why the guy should NOT be allowed to say what he likes.... "the kids aren't in a position to judge", "he's abusing his privilege for the sole purpose of his own gratification, or to corrupt minors" etc...
Because I don't like it, and society wouldn't like it..... I want him shut up.
There's a censor in us all. And we can never be free because of it.