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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 119
0 miles · Cheshire


I see it less of an ad, and more of a summary.
Also, for me, it's far less about "where I am going to", and more about "where I am coming from".
I don't place a great deal of stock in profiles, since so often the book cover failed to capture the real nature of the book (but didn't misrepresent). That said - I used it to add a little context / help for my chat chat (which can be seen as a little abrasive or sarcastic). I wanted to be honest about what I think, but also show that thinking people are idiots doesn't exclude myself from that list.
"coming from", not "going to"
1) It's not you, it's me
it's me that that is sick of you
2) I just need a little space
your big arse is taking up too much room
3) You're like a brother / sister to me
we shared the same pussy once, after that they cut all ties
4) You're such a good friend
So much you'd understand my need to shag someone else
5) We just grew apart
you grew, and grew
6) We've taken it as far as it can go
and I don't fancy bringing it back
7) Looking to add a little spice to things
One last take out, for old time's sake?
8) She/he is my best friend
Keep paying your half of the mortgage please
9) We're soulmates
And the Sky subscription
10) It's what's inside that counts
and I'm staying inside this house, you can find your own place
I thought I'd write down a few classic clichés quoted in relationships... and wondered if folks would like to add their own interpretation of what each REALLY means:
1) It's not you, it's me
2) I just need a little space
3) You're like a brother / sister to me
4) You're such a good friend
5) We just grew apart
6) We've taken it as far as it can go
7) Looking to add a little spice to things
8) She/he is my best friend
9) We're soulmates
10) It's what's inside that counts
Some can be funny, some deep.... I will add my own interpretations later (but they will invariably be sarcastic / tongue in cheek)
Quote by splendid_
ltns (long time no see) - I have been chasing you all over this darn site for months when will you fuck me?

We can never be!
I am asexual and have no interest in either gender.
I have no faith in pleasure, and haven't had for a long long time. Beyond redemption I should think.
You're not short of candidates.
I made a joking thread on chatroom speak / manners...
it was moved to chatroom. Not deleted. If thats the one you mean
it's neither the hour or the extra on their own...
it's the amount of effort being put into a 'little extra' fun.
It's no different for a couple than a single I hasten to add.
I think it's more about the convenience or ease of the extra.... if so much effort is going into finding one ingredient in the recipe, surely that ingredient it starting to become critical?
It's not about the extra... definitely not. I like raspberry on my ice cream, and if I can get it, great, stick some on my cornet.... but, if I refuse to make do with my ice cream until I have the raspberry...or I am walking 10 miles to get the raspberry, it's starting to look like it's the raspberry that's the important thing and not my ice cream! Does that make sense?
It's precisely the same when a guy says in chat "I'm in Aberdeen, but I'll drive down to Brighton to meet you right now!"... there is nothing at all wrong with that, but to me, it does beg a question... blimey, THAT is keen... surely it can wait a while, and if not... why not?" it's just a sign. You can't judge every single case that way, but it's an indicator (to me) that someone's a bit TOO keen (desperate).
Perhaps I'm just way too cynical.
Sod it, it's who I am!
Quote by northwest-cpl
This may also sound a tad judgemental, BUT... I do sometimes worry about couples who are online at 3:00am in the morning looking for an 'extra' that very night.
Surely nobody can NEED an 'extra' that badly when you have a loving partner by your side. And if you do need an extra so badly, what is that telling you? I would think the prognosis isn't great.
Would it be different if it was a single looking for fun at 3:00 am? Why would having a loving partner make any difference to a couple needing that 'extra'. Surely the extra is something that a couple can only get from outside the relationship and if they want it at 3:00 am it is telling me that they feel horny at that time and nothing more.

Not sure I can fully buy into that. I think on the surface, it's all perfectly true, can't be faulted, but I just can't help but think at 3:00am the chances of finding someone are very slim, and if folks are prepared to make THAT much effort, it would be better focused on each other.
It's like one thing to be having fun with your partner and thinking "let's use a toy".... great, look for a toy.... but when the batteries have run out and your partner talks about getting dressed and nipping down to the garage to get more batteries... it's just a bit much. I think must folks would say "dammit, batteries.... let's do something else kinky instead!". All a matter of degrees, but for me it's a world of difference between "we're in the mood, looking for an extra for tonight" and "we're in the mood right now, let's spend 3 hours online trying to find an extra"... it just makes be think the extra is starting to look more important than the fun itself.
Just my opinion!
I feel underneath the surface of "just fun", "we are a very secure couple", "in total control" etc lies a very turbulent truth.
Swingers are human first and foremost, and we ALL have our moments of insecurity, jealousy, confusion and doubt (and countless other little issues).
It's so very easy to from allegiances here after a few meets and think we 'know' people.
After 20 years of marriage, we still 'learn' stuff about out partners, so it's foolish to think after a handful of meets with folks that we 'know' them.
Should then, it come as any surprise when folks aren't quite what we thought them to be. This sounds judgmental of the people we thought differently of, but it's as much a fault of those assuming far too much of others too.
Swinging can be a great fantasy, so can a thousand other things. The reality of it can also be wonderful... but, there are times when it simply isn't as great as we might have hoped, or that it does leave us feeling a great deal better.
It can absolutely drive a wedge in a relationship, regardless of how 'rock solid' folks think there partnership is.
In fact, I'd go so far as to say that if you THINK your relationship is unbreakable... that's just the time when you're at your weakest.
This may also sound a tad judgmental, BUT... I do sometimes worry about couples who are online at 3:00am in the morning looking for an 'extra' that very night.
Surely nobody can NEED an 'extra' that badly when you have a loving partner by your side. And if you do need an extra so badly, what is that telling you? I would think the prognosis isn't great.
So swinging and friends? I'm all for it. I have (and always will) maintain, that the best lovers are those you could have a fabulous time with even if you never laid a finger on each other. If you couldn't actually have a good time without the sex, then I'd say that choosing those folks a friends will most likely lead to disappointment.
Art and Criminal Damage are not mutually exclusive.
I believe a lot of graffiti is art (of a mixed standard), the fact remains it is criminal damage also.
So what if it's good? well, that's a nice thing for some. It's still damage.
Banksy? Great he's talented. Many folks adore his stuff.
He's a criminal.
I could go and shoot Peter Sutcliffe tomorrow and many would say it was a great thing that I'd done. It would still be wrong, and I'd still be a criminal.
What's worse is... Banksy is now condoned. The British tax payer paid for him to be found, and now hat is forgotten. We also paid for some of his work to be removed.
Let him do something truly constructive with his art and paint some schools and youth projects with great art. Something that's agreed upon and welcomed.
Liking what someone does, doesn't make it right.
I like his worse, but it's still wrong.
It's a shame that kids are driven to feel a need to use graffiti in the manner they do. Many could actually earn good money for their skills.
I can see the cracks in your armor!
Wait, I can just see your crack!
I agree with that much.
So why call it 'ghosts' until we find a better name for it?
Still, I believe in almost all case, what folks describe as 'ghosts' could be put down to stuff we already know, and the mind playing tricks.
But I will never say never until never ever gets banned. In which case, I can never say ever or ever say never.
I just thought I'd help a few newbies out with chatroom terminology:
"Hi" = I'm a single male
"Mind if I whisper" = I'm going to anyway
"You look fabulous" = You look OK, but the rest are worse, I'm no Brad Pitt, so you'll do.
"You have wonderful eyes" = They are nipple pink and protruding
"I'm shy" = I'm not
"How are you?" = I really don't care, but I need to work my way in
"welcome back" = shame you're back, I'd just started moving on to my next conquest
"brb" = I'm just going to do a mailshot of whispers in the chatroom, see who is 'up for it'
"Where are you?" = if it's within 12,000 miles of me, I'll say I'm close
"You're a really nice couple" = your wife is hot
"I love that outfit" = I hate it, it's blocking my view of your tits
"Aren't you hot in that top?" = take it off
submitted by Foxy!
"Dinner Beckons" = I need to get out of this conversation now
Submitted by Minx!
"Can you see me on cam?" = I'm hard, and not sure how much longer I can hold it for
"Male,24, Available for meets, whisper me" = A genuine optimist
"Sorry about that" = I can't believe you named and shamed me for whispering without permission
"I've been so busy" = I've had no luck, but might as well make it look like I might have had some.
"Any nice ladies?" = So I can figure who you are, and focus my attention on the dirty tarts instead
"lol" = I'd better type this, or it will look like I'm not paying attention to you
"lmao" = It was slightly better than what you said when I 'lol'ed, but still wasn't actually that funny
"pmsl" = I'm over egging the funny custard now, meaning it wasn't even REMOTELY funny, but you look good in lingerie, and I need to keep this banter going.
"Where is hubby?" = Hope he's not here, cos I want to get mucky with you
"Hi hubby" = bloody hell
"I've made loads of good friends here" = None of them fancied me
"Are you busy?" = I was expecting more attention from you in the first place, having to ask this question should show you my level of desperation (oops) dedication!
"We go back long way" = I've been bugging her for years and she's still not having any
"Is my cam working?" = Have a look, my cock is out
I'm SICK to death of being asked for phone sex
The last woman was a bit kinky for my liking, she kept asking me to treat her mean, leave her feeling used and to make her pay.
So I did, I reversed the call charges.
God, another gripe just got to me...
WHY do we have profiles?... it's to tell a little about ourselves and what we like, don't like, and look for right?
So why do folks keep asking such crap in chatrooms.... READ profiles.
chatter: "do you like younger men?".
profile: she's 32 and is looking for a male between 25 and 40..
chatterbiggrino you like men?
Profile: "No males"
Quote by varca
if you believe in evolution I don't see how someone can believe in an afterlife, since we all evolved from fish when did we develop souls that could pass on to another existence, or do plankton go to heaven?
It just doesn't make sense to me. smile
Where is it proven that a fish does not have a soul?
'Is a fish really different from me? If a fish has no soul, then where and how in the procession of evolution did a soul first enter a body?'
Dover Soul (sic).
I rest my case
One night, shortly before the death of my father, he told the entire family that he had seen a star at the bottom of his hospital bed, hopping from bed to bed then hovering over his own for some time. Finally he heard a voice say "not you", and the star went.
My father's initials were T.C. 3 hours later Tommy Cooper died.
My father was utter convinced whatever came to him was seeking Tommy Cooper.
Do I believe that? Maybe. Although I also accept the odds are against it, and I would bet against it if asked to place a wager.
He was utterly convinced of his experience, of that I am 100% certain.
There are many things the mind can do, we can SEE amazing things that to 'us' are utter irrefutable.
"I know what I saw" is commonly quoted.
You would be totally surprised at how many people give testimony in court and totally believe what they say, then when confronted with video evidence, are amazed that 'events' transpired in a vastly different manner than those described.
But also, I DO believe in far more than we know today.
Most of us, at some point in our lives will have fallen in love or experienced the harrowing ordeal of death (usually someone else's, since I'm not sure broadband has reached heaven yet). When you experience those things, they are very real. And yet, scientifically impossible to prove. There isn't a great deal of logic to explain how evolution encompasses such phenomena. Some have tried to claim that suicide is an example of evolution... that it's never about an individual, but furthering the 'race'... so sacrifice for the greater good still fits the master plan.
That's a very poor excuse to rationalise away a problematic aspect of evolution.
We are clearly not automatons. Most of us could never pull the trigger on another person unless in extreme circumstances... what IS it that stops us? Evolution? I don't buy that.
What is it that has us fall in love?. I'm not the brightest bulb in the box, but not the dimmest either. But I know that a woman might not be the best looker, the most intelligent, the most successful etc and yet she stands out like a beacon to me. I simply 'feel' that. What is it that should cause such 'feeling'? Love is supernatural, and I believe in it.
One day, I think me might learn more about 'love' and how our bodies signal to each other... chemically? electrically? perhaps even in subtle timing (e.g when you chat with someone online). I am happy to accept there might be undiscovered scientific explanations for love or human chemistry.
So I don't see why it's not possible that one day we might discover that Auschwitz contains energy only produced during extreme torment. Or that where love once existed strongly, traces of the energy remain long afterwards.
Nobody thinks twice about Carbon-14 slowly radiating for thousands of years (it's how we do carbon dating!), and yet we mock the notion of "feeling a presence' after someone dies. Hummm
As for mediums and clairvoyants et al. Utter bollox. Taking a plausible notion and using to their own ends is despicable. I know I will offend a few folks who've been to see them, and say "they knew so much about me"... but I will stick to my guns. They are charlatans!
The above will sound like hypocrisy given all I have stated prior to that. Tough. I believe in undiscovered science, but I also believe some humans are b'stards and will play on others weaknesses (weaknesses we ALL have, regardless of character, intelligence etc).
My summary... anybody who believes that all can be explained by "conventional wisdom" had learned nothing from history. But that which we cannot explain today, might one day come to be understood.
The more we think we know about.... the greater the unknown
I WAS going to put my location on the profile,
but until Bohemia gets a postcode, my plans are scuppered.
Oh and I've remembered another crock of garbage that winds me up...
Being in a chatroom and seeing some bloke type "Fantastic profile Mrs X". I end up rushing off to read the profile for myself (since I do like a good read), only to discover there is bugger all on there, but a pair of tits.
It would be just great if men were ONLY allowed to say "Great profile" once a day in chat... and therefore they'd have to choose wisely the recipient of their compliments.
Oh and back to location...
I don't meet, so location would be irrelevant AND call me an old romantic if you will, I believe anybody worth meeting is worth a journey. I do realise it's nice to have somebody local, but I'll stick to my guns... if someone's THAT compelling, you'll find a way.
You know I'm right!
Then again, you might just be a nosey so and so and curious as to where I'm from ;-)
Bohemia is due west of Utopia I believe.
Evolution and afterlife are hardly incompatible.
But regardless of that, sure it's not totally impossible that an 'existence' leaves behind a mark.
Any human leaves behind a trace on other people, emotionally and physically, why's it so incomprehensible that we might leave behind some energy, or chemistry?
Drop a pebble in still water and the effects can still exist long after the pebble settles... in fact, the effects continue forever. We just lose interest in measuring them, or they become so subtle, they are no longer differentiated from other effects. But still, the effect remains.
So, maybe, just maybe, by some strange phenomena we do not yet understand, we feel repercussions... energy / chemistry call it what you will. It need not be all supernatural, but purely scientific.
Time will tell.
It's just very strange that evolution should cause us to feel pain at survival. When a parent survives a child.... why should we mourn so?... it's just evolution right?
Tell me the biological reason for our bodies and emotions changing at events outside our body and feeling so much emotional pain.
There is every reason to believe in energy outside of the body.
We already know of a number of external entities that physically affect us, so what about undiscovered ones? or even ones that we know of, but haven't yet fully understood how they are affecting us.
I have absolutely no problem with the notion of 'chemistry' between two people. Inexplicable at the moment, but in time, I am sure we will discover lots of subliminal reasons why we respond to some people and not others.
In the same way, I can buy into out of body experiences too. I don't actually believe folks ARE out of body, but I can believe in the experience, and accept that during 'technical death' they can recall things that were said (or even visualise events). After all, brain death is only the level at which we THINK brain function is ceased, but we still know chemical and electrical processes are continuing.
The more we think we know about, the greater the unknown.
I also believe in the adage.. "trust nothing of what you hear, and only half of what you see". It's meant to be about rumours, but it's equally apt to that in which we believe (today)
nothing that springs to mind at the moment...
and not being able to think of anything is irritating me too.
I've just remembered something else that pisses me off too...
Anybody with a type of car in their name.
Get a fucking grip, please.
I don't believe in destiny,
or the guiding hand of fate.
I don't believe in forever,
or love as a mystical state.
I don't believe in the stars or the planets,
or angels watching from above.
But I believe there's a ghost of a chance
we can find someone to love
Also, PLEASE note that F2.8 is the BEST you'll get on a zoom. It will not be F2.8 across the entire zoom range(or unlikely to be!)
Finally, F stops are not absolute... they are ratio... F2.8 on one lens is not the same as F2.8 on another, so be wary of that.
Above all, with wildlife, the single biggest factor to getting a great shot isn't your equipment. It's your patience. Nothing will give you finer shots than that.
Varca made my day yesterday, but I'm still smiling.
She's such a fabulous old old friend, it's hard not to totally adore her... and I do.
It's rare that anybody impresses me, let alone over a number of years, but she always does. For that I thank her. And for her patience?... It's beyond compare.
Mine would say:
Subject to change without prior notice. Terms and conditions always apply.
oops didn't see you there!
You shouldn't stand sideways... you're too easy to miss ;-)
I might put "Mathletic" - like two slim blokes added together