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6 days ago
Gay Male, 59
0 miles · West Yorkshire


Hi Meeko,
Thanks for the reply, appreciated.
I read the Adobe Patch Fix article (and various other Adobe-related material) but nothing online appears to offer any resolution to the issue I'm experiencing. Seems there's no quick fix on the horizon and I'm certainly not going thru the unnecessary process of rolling my system back to the previous operating system again and thereafter have to re-install a number of other things.
Chrome ain't an option for me so I'll hang around until someone offers a fix for Firefox.
Thanks again for the reply.
I'm experiencing problems viewing webcams in chat rooms and wondered if anyone else is having a similar issue.
I can view webcams but if I (right-click) zoom in on one, the chatroom / site just 'hangs'. It causes my entire browser to freeze, including all other webpages I have open and takes a long while to re-function, if at all. On occasion I have had to close my browser (cntrl, alt, del) to exit the site because of the entire webpage freezing up.
Coincidentally or not, this issue started happening after the major site upgrade. I'm using the latest version of Firefox and the latest version of Flash Player. I uninstalled Flash three times and reverted back to three previous versions just to test if Flash was the culprit yet still the issue remains. I also disabled all add-ons in Firefox to see if this changed anything. Sadly, it didn't.
Out of curiosity, I did try logging on with Internet Explorer and everything seemed fine. However, I don't use I.E, only Firefox.
I certainly have no malware or viruses on my PC, it's clean as a whistle and all my drivers are up to date.
Anyone experiencing similar problems? Is this some kind of bug that needs fixing? Any help much appreciated. Thanks in advance:
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
To ban whispers would surely be a step backwards for this site.
Having the ability to 'whisper' someone is an excellent (and much quicker) alternative to having to 'mailbox' someone when you want a PVT conversation and are already in a chat room.
Yeah, sometimes unwanted whispers can be a pain but I reckon an outright ban would be a bad move.
I don't believe that just allowing whispers from 'friends only' is a good idea either.
Quite a few of my existing close friends on this site only became my friends after (politely) whispering me in chatrooms.
I'd prefer to keep them as they are. I can cope with a few unwanted ones from time to time.
The pros FAR outweigh the cons (imo).
Yup, seems like things are down for me too.
Each time I try going it to chat, it won't connect. I also keep getting a '502 Bad Gateway' message when I click on every page - have to keep refreshing it to make it work.
I'm sure all will be fixed soon (he said with fingers crossed lol).
Good luck, guys smile
Quote by mincepie
I too was zapped by

...your avatar! Wooo! :crazy: love it biggrin
Why, thank you Mincepie smile
Thank you VERY much. I too was zapped by the latest damn updates so after reading your message, I downgraded back to V 11.
Many thanks. Much appreciated. wink
I guess *some* people will always be curious / nosey when it comes to wanting to know what is going on in a private room.
Temptation often gets the better of people, particularly depending on what the title of the private room is (and let's face it, there are some interesting private room names - including some that I've made myself lol).
I agree, at the end of the day, a private room is supposed to be just that 'a private room'.
Using your username or any other easy to guess word/s really is just asking for intrusion (as with any password protected internet submission, i.e internet banking, website passwords, facebook etc etc).
If you wanna keep room hijackers out, make a difficult password - simples :idea:
The words over the tannoy: "We are sorry to announce that the *add time here* train, to *add destination here* has been cancelled, due to *add ridiculously lame excuse here* banghead
"P.M's" - - - Prime Ministers...and 'Private Messages' often tend to really annoy me, so 'no'...
Did you enjoy 'school dinners'?
Gimme five favourite U.K songs released in the 80's that didn't make it to the U.K's Official Charts
To socialise with friends
To pick it up to defend yourself with
To unwrap it and eat it with a cup of tea
To become a member
If winning a game of cards requires you to do so
Give me five best moments of your life
Yes, during a power cut.
Have you ever cheated on a best friend with their partner?
"I've got nothing else running". Well ok, I've got my email package, MSN, , I'm burning cd's, listening to boom boom fm online and oh yes, my mother is upstairs and connect to the internet via my computer so she can play bingo all night....

Most of the time, I don't have anything else running lol, but on the occasions when I do, they all freeze as well once I enter the chat room (or at least once Ive been in a while).
The main mystery is why this only EVER happens when I am in a Swinging Heaven chat room and absolutely nowhere else whatsoever.
Thanks for the info anyway Ian, much appreciated - even though I'm still none the wiser lol. I'll have another peek around my PC and recheck everything....again lol.
Cheers: :thumbup:
I posted a thread yesterday regarding the chat room freezing (but NOT kicking me out ) and was redirected to this thread by Sgt Bilko.
Not sure why that was, as my problem is entirely different to the ones stated in this thread lol, but, seeing as I was redirected here anyway, here's the original thread I posted:
Dunno if anyone's having a similar experience or whether any 'techies' know of any reason why this may be happening but :-
For months now, every time I log into any chat rooms on here, after a few minutes of being in the room, everything freezes, which in turn makes my mouse and all other running programs freeze up also.
Things resume back to normal after about a minute or so but then it happens repeatedly until I log out and log back on....then it just keeps happening.
I'm sure it's not a technical hitch with this site as I've not come across anyone else having the same problem and I'm sure it's most definitely something to do with my PC but it's odd that it only ever happens when I'm in a swinging heaven chat room yet not when I'm on any other sites / chatrooms at all.
I have the latest Flash installed and have uninstalled and reinstalled it many times but still it keeps doing the same thing.
Does anyone have any (sensible) ideas as to why this may be occuring? It's really getting on my nerves now!
Many thanks in advance to anyone who can help.
Dunno if anyone's having a similar experience or whether any 'techies' know of any reason why this may be happening but :-
For months now, every time I log into any chat rooms on here, after a few minutes of being in the room, everything freezes, which in turn makes my mouse and all other running programs freeze up also.
Things resume back to normal after about a minute or so but then it happens repeatedly until I log out and log back on....then it just keeps happening.
I'm sure it's not a technical hitch with this site as I've not come across anyone else having the same problem and I'm sure it's most definitely something to do with my PC but it's odd that it only ever happens when I'm in a swinging heaven chat room yet not when I'm on any other sites / chatrooms at all.
I have the latest Flash installed and have uninstalled and reinstalled it many times but still it keeps doing the same thing.
Does anyone have any (sensible) ideas as to why this may be occuring? It's really getting on my nerves now! banghead
Many thanks in advance to anyone who can help.
Quote by BjBri69
John Foxx & Harold Budd ~ Translucence x wink

That's an awesome CD Bri, have you been hacking my 'Chilled' folder? lol.
If you like Ambient Music, you need to treat yourself to these >>>

Quote by keeno
Nice list but ........
As Connor McCloud would say "There can be only one"
Pick you all time fave biggrin

If I was able to choose only one, I would but for me it's impossible.
Mind you, if Christopher Lambert wants to pop over and choose one for me, I'd make him most welcome :-D
Current faves doing the rounds (in no particular order) at Throbbz Maison are: --
Comsat Angels, July Skies, Virgin Prunes, Burial, Magazine, The Czars, Bauhaus, Associates, Leather Nun, The Ruts, Pink Industry, Sly Stone, Throbbing Gristle, Harold Budd, Mekons, Talking Heads, Ramones, Ziggy, John Cooper Clarke, Ladytron, Paavoharju, Human League , Galaxie 500, Bill Nelson, Joy Division, Kraftwerk, B-Movie, Grouper, The Passage, XTC, Martina Topley Bird, Birthday Party, Sylvian, Banshees, Suede, Danielle Dax, Joan As Policewoman, Piano Magic, New York Dolls, Leftfield, Stone The Crows, 'L'. Cohen, Kate Bush, Rachel Unthank and the Winterset, Ivor Cutler, John Foxx, Sasha and Digweed, Hawkwind, The Boats, Syd Barrett, Current 93, Ulrich Schnauss, Kompakt Label, Sigur Ros, Zappa, Lee Scratch Perry, The Chameleons, Coastal, Deepchord, Talk Talk, Austistic Daughters, Brian Eno, The Declining Winter.
Just thought I'd share those with you. :rascal:
I also had a great evening. Thanks to everyone who attended.
For all the genuine cancellations - it's a shame you didn't make it, the evening was a good one.
For all the not so genuine cancellations - you were missed, but not forgotten! cool
"There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about." cool
Oscar Wilde
Café / Kindergarten / Swinging Site??.....Hang on, just let me get my glasses lol
....Same here also, in both I.E 7 and Firefox. It's been the same all day.
Hi Trev / Ju,
Posh and Becks were gonna come but it looks like they're cat-sitting for me now instead, so I'm gonna be representing them in their absence.
They do however wish to make it very clear that if any randy males at the munch are wanting fun then they should see me for a session and I will gladly report back to the Beckhams the next morning over breakfast how the evening went.
Many thanks in advance for the addition.
Cheers lol
I'd like to come again - room for a little one?
I promise to behave :rascal: