Quote by st3v3
Everyone is entitled to opinions.
The person that wrote the endorsement and it matters not which one of us.
As the book has been around for many years and so far as we know there's been no lawsuits then its probable that actual names and circumstances have been altered in order to prevent the author and publishers from prosecution.
Now from our side we have found something that we consider may be of interest to the members here with a discount, so we have added details of it to the newsletter.
and now the 'can of worms is open' so whats the burning issues?
In particular, what do you perceive our motives to be and also if you want to make it more interesting Witchy outline the issues at stake, it could make for an interesting thread.
You're doing the Columbo thing, right? The motives are pretty transparent- a bit of mutual publicity. Nothing wrong with that, in essence. It makes business sense.
Whilst I have neither the time (I'm due at a train station very shortly) or the inclination- lets be honest here, in your position you shouldn't need me to walk you through it- there is something I want to pick up on.
Discretion has always been something of a mantra in the swinging world. It's always been sacrosanct in these parts. And yet...
As the book has been around for many years and so far as we know there's been no lawsuits then its probable that actual names and circumstances have been altered in order to prevent the author and publishers from prosecution.
Only probable?
Well, sure, I don't believe for one moment that Julio the builder with the twelve inch cock and the ability to breathe between his ears (or whatever it was) is real...I'm sure that "we", the members who trust you with our personal details deserve more than "probable" when it comes to a book "you" the admin, are endorsing, defending and promoting.
Yours, unknotted but very late Witchy