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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 54


Quote by jesster
Hmmmm so nobody reads the papers either wink lol

I can honestly say with hand on heart that this stint, I have managed to avoid any big brotheryness. :smug:
In fact, I didn't actually know it was on.
Quote by foxylady2209
Perhaps it would help if you expanded on it a bit.
Who is he?
What did he win?
Who is the woman he is associated with?

You obviously don't watch Big Brother lol
Me neither ... is he famous ?
If he was on Big Brother then - no. LOL
Suddenly, I don't feel quite so lonely.... :lol:
Quote by Bluefish2009
Oooh counting, I like counting

Just for you:
Oooh, a fizzy!

One of the bikes the OH desperately wishes he'd held onto.
Just don't ever tell him I recognised it...I'll get my anorak... lol
There are two people I get jiggy with bareback, and the barebackedness ends with that trio. Choon's quite right though, I'll put my hands up to a very stupid moment or two in my dim & distant...I got lucky that I didn't get unlucky when I got lucky.
Not a gamble I intend to revisit though. wink
Quote by st3v3
I`ve noticed that on some other sites you receive messages from young nubile women as soon as you join. :thumbup:
It`s been a while since I joined but I understand that this is a service still not provided by SH !!
Is this just an oversight ?? Will we be upgrading to this sort of service in the future ?
As so many other sites are doing it, it must be a good thing :thumbup:

If the majority of the members here wanted it and it was a sensible thing to do for the members, then I daresay we would consider it, although I would have to say that the example you use would not be of any real benefit to new members, unlike some of the other features currently under development.
The measure of good sex:
it's what you're thinking about when you're having not-so-great sex.
Quote by awayman
There's not enough Pratchett in these lists either - Good Omens is consistently funny, even when you re-read it.

Pratchett is my most read author by far- but I couldn't pick one book. lol
Must not fiddle with the word "standing" in Splendid's post...
I think there's a fairly simple underlying answer- it's all been done already. The oldies will have already started/contributed to/read a thread or six on every sexual practice known to mankind, the newbies may lack the confidence to start them- and the newbies are fairly thin on the ground anyway.
Oh, and there's less room for a row on a sex thread. wink
The Color Purple- Alice Walker. Devoured in one stint whilst lounging in a hammock last summer.
The Time Traveler's Wife- Audrey Nickerbocker.
The House of Sand and Fog- Andre Dubus III
The Hitchhikers Guide To the Galaxy- Douglas Adams. Absolute bloody genius.
Hmm. It would appear my head is stuck in my "The" section.
Psssst...having heard this on the radio earlier...
it's the height of the waistband in question, not the width. IE, from a 17 year old lad wearing his jeans round his knees- to Simon Cowell on the other end of the scale :thumbup:
If they're round his ankles, it's probably because they're the right age...for me. What else matters? lol
Quote by Ms_Whips
.....for tomorrow to be over already :sad:

I've just seen a fab one liner:
"Save your breath...You'll need it to blow up your date."
Quote by foxylady2209
Rough quote from Kinky Boots: "High heels require the muscles of the upper leg to balance properly. Tensing the buttocks and making the woman look ready for mating".
Or some such.
It also means you have to swing your hips to walk smoothly, enhancing the effect.
One of the worst sights to see is any woman, drunk, and staggering around with her knees together and her bum stuck out, desperately trying to balance on heels that were fine before the 3rd Babycham.
I do have to ask - why aren't women's shoes foot shaped? The toe bit at least. No-one's feet are that pointed - before they wear the shoes anyway.

I wish I could bloody walk anywhere, wearing anything, without my "wiggle." In heels it's deadly. rolleyes
Moi? More of a cute cuddly baby wooly mammoth...biggrin
...and it's a damn sight easier to spell lol
Am I alone in feeling patronised by the assumption that because I don't like the sound of this change, I'm some sort of dinosaur?
How did this unwritten rule that all change is good come about?
I do embrace change. I strive for change. I've never even joined a "bring back the old Facebook" group. I get bored very easily. I like things that evolve and develop. Oddly enough, I thought about this change, considered it, and on balance decided that in my opinion it wasn't for the best.
It no more means I'm a luddite than you would be if the government decided all car windows should be blacked out to prevent glare...and you disagreed.
Disagree with me by all means- but please refrain from being condescending toward all the people here who are capable of rational thought and just happen to have come to a different conclusion than your own.
For the record, if Firefox is your browser you can use an in-line spellchequer (innocent) which appears regardless of where you are on 'tinterweb. I expect there's one for I.E too. wink
Quote by Kaznkev

......there is now a spell checker on here, look for the little ABC and tick under the right hand side of the posting box. It took me quite a while to find it too! lol

Thank you for that. Actually, it was the "red wiggly line" comment that made me think of Word. I don't think the site spellchecker automatically tells you that you have got something wrong - but somebody might be about to correct me on that one too! dunno
it doesnt and if like me you suffer from dyslexia or dyspraxia reading back doesnt help,i suppose i could check every post but that would leave me no time to cam or do my farms :lol:
You shouldn't feel the need to. The written word is not an easy medium for some people. It doesn't mean they're stupid, or that their opinions are less valid than those of the more articulate.
Quote by brucie
i disagree. i am on record here as statingthat a large proportion of swingers i have come accross in most swinging environmenst are what i would class as white trash.
ofcourse there are a few exceptions, but generally its true. as evidenced by the wieght issues (yes poor people are fatter) and amount of tattooes on tits.

I didn't realise you have a tattoo Brucie. Care to show us?
...moving swiftly on...
Working class here. From generations of manual workers who doffed their caps, and were paid not to think for themselves. I had a uni place a few years back but backed out because there was waaaay too much going on at home, and my tutor eventually managed to persuade me I should have been doing something academic rather than vocational. Had I been sitting here now with letters after my name I'd still be "me."
I think that class is no longer as relevant as it once was. My parents, for example (bearing in mind they were very late having me) found it intimidating to speak to wealthy or well educated people. My mother always acted like a "serf."
Today, I think there is more mixing done throughout classes. I'm a lowly housewife with awful qualifications and yet several of my closest friends are high level academics. Sitting behind me at the moment, drooling over my legendary poached eggs is a dear friend with no fewer than three degrees, a doctorate...a couple of million in assets...and dreadful eating habits. lol
My mother would have been bowing and scraping- I'm telling him that if he wants another cuppa he knows where the bloody kettle is.
So, erm...yeah. Now I want poached eggs too, and I'm thinking way back...and comparing it to now.
I think the swingers in clubs are more likely to have a few more £'s in the bank. However, our last meet on here was with a shop and a factory worker.
I don't think you can discern much about class from that though- as we're all aware it's something money can't buy.
I am realllly waffling. Off to succumb to some eggs. :lol:
No. I'm sulking. :dry:
And I haven't even answered the op, and it's all your fault.
Op, I'm hugely practical and spend a lot of my time either barefoot or in muddy hiking boots etc. Slipping on some heels elongates my legs, makes me an inch or four taller, and instantly more feminine & fuckable. I don't have a problem walking in heels, and unless I'm in them for a very, very long time they don't hurt my feet thankfully.
As for the time at a club when I was getting "involved" with a few people at once while the other half sat back on a bean bag & watched...and apparently I had (accidentally) pinned his balls with one of my very pointy heels...he reckons it was pretty erotic...
Quote by splendid_
"No breasts" the invite said. Personalised. To me. You don't want me, do you? rolleyes

to be blunt = NO. I dirty danced with you I think... didn't I ? I can't actually remember...... I do remember dirty dancing with my boss and thinking that wasn't perhaps the most appropriate thing to do especially in front of my dad.
Erm yes, you did. There was definitely dirty dancing. Here was I determined not to grace the dancefloor as the only way I know how to dance is dirty, and I was trying to be all demure & ladylike...and then you grabbed me. Fail. I'm off to lick my wounds.
"No breasts" the invite said. Personalised. To me. You don't want me, do you? rolleyes
Quote by splendid_
I was under the impression that heels were attractive as there is a connection between the shape of a woman's legs in heels and when she orgasms.
I know that my feet hurt in some heels and I certainly aint going to cum in them.
I just like a woman to look comfortable in her clothing ... and do prefer clothing that gives me a hint that she has breasts.... :twisted:

Ahem. rolleyes
I need a new screen. I just saw Mrs Doyle in a sex scene. Toooo much.
Sort out a subtle code word to use if either of you feels uncomfortable with anything- good luck. wink
Quote by redpantherman
Check out this article.
Cheese Gives You Nightmares: Old Hags and Heartburn
Journal article by Caroline Oates; Folklore, Vol. 114, 2003

I'd knob an old hag - can do without the nightmares & heartburn anytime lol where's Witchy? flipa
And here I was, thinking RPM in a thread about late night munchies? It can only mean one thing...
But search as I might, I cannot find that ruddy picture Meaty doctored.
Sunshine Princess... wink
Quote by redpantherman
taken by an ex when I fitted new doors & tiled her flat... I used to be an avid DIY fan now I'm just an arse! wink

Nah, most people who see your avatar think you're a stool. rotflmao