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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 54


Quote by kentswingers777
Witchy your comment " If she's not in a position to know that they've been properly punished, then she's surely not in a position to know that they're "laughing up their sleeves at the law " is to me quite laughable.
I am as sure as I can be that she KNOWS exactly how her sons killers have been treated. As a parent I am sure I would know as well.
The law is an ass at the best of times, and the problem that I know personally is that in the eyes of the law they are still minors, and the law is on their side.
I would without any shadow of a doubt trust and believe a Mother who has had to see her son by scum children, over any bloody lefty social workers...not saying you are one of those.
She knows or has been told how her sons killers have been treated, imagine how she must have felt that instead of them being punished, they were living the life of riley...nice eh?
And we wonder why our jails are full, and yes Broken Britain is out there.....everywhere caused by parents who should never have been given the right to a birth of a child.
I also think this Mother of these kids should be sterilized without any delay.

Most parents of murdered children would quite understandably seek the harshest punishment possible for their childs murderer/s. Anything less would provoke resentment.
I'd be shocked to find that Denise Fergus knows more than the basics about how Thompson & Venables have been treated. She may know of their day to day routine inside, which games console they had...etc etc, but she won't have been privy to the intimate details of their treatment and their outcomes. That's not to say I'd be likely to believe a social worker either ;)
The sweeping statement of "Boys like this who are so evil by the age of 10 and 11 will never be changed into decent people" is opinion, not fact.
But this isn't about the opinions of Denise Fergus. And it's sure as hell not about mine. I'm here to provide food for thought, as always.
Whips, for the record I'm not in the 100% nurture camp, I believe wholeheartedly that it's a bit of both.
Yup, when a dog attacks someone chances are they'll be put down...because no one will want to take the chance again. I can see why many people don't want to take the chance with these kids. However, the difference is (prepares to be lynched) we place a far higher value on the life of a human than that of a dog.
If they were over 18, they'd still be a damaged product of their upbringing. However, I think there would be less chance of being able to reshape their thought processes.
Certainly, not all people can be cured. But I don't think that that in itself is reason enough not to try.
Quote by kentswingers777
Yes Witchy we are fully aware here that the parents ( I can think of a better label for them ),are the major bearers of how these kids have turned out, and yes they should both be sent to prison for ten years minimum.
But come on.....there are plenty of kids out there in similar circumstances to this, and believe me some even do not try and kill other children!
That does not excuse the fact that these kids knew this was wrong.
In Liberal Britain NOTHING will be done with these parents, as there are a damn site more than these doing exactly the same is society in many cases that is to blame and terrible parents are just a part of the breakdown.
My next door neighbour who most would think is a decent guy, brought his nine year old son a 18 certificate Playstation game not too long ago. It contained violence and prostitution and he saw no wrong in giving it to a kid so young....this is from a decent parent. How many dreadful parents are there, where they give their kids drink and drugs and really do not give a shit about their kids?
Bottom line here is I now feel these kids minds have now become so warped that I feel that will always be a danger to the public. Yes try and rehabilitate them as that is what a decent society tries to do but....they showed not an ounce of remorse for their horrific crimes and I think they never will.
WHEN they are they will be, the people responsible for that decision, should be held personally responsible IF it goes wrong. Maybe that would make these people think ARE they really doing the right thing.
This is obviously not a normal set of circumstances ( or is it ? ), and before they are even considered for release, the so called experts ( of which I have no faith in anyway )HAVE to be so sure they will never re-offend, and they will never be that sure.
We have the Bulger killers out there in society lives, but the Bulger family have to live that nightmare forever.
Too many do gooders out there today only too quick to give people extra all those people....would YOU want these kids living next door to you when they are released? Thought not.
I do not want to see kids locked up forever, but the alternatives are to try and help them but....what happens if they do not want that help? These kids are so evil that to release them will put the public in grave danger....but release them they will, maybe to a house near you.

Not singling you out personally, just responding to your having responded...
...but you speak of extra chances. I'm not advocating chance upon chance- just that these children are given a chance to be "fixed." I would expect my ten year old to know that killing/maiming something or someone was wrong. Did these kids really understand that? The process of primary socialisation is fundamentally important. In those early years, I doubt these kids learned anything. Couple that with their minds being addled by drink and drugs...
The experts have failed miserably. They should be held accountable- but the problem with this is that no doubt the social workers on the ground will have been working within budget constraints, doing as little as they could get away with...and that's a problem dripping down from far higher up.
If they don't want help, and they don't respond to help, then they won't regain their liberty.
And yes, someone has to make a judgment call as to whether they have genuinely responded. Hopefully, it will be a team of someone"s", and assessment will be rigorous. Also hopefully, supervision would continue indefinitely after release, should it happen. Thompson and Venables have been back in the community for several years now. If there is one thing I don't doubt it's that should they commit a crime, we will all hear about it.
One more very quick point (my bath is going cold...)
You argue that people are not born evil, but that they become that way. If that's the case, then these kids, whose minds were once a blank canvas, have had a bleak picture painted upon them. There's a glimmer- just a glimmer of hope that it was painted in non- permanent paint.
It may be too late. The canvas may be stained permanently. But lets at least hope that it isn't.
Kent, whilst I have every sympathy for Jamie Bulger's family, most of the above is conjecture. I have personal experience of some of the area's his mum is speaking of, and I know some of it to be true- but equally, I know that some of it's not. If she's not in a position to know that they've been properly punished, then she's surely not in a position to know that they're "laughing up their sleeves at the law."
Fast forward three or four years. The victims of the attack have gone off the rails. They're found to have tortured and killed their neighbours pet rabbit.
Imagine your feelings. Would you be crying out for them to be put behind bars? Would you be hoping they would get some help? Saying that they had been damaged by their experiences? Blaming their attackers?
Now, rewind by the same time period. There are two young boys going off the rails. Low level criminality...and then you see the circumstances their young minds are being formed in. They are receiving no moral guidance. They are being horrifically neglected. They are learning that normal is violence and abuse. I would imagine that the reaction of most would be that these children needed removing from that situation, and given help to reshape their minds.
But no-one does that. Social services and whoever else is involved don't protect these children as they should. Day by day, the children's upbringing is reinforcing in their minds that wrong is right.
I would imagine, again, that most of us would be baying for social services to protect these children, and prosecute the parents.
In time, these children commit an horrific crime.
At that point, suddenly, they cross the line from "victims" to "devils."
These kids really didn't stand a chance. Unless we are categorically stating that no-one, not one single person, has ever been helped by psyc intervention, then there is a chance that one or both of them might just have their minds reshaped.
Imagine a dog who has been mistreated. He's become aggressive as a result, and turns up at a dogs home emaciated and snarly. How many of us want to see the dog well fed, and an attempt made at retraining, compared to how many want to see it put in a kennel for the rest of it's days and given food through the bars?
Surely the humane thing to do in both cases is to try.
Trying doesn't have to be at the expense of protecting society.
God forbid that the victims currently in our minds also cross that line between victim and monster...
:giggle: @ Dory (I can call you Dory, can't I? Nice blue fish & all that...)
Whips, I thought I was hiding behind the would have to be a very odd shape. :eeek:
That's a fecking wide lamppost your imagination has there whips! rotflmao
Bluefishies, I didn't hear any complaints- just a little moaning lol I was going through a phase- two in one week. Nothing a bit of superglue and a splint wouldn't fix...
I crave chips after a period, and chocolate before. Sadly, I've never had a craving for celery. rolleyes
Quote by Ms_Whips
I do know a couple of blokes who won't have sex with people they don't fancy. However, one of them has said that they may be able to in a "kinky scenario" where it was the situation, if not the person, doing the turning on.
I'm on the cusp of a decision to maybe start playing the field again (what can I say, I wear people out rolleyes) ...which leads me to a dilemma. I'm really bloody picky- not about looks (-I remember meeting a guy who was as hot as hell and made me drool when I walked into the room, but 5 minutes later when I was having to explain my jokes realising there was no way in hell I was gonna shag him...) but about that "spark."
Why do I have to be fussy about the hardest thing to find? dunno

you broke both of them? bad witchy! you do realise that guys will start to run if you don't play nicer don't you? then you'll have none to choose from.
play nice!
I have been known to "break men" redface
But this time it's more to do with long voyages and the strain just being too much for one person to handle :giggle:
and anyway, they can run, but they can't hide...
Lost- of course there is, ffs!
Quote by Steve

Why do I have to be fussy about the hardest thing to find? dunno

I often ask myself the same question
(of myself ;-) )
Fiddle around in there for long enough...can you remember which side you dress? Might be easier to find in the morning when it's a bit bigger, hang in there, you'll find it. wink
I do know a couple of blokes who won't have sex with people they don't fancy. However, one of them has said that they may be able to in a "kinky scenario" where it was the situation, if not the person, doing the turning on.
I'm on the cusp of a decision to maybe start playing the field again (what can I say, I wear people out rolleyes) ...which leads me to a dilemma. I'm really bloody picky- not about looks (-I remember meeting a guy who was as hot as hell and made me drool when I walked into the room, but 5 minutes later when I was having to explain my jokes realising there was no way in hell I was gonna shag him...) but about that "spark."
Why do I have to be fussy about the hardest thing to find? dunno
Nothing about me, but what it does say is
"Steve is an old perve" lol
Wahaaay, if there's one thing more tempting than the P word, it's the R word! I'll bring some more Vin Rouge...oh, and some chocolate :rascal:
Quote by Bluefish2009
I am researching my family tree and history and during this I come across many written documents from the past. The written and spoken word has changed so much. I wonder how it will sound in 200 years time>
The following is an exert from a book written in 1731 about the fire of Blandford;
"Most persons (which was observable) were at once seized with such a panic, that they gave up the town for lost. Quickly after the fire broke out. What hailed thee, O thou fire, that thou was so raging? That nothing could drive thee back? Was it not because thou hadst thy commission from above? Surely we have seen, we have felt thy power, O Lord! Ah, who can stand before God when once he is angry.
Before seven of the clock in the evening (which was about four hours after the fire began) there was scarce an house remained."

I hope he was grateful. lol
Quote by Lost
I jokingly call someone on here something similar- although "predator" simply isn't a strong enough word, so I call her a "sexual veloceraptor" :giggle:

That person would be themn would be like shagging or being shagged by a Dinosaur? Or am I missing the point confused

Nah, just that they're the ultimate predator- with added bite. wink
I jokingly call someone on here something similar- although "predator" simply isn't a strong enough word, so I call her a "sexual veloceraptor" :giggle:
Quote by splendid_
Had a beautiful love making session with Worlass..... my back still stinging and marked from being beaten last night by my Master.
Worlass and I are off to the cinema for a double film day. On the way we will be getting brunch somewhere and a bit of shopping.
When we return we will be having family night which consists of 'Glee', Pizza with loads of salad and then board games which worlass will get all competitive about. Splendid Junior will demonstrate his intelligence, again....
yup a brilliant day lined up.

Someone has hijacked Splendips account. :shock:
Love making? Love making?
I thought your keyboard spat out that combination of letters, woman. lol
Me, not much. Grim weather. Been researching things for this years whim, and nipped out for veggies for tonight. About to light the fire, do some pottering, and spend the evening cursing the fact that I said "nah" to the bottle of wine. :lol2:
Quote by kentswingers777
I bet your a secret recluse really Brucie lol

Noo, Brucies a secret agent. innocent
Quote by kentswingers777
The queen who is still head of our country, is head of the church of England.
She is the most important figurehead we have.
Until such time as our Royal family cease to become that, then a Christian country we are.
I am in no way religious but there are still some things which remain English through tradition.
Why do so many people deem it fit to try and change that after countless years, just so as to benefit a few minorities?
Once our long standing traditions are lost, they will never come back, and it will be yet another slippery slope down to Britain being nothing to do with Britain anymore.
Most countries want to keep their traditions and history and their culture, but we are now way too tolerant a country, where minorities seem to think they can change a way of life that we have had for generations.
Long may the English traditions stand, and if people do not like those traditions...then move somewhere really is that simple.

I'm playing devils advocate here...
Are non-christians really a minority in the uk?
Should the perhaps ten people in my village who go to church on a sunday take precedence over the 100-odd who would rather not be woken up by the inane tintinnabulation? (Purely an example)
And...if I were to move somewhere else because I didn't like it...wouldn't that make immigrant?
I'm about as English as you can get. My family has been traced back gazillions of years, and it would appear no one shagged anyone without a staffs accent.
I am not a christian.
Why should the fact that I just happened to be born into a country where christianity was the dominant religion have a bearing on my life?
...and from there...
a third generation Pakistani is born in the UK. Why should it have any bearing on his?
I have done, many times. I then had an epiphany-and I don't anymore. It was always unfulfilling. Even if the sex scored 6-6 in terms of technical merit, and there were more orgasms than your average really naff porn stars convention, there was always something lacking.
Some utterly fantastic news about a couple of sorely missed former forumites.
:bounce: :bounce:
Penis plugs: the revenge of the woman who's been given one too many smear tests by a bloke...
I actually had tears in my eyes earlier. :shock: - and I don't do blubbering.
Think very heavy steel item coming down, guillotine like, on fingertip...the language would have shocked a sailor.
I've used the term to describe myself for a few years now. It's not male-ness, or female-ness which attracts me, it's that "something-ness."
But wayyy back when, on a dim & distant thread, I had an epiphany...
bollox to hetrosexual
to heterosexual...
I am sexual.
That said, Teflon doesn't do it for me. wink