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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 54


Quote by Ms_Whips
My other other wants to be cast adrift at sea on a floating pyre, and have it ignited by fiery arrows shot from weapons wielded by his friends. I do not want the job of trying to organise that gig- sounds like a red tape nightmare. I do get to fire the first arrow though...although I expect it's only because he knows I'll end up burning my foot. rolleyes

i think he's been watching too many king arthur films lol just make sure you have a healthy aloe vera plant handy for the burnt toes..........
just another thought......
is he planning on dying young? only he's going to have to be pretty close to shore for the oldies to get the arrows to the pyre lol that aloe vera is going to come in handy for more than one!
Well he's past young
He'd be cast adrift from a ship (sailor) and has no shortage of people proficient with ye olde weaponry to help out...he's a life-long LARPer, and many of his mates are either LARPers, or work in the film stunt if there was ever a man who can...
Actually, I may have to come to some arrangement. There could be more deaths if I was let loose with a longbow. Carnage if there was fire involved...I may ask him if I can start proceedings by firing a cannon. Cannon I can do.
My other other wants to be cast adrift at sea on a floating pyre, and have it ignited by fiery arrows shot from weapons wielded by his friends. I do not want the job of trying to organise that gig- sounds like a red tape nightmare. I do get to fire the first arrow though...although I expect it's only because he knows I'll end up burning my foot. rolleyes
Quote by Staggerlee_BB
Am I alone in failing to make the connection between drink and hooliganism ??
I have been drinking regularly and on many occasions heavily for 30 years and never caused or been involved in any trouble.
I have been outrageously drunk on many occasions and never caused or been involved in any trouble.
I am far from unique...many people drink regularly and on occasion heavily and never cause or get involved in any trouble.
The problem (if there is one)is a social one, and only related to drink in that it is when we go out there are large enough numbers for those few hooligans to meet each other.
Alcohol is a red herring conveniently masking the true problem.

I think alcohol exacerbates problems. Take someone with an aggresive nature, add a substance which makes you think you're bigger/tougher/ 'arder than they really are...add a few mates to show off in front of...and bingo, you have a recipe for trouble.
I have been, on one or two occasions, a little tipsy. Luckily, I can "hold" the tipsy, warm toed giggly stage for some time. Then I get a little loud, start to "talk posh"- so I'm told, and then- when I risk going into the "maudlin" stage, I go to bed.
However, I have encountered people who looked like butter wouldn't melt though turning into violent psycho's with the addition of the right amount of vodka. I can honestly say that the moment I realised I was an aggressive drunk would be the moment I drank my last drop. Easy for me to say I guess as I don't have an addictive personality.
Quote by little gem
lol I know what you mean Witchy. I changed alcohol type in the past to avoid coca cola and haven't eaten 'Nestle' products for years. I went on a campaign back in the day about what they were up to and now it has to be Green & Blacks chocolate, ethically and for taste. I really like the heavy taste of 34% cocoa, it is divine! Although, if it's not on offer, I will chop and change between a handful of the fair trade chocolates.
The other things I will NOT under any circumstances buy, is Danish bacon, even when it's on offer. Their living conditions as pigs are disgusting compared with free range English bacon who have lovely outdoor ranges and huts to live in with their tasty little piglets. I will also not compromise on dry cured bacon either or meat with added water. If the animal has had to die, at least make it taste as good as it damn well can rather than adding stuff to make it shrink when it cooks. confused What a waste.
I do tend to go to the local butcher and grocer when I can, due to work commitments, which is the only downside. We rather like the farm shop not very far away from us too, a luxury where you can visit your food before it gets to your plate. Lovely. smile Genuinely a joy!
I'm aiming to cut our vegetable purchasing by 25% this summer by setting up our veggie patch in our garden, now we have one and learning to pickle & preserve. I'm really quite excited and will be starting to propagate my seeds soon. Shhhh, don't tell Neil though, cos it's likely to take up some of his kitchen space! :lol:

This just reminded me of something that made me chuckle...
I was out the other day for a long walk with the dog, and youngest sproglet. We crossed paths with some pigs- and gorgeous piglets- who, the last time we walked past had all been in the same pen. This time though, half the piglets were in a different pen.
Youngest: "mum, why have they separated them? Do you think they've separated them into boys and girls?"
Me: "Maybe. Or sausages and bacon"
Quote by 2filthy4u
A five O'Clock finish for once, and the knowledge that I had prepared my tea the night before.

Isn't that just the best feeling? I think I am in lust with my huge slow cooker- especially when filled with UKWinemans Chilli...
Quote by Suze43
Its over.... the funeral was today and it was beautiful yet heartbreaking. Went exactly as i wanted it to and i stood up and paid a personal tribute to my man. I think he would have been both touched and proud. Its been a long day, and a long 19 days since he left and im very glad its over.
Going to pick up his ashes in a day or two and then to decide what to do with them.. it can wait a bit think...
Rest In Peace Darling....
Suze xxx

Well done for getting through today Suze. From hereon in, it may be two steps forward and one step back - but at least there will be steps forward. :therethere:
Quote by Cherrytree
Use of capitals in normal text is for EMPHASIS - there, didn't you feel that I was shouting that bit?

Quote by splendid_
My son. I love him so much and am so very proud of him.
I know he won't probably read this but I can't contain my joy at his achievements.

Pat him on the back from me.

Coping with you is a huge achievement.
Quote by poshkate
What a fabulous thread Mr BIoke! kiss
Like Nola I'm quite nostalgic about SATC (the series)as it reminds me of times with good friend watching then discussing after a few glasses of vino and also my time as a single gal when it helped me through many a dating dilemma. Witchy might think it's just a chick flick but it's not, it's therapy mixed in with the most fabulous fashion/shoe porn, and a must watch for all ladies over the age of 15!
I can't decide on my favourite scenes right now......too many to decide between, but I'll have a think and come back! smile
One thing I will say is I'm not a fan of the film......I loved the series and can watch it over and over again. I refused to watch the film when it came out but eventually watched it once and don't think I'll watch the next one.

Noooo- it's not just a chick's dreadful on many levels...
Duncan, I've seldom heard such crap.
At the tender age of 13, just after her mum had died, a friend of mine was by the "man"- her friends father- who was meant to be caring for her. Despite him firebombing her bedroom, she testified against him in court, face to face.
The words "succumb" and "weakness" don't belong on the same page.
Quote by Max777
Steve Martin.....was he ever funny? dunno

I used to be a big fan- back in the days of "The Jerk" and "The Man With Two Brains"
Quote by Cubes
Judging by the responses so far I'm guessing SATC was a girly thing? I didn't watch it, but did any other blokes (apart from BIoke ;-) )?

I have a couple of gay mates who tried to make me watch it at their place once. I threatened to scrunch up their ironing. evil
Nope, you're not alone. Although I was never a big Stones fan either, I'm not an Elvis fan (although during his army days he was a looker) and I reallllly don't do SATC - or Bridget Jones...or Notting Hill...etc etc
I'd rather stick pins in my eyes than watch most "chick flicks", but off the top of my head my favourite scene would have to be "the opera scene" from Shawshank. Bliss. worship
Only heard this for the first time last year- and it's not exactly seasonal, but damn it's sexy.
Quote by Firelizard
Haiti & the fact that I can't trust anything anyone says to me anymore. What happened to good old fashioned truth?
The old naive Fire has gone and left this cynical old git in her place :sad:

Then we'll have to organise a search party & find her. passionkiss
It has to be done. The old naive Fire made me look clever.
Quote by brucie
i was standing outside bar italia at 3am one night about 5-6 years ago (i think just after england won the rugby world cup) and was eyeing up a very pretty lady. brian moore walks up to me, looking me straight in the chest, and very aggresively asks me if im looking at his bird. i recognised him, thought to myself what a cock he is, realised hes hard as nails, turned around and walked away without saying anything.
now tell me he doesnt have "issues"...

He wanted to thump you? Blimey, that really does single him out.
Quote by Ms_Whips
okay......what the pigs is Spotify?

Online music- sorted by your own playlists, genre etc. It rocks.
The free accounts have an occasional short ad- nothing intrusive- but are now invitation only...
unless you know someone with a linky to bypass it. innocent
Having gone from a very busy, noisy house to a quiet one unnaturally quickly, the house being too quiet drives me nuts. If I'm home alone there has to be some noise keeping me company. Used to be the TV, but these days it's Spotify.
Jennifer Aniston
Hugh Grant
Sarah Jessica Parker
Sandra Bullock...
in fact, anyone who flags the film up as being even vaguely "rom-com" in my head.
Or, come to think of it- "chick flick" too.
Quote by foxylady2209
I thought just occured to me. Must have been wind, but I'll post it anyway.
A person has every right to choose to send me a mail.
But surely I have a right to choose too?
When I get home I find a handful of envelopes on the mat. I look at them and I make a decision - to respond or not. Them sending me the mail does not give them the right to force/expect me to reply.
Surely the same applies to unsoliciated mail on here. OK, replying would be 'polite'. But if I don't want to I don't have to. I certainly haven't told the sender that I will so I'm not breaking any agreement. What perhaps would be polite is making contact in chat or on the forum before sending me mails.
So if I HAVE to reply, then a random person CHOOSING to send me a random mail takes away my right to choose. That isn't acceptable is it? One of the main themes of swinging is making concious choices, not being blindly led by social opinions, and not being foced to act against our wishes just cos of someone else's expectations.
Told you - must have been wind.

Spot on. I'm not asking for mail. My choosing not to reply to an unsolicited PM doesn't make me ignorant.
Were the broken hairdryer and the dead goldfish linked? :uhoh:
Quote by Kaznkev
Am I the only one who really doesn't care what brand it is as long as it doesn't have a long list of additives, colours and artificial whatnots included?!
I use which ever is the best quality for the money I'm paying. I've no brand loyalty really and would try any type of anything once, twice if I liked it and the price was right! ;)
Come on down, the price is right! lol Oh how I miss proper trash winner takes all type TV.

Fear not, you are not the only one.
I was reading the thread and thinking eek am I the only person I know who has no brand perception or loyalty. In fact when it comes to shopping I go out of my way not to become an acolyte of the great god Tesco or any of the others, a stance that gets harder n harder. Next time you are in tesco compare the price of nescafe with tesco own brand. I mean this is a freeze dried instant coffee-hardly the epitome of gastronomic delight-yet sticking nescafe on the label means u can charge 4 times the price for what is essentially the same product. My mind boggles.
I too will join the who cares about the brand thread,for the coffe freaks kev reccomends Aldis own brand,far superior to nescafe iho,which is banned from this house anyway...which is a ban i inherited from my mother wierdly enough :giggle:
Brand loyalty to ethical causes anyone?
I am very aware of branding, but don't get sucked into it. As for being ethical...
Our eldest boycotts many places & things for ethical reasons. Shopping, for her, is an utter nightmare.
And I also have an ethical dilemma. Coca cola & it's subsidiaries have a dreadful record. Some close friends of ours have seen first hand the way the company decimates communities in South America. I avoid it whenever possible.
But it's the only thing that's perfect with Spiced. :doh:
Of the very few things I won't substitute, Kellogs cornflakes top the bill.
Spiced Rum has to be Captain Morgans- nothing else cuts the mustard.
Most things I'll chop & change though.
Quote by Freckledbird
The OPs have been on this site for more than 2 years. This subject has come up many times in that period. So, this isn't really a request for information - it's a rant. Fair enough - I like a good rant myself. But the question has been answered, hundreds of times and dozens of ways.

Oi :kick:
I was about to do that.
:thumbup: :thumbup: