I like it where nature intended.
And a few other places besides. But not in the mane, that's a very bad idea.
Quote by splendid_
Don't forget the laundry bag
Quote by tweeky
I have very mixed, confused views on abortion. I have very clear views on religion. But this is about neither, so I won't elucidate.
I am utterly baffled as to why Fleiss' occupation has any bearing on what she said. She has facilitated the selling of sex. You're a swinger. Neither of you are abiding by the "rules" of either the church, or western society.
You're both up for sex as a recreational pastime. You're not doing it in order to conceive. Why does the fact that she makes money from the pastime you partake in mean she gives up the right to an opinion on abortion?
Quote by tweeky
"Thank God for abortion". This really does promote Thinking before you open your mouth.
Like I said I have my opinion of what she said and I'll use my vote when the time comes.
Quote by Dirtygirly
What has made me smile today? My friend Paul. :mrgreen:
Today I got up at 5am and met a couple of friends at Waverley Station. We got on the first train to Birmingham and went to visit our friend Paul who is in Selly Oak Hospital. He's in the army and has been out in Afghanistan. Tragically he was hit by a roadside bomb while he was out on patrol. He's lost both his legs, a finger, his pelvis has been blown to bits but I have never met anyone with such spirit I am truly inspired by his bravery and his attitude.
We were nervous when we arrived because we really weren't sure what to expect. However, when we got there and said that we weren't sure what to bring him so loaded him with FHM and a variety of boy mags. He very quickly said that he'd rather have had some socks!He said he'd lost a lot of weight... mainly from his height and was enjoying the hospital food! Oh to have a sense of humour in those circumstances... priceless.
He's so upbeat and cheerful the nurses are loving him. He thinks he's incredibly lucky and looking round the ward he's absolutely right. There are young lads there who are a shadow of their former selves yet they're smiling and getting on with it. It was a truly humbling experience and a very real look at what the war is doing to the lads who are out there fighting for us.
He proposed to his girlfriend on Christmas Day. She said yes. (Although he did say that he had to lower his bed right to the floor cause he couldn't get down on one knee!) :lol: I'm uber pleased for him and I'm not sure why I'm writing this here but I just felt the urge to share it with someone. He is truly inspiring.
The simple things that we take for granted every day, we shouldn't.
Quote by Dawnie
I do believe there was something much more recently too...
Quote by Steve
Don't say that for god's sake - People will leave the site.. for other sites.. that have verification systems.... (flaw in their argument?)
Quote by Ahabs
If this is an issue why doesnt SH... oh... publish the correct stats? (Too radical an idea?)
Quote by splendid_
Oddly enough, I was just thinking of a recent incident where I did the reverse...I took a 'nilla into a non-nilla environment.
Never, ever again. :dry: