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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 54


Not seen Blue&Pink for a while...but when they were last here I (well, the other me) was still top of the Smut stakes in their sig flipa
I like it where nature intended.
And a few other places besides. But not in the mane, that's a very bad idea.
Hmm, dancing.
I usually do the "wallflower" bit, but it has been known for me to get on the floor- all on my lonesome- as everyone else got off when the Timewarp came on.
Whatever I try to do on the dancefloor ends up looking dirty. I'm all "from the hip." I swear my hips don't act like normal peoples. confused??: I simply cannot dance without it looking stupidly provocative.
I can salsa a little bit. That's possibly the style that suits me best.
One of my fondest memories is the exchange of "looks" twixt myself and the wonderful, but sadly missing Stormwalker, watching in bewilderment as Splendips headbanged, Flizzard bopped, and my partner old skool raved...all to the same song. Carnage. lol
My friend wrote his car off today, not normally something that would make me smile. But when I got a text from him telling me he'd skidded on ice and "slipped up a pole" I did chuckle.
It wouldn't have been nearly as funny if he hadn't got a Polish boyfriend :giggle:
Quote by splendid_
Don't forget the laundry bag wink

the laundry bad isn't coming. She has to figure out how to get all her clothes into just the bags on her bike. She has told me that she isn't sharing although I am carrying splendid Junior on my bike as well. So two of us have to get on my bike with my tankbag and (to buy) saddle bags and the poor love will have to wear a rucksack. Worlass is having a tankbag, tail pack and saddle bags for her stuff. She did ask if she could share my tank bag too. I think you know that there will be some stories out of this journey. rolleyes
You know it makes sense:
I have a pair of snow boots from sports direct- they've seen lots & lots of snow, and are still warm, dry & cosy. I also have a pair of hiking boots bought new for the grand sum of £1 years ago- they're both brilliant in the snow.
We popped out yesterday & the amount of people putting fashion before function was ridiculous. And the amount of people wearing boots made of slipper material...they may as well be wearing sponges!
All the local kids (and some kids in adult bodies) getting together and sharing sledges, ski's, warm gluhwein...and generally getting on really well as one big community smile
It's incredibly tough to get near our primary school at the moment. I absolutely understand why the school was shut today.
However, with this weather set to continue, I'm wondering if anyone is plugging away at a plan B out there? By the looks of things, our roads may well be impassible into next week. How long will the schools stay shut before some ingenious ways of getting teachers & kids in are implemented? dunno
Ask her who she had a crush on last week, type his name...
simples. wink
My husband owns many more pairs of shoes than I do. They're shoes. Keep the shoes, give me experiences...holidays..."doing stuff"
Zynga poker on Facebook....then A) I can give you some cash...and then B) Whip your ass.
I'm a little envious. On a couple of occasions I've revealed some pretty shocking stuff to people...and it always turns out that they "kind of expected something similar." rolleyes
I never get to shock people. I remember putting together a costume once that I'd be wearing quite a bit through the season. I went out of my way to make it non-tarty, and still ended up "looking like a fecking extra from a porn film" much to peoples amusement. :kick:
Coffee Revels rock. flipa
Yes, I know I'm weird. No, I don't care.
Marmite, however... :scared:
I like coffee Revels :dry:
It's the sort of story that restores your faith. People all over are capable of acts of kindness- sometimes they just need the chance to shine. :thumbup:
Quote by tweeky
I have very mixed, confused views on abortion. I have very clear views on religion. But this is about neither, so I won't elucidate.

I am utterly baffled as to why Fleiss' occupation has any bearing on what she said. She has facilitated the selling of sex. You're a swinger. Neither of you are abiding by the "rules" of either the church, or western society.
You're both up for sex as a recreational pastime. You're not doing it in order to conceive. Why does the fact that she makes money from the pastime you partake in mean she gives up the right to an opinion on abortion? dunno

You are taking the whole point of the thread out of context as are most people. Sadly mention the word abortion and most people cant see past the Pro or against debate.
Quote by tweeky
"Thank God for abortion". This really does promote Thinking before you open your mouth.

She's in Big brother. The ideal of the show is to win by having the most votes at the end of the series. I doubt very much the above sentence from the worlds most famous madam will do much for her to that end. Like I said I have my opinion of what she said and I'll use my vote when the time comes.
How on earth did you conclude the green bit after reading the blue bit? :dunno: I state I have mixed views on abortion, but from that you infer that I can't see past the pro/anti debate? And despite the fact that I've kept that to three sentences, and then said "this thread is about neither" and gone on to raise questions about that which I believe is the point you're trying to come up with "you are taking this whole thread out of context" :dunno: :dunno:
If the thread is about her job in relation to her comments, then I'd genuinely like to hear your views on the questions I just asked.
If it's just about this:
Like I said I have my opinion of what she said and I'll use my vote when the time comes.

...on it's own merit, then surely it's a pro-anti debate?
I have very mixed, confused views on abortion. I have very clear views on religion. But this is about neither, so I won't elucidate.
I am utterly baffled as to why Fleiss' occupation has any bearing on what she said. She has facilitated the selling of sex. You're a swinger. Neither of you are abiding by the "rules" of either the church, or western society.
You're both up for sex as a recreational pastime. You're not doing it in order to conceive. Why does the fact that she makes money from the pastime you partake in mean she gives up the right to an opinion on abortion? dunno
Quote by Dirtygirly
What has made me smile today? My friend Paul. :mrgreen:
Today I got up at 5am and met a couple of friends at Waverley Station. We got on the first train to Birmingham and went to visit our friend Paul who is in Selly Oak Hospital. He's in the army and has been out in Afghanistan. Tragically he was hit by a roadside bomb while he was out on patrol. He's lost both his legs, a finger, his pelvis has been blown to bits but I have never met anyone with such spirit I am truly inspired by his bravery and his attitude.
We were nervous when we arrived because we really weren't sure what to expect. However, when we got there and said that we weren't sure what to bring him so loaded him with FHM and a variety of boy mags. He very quickly said that he'd rather have had some socks! lol He said he'd lost a lot of weight... mainly from his height and was enjoying the hospital food! Oh to have a sense of humour in those circumstances... priceless.
He's so upbeat and cheerful the nurses are loving him. He thinks he's incredibly lucky and looking round the ward he's absolutely right. There are young lads there who are a shadow of their former selves yet they're smiling and getting on with it. It was a truly humbling experience and a very real look at what the war is doing to the lads who are out there fighting for us.
He proposed to his girlfriend on Christmas Day. She said yes. (Although he did say that he had to lower his bed right to the floor cause he couldn't get down on one knee!) :lol: I'm uber pleased for him and I'm not sure why I'm writing this here but I just felt the urge to share it with someone. He is truly inspiring.
The simple things that we take for granted every day, we shouldn't.

That is better than hoped for- I'm so glad he pulled through :thumbup:
Earlier I was musing that I remember reading something years ago which said that women reach a sexual peak at the age of 36, and men at 19. I raised an eyebrow as, oddly enough, halfway through my 36th year I had my very first multiple orgasm. A few days later I shared (his too) mind blowing, best sex ever. Twice. :rascal:
Oddly enough, as my sex life gets less kinky, It's getting better & better. Is it weird to see Poly-ish-ness is not kinky. dunno
So, yeah, my sexual highlights happened in November. Recent enough to still see me getting all fuzzy about. lol
My favourite place is a spot on a thingy that the view changes. I've been known to spend hours there, in the freezing cold & howling winds wrapped up in a blanket in the dead of night enjoying the sounds. The creaking of the timbers...the clink of blocks on the ratlings...
This is the view from my spot.
Over the years I've been here, I have commented a few times that there seems to be a higher number of "depressed" swingers than you'd find in many other social groupings. I recall a long running thread about the topic yonks ago. However, I don't think there's a gender difference.
Suze, you're understandably in shock at the mo. Try not to be on your own. I remember recently several people recommended Cruse ...they're open again in a day or two, and in the meantime the website may be useful.
Keep talking if it helps. :therethere:
Quote by Dawnie
I do believe there was something much more recently too...

Witchy, please don't take this the wrong way, I am purely trying to understand your thoughts.
Why are you so strong about not having Shrep and suggesting you will leave when your account can't have more than a couple of months to run?
I really hope you get to see Shrep before you leave just to see what you think :thumbup:
A day or so ago when I reiterated my thoughts, I pointed out that my leaving upon the introduction of SHrep was "a bit of an empty threat/promise" as I'm not here for much longer anyway...but yes, I'd still be leaving on principle if I was still using my old style, free account. You'll just have to take my word for that.
I'd love to cast an eye on the system before I'm off, I am always curious and it does sound interesting at the very least. Having read the thoughts of those who've seen it, it does sound like a lot of works gone into it- I do take that on board.
I'm still voicing an opinion, not because it will make a difference to me, but because I still hold the same view. Some may say that makes me a Luddite- they'd be wrong. I embrace change, but I think that this one is wrong.
It was always a losing battle since the takeover. Verification makes commercial sense. When I first signed up, SH was head and shoulders above the rest in terms of community, and functionality. The functionality of the site has improved in recent years with the post takeover investment, but I think that as far as community goes, it's losing it's edge. Hopefully my post about moving house explained my feelings on the subject.
I'll shrug my shoulders as I shut the gate...but I believe that some of my friends, and many I've never met, will suffer. Some people who like the idea of being verified may well gain. Such is life.
Quote by __random_orbit__
all words/names are good in context with consent and understanding.

You're so wrong.
Semolina. There is no context in which semolina is a good word. :scared:
Quote by Steve

Don't say that for god's sake - People will leave the site.. for other sites.. that have verification systems.... (flaw in their argument?)

Who mentioned leaving here for other sites dunno
Leaving here was mentioned but I saw no mention of going to another site....
Ditto that. Without reading back, I think I'm the only person to have said they'd leave in the advent of verification...and I sure as hell didn't say I was going to another site.
Quote by Ahabs
If this is an issue why doesnt SH... oh... publish the correct stats? (Too radical an idea?)

The figures that are there now make the site seem a much more popular one than the correct figures do.....Even the correct figures would make it seem a popular site but the inflated ones make it seem all the better....
Quote by Cubes
redface I'm going to blame the left-over Xmas spirit, drinkies but the "ego search" is actually the "My Posts" search, but I knew what I meant! lol

Ah, now I call that the "did I make a pished post last night? Oh, bollox" search.
News that someone lovely is off to a cracking start, despite all the odds being stacked to the contrary. :bounce:
Quote by splendid_
Oddly enough, I was just thinking of a recent incident where I did the reverse...I took a 'nilla into a non-nilla environment.
Never, ever again. :dry:

It was kinda 'nilla. But it was my 'nilla.
and I did apologise a lot...... but I kinda sorta kinda can't help being me.
But you can help being so fecking loud! lol
Actually, you weren't guilty of the worst bit. That was down to your friend, who couldn't have known. I have never wanted the ground to open up so badly. redface