Strangely, I was just about to PM you, woman!

Quote by Resonance
Every word in the Oxford English dictionary, and a few more besides.
Quote by splendid_
Furry muff, I know this is one of the few things you and I will never see eye to eye on, and you make some valid points. first time for everythingDoesn't remove my main worry though.
But please don't tell me about all the sex you have. In my mind, you're still pure as the driven snow
Quote by splendid_
I have belonged to a couple of other sites that have verification. I kinda like it. Not so I can get verified as I can get a shag just by swinging as a single bi fem (the holy grail don't you know) I like it because it gives me a chance to verify the real holy grail :- A single man who can keep it up with a condom and who doesn't want to have my kids and move in with me.
Verification here won't affect me a jot. I won't allow others to verify me good or bad. I won't be verifying others (to verify requires sex and I have that covered) Verification will have a massive impact on single men who, because of their vast numbers, are the real money spinners on this site. It will make the site more meaningful for them. It will raise the profile of those people who really need the support. I can't really see anything wrong in that.
There will still be people who have nothing to do with the verification system and that is their want. I have had more sex on this site without verification as I have no need of it to make my own mind up.
I really don't get what all the fuss is about.
If you like it, use it.
If you don't like it, don't use it.
A case in point....... I definitely fancied Mr FB as soon as I realised that he was engaged to Ms FB. The only verification he needed was the knowledge that he was making her happy. :twisted: :twisted:
Quote by Mal
When I first joined the site six years ago they didn't have a verification system in place, then someone very hamfistedly tried to force one upon us and made a complete dogs dinner of it. It wasn't thought through properly and caused great offence to many people. Having said that, at the time I think we only had about 2,000 members.
It was then decreed that we wouldn't have a verification system ever and peace was restored.
Fast forward to the current day and we are now looking at another verification system. The difference with this one compared to the last one is that we now have over a million more members (literally!) and members have been asked if this is what they want and the majority have said yes. Note I said the majority, not everyone.
I personally didn't like the idea of a verification system originally, for all the reasons that have been mentioned already, but having seen what the new system is like, I know it can be a good tool for those who use it correctly and Admin have done as much as possible to make sure it cannot be abused.
I'm not going to steal the thunder of Admin and tell you too much about it, other than to say it is well designed and answers nearly all the queries raised so far.
At the end of the day life moves on, people move on as their life changes, as does this site. If you feel the right thing for you is to leave, then leave. We will shed as many tears for your passing as you do for us staying. You will be remembered more for your last few months than you are for your first few months, so have a think about how you wish to be thought of once you leave. A valuable and amusing contributor or someone who makes sly digs, 'look at me' posts and give the impression that we, the site, will be worse of without them? Well, maybe we will, but we'll cope, as we have done in the past.
All the best for the New Year, Guys n'Gals
Quote by Ahabs
A lot of very narrow mindedness going on in this thread.
"I wont be using a system I have not seen yet and know nothing about :stampfootemoticon:
So much for open minded swingers.
There are circumstances where I would cancel this account if it was not right, but I'll wait and see what it brings. I note also most of the no supporters are established users who have been going to munchs and events for years and have tons of already built up contacts. That was us once too but life changes and we certainly dont have time to waste with people who dont turn up dont look like their photo etc. Those problems can never be eradicated but if they can be improved so the risk is significantly reduced then so much the better.
This could turn the site into a huge commercial quick shag site? It already is, its only the forum thats not.
Quote by tweeky
A lot of very narrow mindedness going on in this thread.
"I wont be using a system I have not seen yet and know nothing about :stampfootemoticon:
So much for open minded swingers.
There are circumstances where I would cancel this account if it was not right, but I'll wait and see what it brings. I note also most of the no supporters are established users who have been going to munchs and events for years and have tons of already built up contacts. That was us once too but life changes and we certainly dont have time to waste with people who dont turn up dont look like their photo etc. Those problems can never be eradicated but if they can be improved so the risk is significantly reduced then so much the better.
This could turn the site into a huge commercial quick shag site? It already is, its only the forum thats not.
Quote by Steve
I think if they do this it has to be mandatory for everyone or not at all. Otherwise dont think it will work in the slightest.
Quote by goldsmith
I don't think English is taught these days as it was in my day (grabs zimmer frame).
The other thing that annoys me is the way lots of people sound 'th' as 'f' as in fink instead of think.
I am on my soap box now lol
Quote by Ms_Whips
i've tried lots of different things but lately i have been doing something called 'planks'. basicly you put yourself on the floor as though doing pressups. poised on toes, keep your forearms flat on the floor and hold your body so that it is flat (not with your arse in the air, that position is much better saved for other activities :twisted: ) as though in te rise of the pressup. you then hold that position for upto 60 seconds. you do these 3 times a day, simple.
however, you will hurt and you will shake and you may not last very long. i've been able to do around at the most so far and always over the minute but then i have quite a high level of fitness. we are all doing it at work and my friend and i are finding it the easiest. my theory is that we are both horse riders so already have a good central body core strength.
give it a go and see what you think.
oh and if that doesn't suite then latin dancing i great too.
Quote by Kaznkev
You are not alone - boring and pedantic is not a bad thing!
Quote by neilinleeds
And what's more, "none of my friends are online"!
It should be "is" of course.
Caring about this sort of thing is probably why I don't have too many friends!
Quote by tweeky
I thought it was quite disjointed, and they tried to cram too many different elements in. I have a friend who's a successful playwright, and David Tennant's #1 fan (he has a massive crush on him) - and even he was dissapointed. The waters of mars was a cracking episode, and set the bar quite high. Yesterday's couldn't make the mark, but hopefully the next will be better.
Quote by Ms_Whips
well i applaude your thinking witchy!
however, for me this year charity begins at home. things have been tight for a while and my main priority is to my son and myself. i work god damn hard all year and have bought myself one bottle of fizz. i'm not going to feel guilty about it either. it cost me less than a fiver and i shall enjoy every sip. i give throughout all the year, buy the big issue, support animal charities too as well as using my wages to put into the activities funds at work for my residents.
i have my pets as my major luxury and could even put my lover in there as one too.
so sorry, although i think it is awful for those who are without, and i wish i could do more, i won't have their ill fortune on my head this year.