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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 54


Bear in mind that if you're using a blu ray player to make the comparison, it's almost certainly going to be a Dvd upscaler, which will narrow the difference.
Quote by Kaznkev
A typical conversation in chat
xxxxxx;do you meet?
kaz;yes pet
quickly pops out to perve profile
kaz ;sorry ,we re not meeting straight men at the monent
xxxxxx;Oh my profile says straight but...its only to stop messages from gay/bi men/im only orally bi/I only just realised im bi/im only bi with couples/well ppl wont meet bi men.
Why someone thinks that we wil meet if they arent even honest on their profile is a question i cannot answer,but i have reached the coclusion that straight men are rarer than the single bi fem we all hope to encounter :giggle:

There is an ancient American Indian proverb:
"Man with full balls say anything."
Quote by redpantherman
Oooohh this sounds like fun
(little britan quote)
I'm a lady, I don't have testicles.
Well perhaps tiny little lady testicles. lol

Bollocks. rolleyes
And if you reattach the wire from your eyes to your brain, rather than your groin, you'll see that no-one said it was ladies only, blondie. :lol:
Quote by Missy
What a fab theme for a Pussy Posse meet! :twisted:

Sounds perfect for a Pussy Posse meet rotflmao
It's all women so far, me, Witchy (in her swimming hat lol ), Corrie, Voddy (with duck tape over her mouth :lol: ), Couplefunuk skating in (we'll shove you in the room so you don't skate straight past :lol: ), Sassy and Mrs-bmw.
Not many guys as yet - I'll grab someone who's easily led and get them oiled up :happy:
Oh Chooon wave quick word over here a min :twisted:
Do you have any idea how big a swimming hat would have to be to go over my hair?
This would be more like it:
I had an "erm, ooooh" moment when I just watched it...followed swiftly by the realisation that it would take me 6 months to wash it out of my bloody hair. lol
I know there is a kinda similar stuff at the "night of the senses ball"- or whatever it's called now- but without the oil.
Enjoy :thumbup:
I'm of no use at all, just wanted to say I remember the programme.
Oh Missy...look what i found...:rascal:
Ah Corrie, I have a similar tale of woe. Years & years ago, I was on the phone as a precursor to a meet with two gay* guys. The phone convo was a tad awkward, and I asked what it was like where they lived (about 30 miles away) He replied "really nice, we're by the sea, and there are lots of pigs & other animals"
Me "ooh, I really like pigs" He is really enthused by this, and then I chip in "Especially thinly sliced on fresh white bread with apple sauce"
Conversation continues, more awkward than before. Five minutes later, I say "So, what is it you guys do then?"
Him "We run a farm rescuing pigs from slaughter."
Quote by Steve
Housework loon

I do not expect to come in here on a Sunday afternoon and be affronted by such foul language. I may well raise a support ticket. Ban this filth!
Quote by Sassy-Seren
Bit disappointed with Shameless but it was only the 1st episode so I'll wait and see. Grey's Anatomy is still as ace as ever :thumbup:

Ah, things picked up in the second episode. It actually made me laugh aloud- a very rare occurrence.
Quote by anais
That stands out in my memory as being one of the best threads I've ever read on here. :thumbup:

Remember it being quite intense at the time, a kind of learning curve for me
Exactamundo- and it didn't descend into a bitch fight either, despite the emotive subject.
The thread was cleaned up so you don't see it.
There has been some excellent sexually related threads over the years.
I remember it at the time- including the cleaned up bits- and whilst it teetered on the edge of a barney, IMO it never quite fell in. What I remember most was the frank, adult discussion, and the open mindedness which prevailed.
I'm glad it went smoothly for you Whips. kiss
He was quite a looker- for a horse. wink
Bugger. I wanted to ask what happens to submissive couples? dunno
That has to be the fastest fecking flounce in a long time.
Quote by Missy
That stands out in my memory as being one of the best threads I've ever read on here. :thumbup:

Remember it being quite intense at the time, a kind of learning curve for me
Exactamundo- and it didn't descend into a bitch fight either, despite the emotive subject.
Quote by DungeonMaster
Like most lads in the 70's my first bike was a Yamaha fizzy 50, my one and only Suzuki was the old kettle GT750, but after a string of Japs move onto the love of the british bike, and an extensive tool box :sad: now after acouple of years without a bike around this year Im looking at a new Harley VRSC lol

DangerMouse, you were continually rising in my estimations (especially after reading the other thread this morning) but that's just blown it.
A Harley? Tut. Tarts handbag. :lol:
Witchy, I have never said I wasn't a tart, you should see my wardrobe, and shoe cupboard :lol: Im worse than a girl
Sigh. That sounds alllll to familiar. Seven pairs of shoes for a weekend away. SEVEN. Thats on more than six- for THREE fecking nights. Lucky really that I only took the pair I was wearing, and a change- or we'd have needed a trailer.
I am, definately, a girl...but every bloke I know owns more shoes than me. Well, apart from one.
And as for the Dangermouse...I keep wanting to abbreviate your name to DM- but every time I do that I hear Penfold's voice in my head. :lol:
That stands out in my memory as being one of the best threads I've ever read on here. :thumbup:
Quote by Steve
I woke up this morning to see a perfect rainbow reflected on my bedroom wall, ending in a vase on my dresser. It was sooo pwetty, and really uplifting.

Just like a good bra :lol2:
You just have to lower the tone, dontcha? rolleyes
Quote by DungeonMaster

I have never ever been with a guy who had trouble staying hard with a condom. dunno
I'm not saying some don't, but I do think it can often be a convenient excuse to try and persuade the partner not to insist on one.

Like wise I have never had a problem with a condom, if Im horny and with some one I want to have sex with, you could put a welly on my cock and it would stay hard lol I too thick it is usualy a convenient excuse just to not ware one, and as for the couple of second's it takes to put one on, isn't it worth them second's for the hours of fun your about to have
Trust you to put the boot in. rolleyes
Quote by DungeonMaster
Like most lads in the 70's my first bike was a Yamaha fizzy 50, my one and only Suzuki was the old kettle GT750, but after a string of Japs move onto the love of the british bike, and an extensive tool box :sad: now after acouple of years without a bike around this year Im looking at a new Harley VRSC lol

DangerMouse, you were continually rising in my estimations (especially after reading the other thread this morning) but that's just blown it.
A Harley? Tut. Tarts handbag. :lol:
Quote by Kaznkev
Is a clique like a gang? :confused2:

Yeah, but noisier.
I woke up this morning to see a perfect rainbow reflected on my bedroom wall, ending in a vase on my dresser. It was sooo pwetty, and really uplifting.
Quote by Calista
The kindness of online friends :love:
Horrid horrid time right now sad

:therethere: You're in everyone's thoughts. :sad:
Do you know, I can't even remember what bike I passed my test on? :sad:
Of course, there was the whole dalliance-with-my-instructor thing which got kinda messy muddying the waters at the time :whoops:
Quote by Staggerlee_BB
Apparently 666 isn't the number of the's the result of a bit of shoddy transcription/translation and it should be 616 (I may be wrong on that was an old edition of QI)

It's the same one I remember- and the Mr Fry is a demi god, so he must be right. wink
Quote by TheLovelyOne
i want to be lying in a hamper somewhere secluded and warm (not hot) with a glass of ice cold watermelon juice in one hand, a bob marley in the other and listening to music on my ipod.
see, im easy.

Laundry or picnic?
I was going to mention that, but then I remembered once being so incomprehensibly drunk that I mistook a pair of trousers for a hammock. Glass houses sprang to mind. lol