Sneaks in. I`ll be there, just keep fingers crossed the weather holds up lol. Food menue as before, Curry, Scotch Eggs (home made) and of course the chocolate fountain thats of course if its wanted xxxxxx
Being told that im to become a nanny again Yippeeeeeeeeeeee
Well said Woo. :thumbup:
As you have said before this is not just a swinging site, it is a community as well. Yes we have the option to use it as a swing site if we want to, but SH has far gone beyond that now. I hope it continues the work it is doing. There is just about no area that is not covered on SH, Swinging areas and non swinging areas.
Most know about what happend to me, if it had not been for SH and friends i had made here, i would not be here posting now, it really did save my life.
The support i had from so many others aided my recovery in fact was a major factor in my recovery. Those that come to visit me in ITU those that kept in touch with my family, those who visited me when i returned home and those, who when i was strong enough i chatted to in the chat rooms.
I cannot thank them people enough, for the help and support i have always found here. Some i have met and some i have not, just chat buddies if you like, but no matter what they are always here to be found if needed. :rose:
Bo -x-
I do read posts, and no not in this post it does not mention tagging, but i do know that like me DG had concerns over tagging in previous posts, as well as the gallery and other things just as i did.
Im sure that Dg knows me well enough as we have met socially on a few occassions, to know that my post in no way was meant to be patronising and if that is the case and she felt it was, then i will apologise here and when i meet up with her again.
I did not like the gallery either and my suggestion was that ONLY members who place Adds should star in it.
I do not like any verification system and will Opt out. I did not like the quick message item and also various other things as well. I have made my views known on all the above and on other things i have not liked.
but what ever changes are made as Admin see fit, if i like them or not, i will make adjustments to my profile to make it work for me, as at the end of the day i appreciate that changes have to be made and its the majority vote that will win.
Bo -x-
Exactly my point.... you dont like whispers you can ignore them or turn them off... if you dont like the chat dont use it, if you dont like forums dont use them... we dont like the gallery but we cant choose not to use it cause to do so we are forced to make our pics private, stopping us from using the profiles properly... ie we cant have a picture on our profile!
young fun couple!
But as someone pointed out, you have a pic on your forum avtar ? It seems that most people have 2 reasons for making their pics private, 1) To stop non paying/Full members from seeing them. 2) To advoid a picture being Tagged.
Pictures are more secure now than ever before to be honest. You have a choice like everyone else. Use the options you are given or manipulate the choices to work for you.
As i said your Avatar pic is available for ALL to see, so why do you not use this on your profile. If you want to advoid your pic being tagged you put it in your private gallery. There was a lot of negative feedback to start with on that, and i also was unsure of it to start with, but we have all seen how it has worked, making searches far quicker and eaiser to use, which is what the majority wanted.
As i said i was unsure of the Tagging, but have seen the benefits of this, and yes some have been Tagged wrong, and by the own profile member, but they are checked and corrected by Mods on a daily basis im sure, just to make sure they go into the right catorgory. With the amount of pictures that are uploaded on a daily basis, its an ongoing job.
If anything i think the new changes makes the chances of you finding “genuine†swingers even more likely. Less likely to get the ones who just want to perve/vouyers. As they will have to put more effort into perving, where they can find it much easier elswhere.
As for those profiles i view who say they have been inactive for over 2 weeks, i dont bother with those, simply because it idicates to me that they may be taking a break for what ever reason. If im intrested then i watch the profile for a while to see when they are active again by adding them to my favorites. Not rocket science to be honest, just a little common sense.
The one thing everyone does have, is a CHOICE . You have a choice to make an effort to have the changes work for you, or you dont.
DG, i think its such a shame that you decided to remove ALL of your profile, it was always witty and clever and a pleasure to read. Your pictures were always very very good, sexy and alluring. Your an intelligent, funny, witty person to name just a few. I know that you had concerns over Tagging, as i did as well, but to be honest i think now after i have seen how it works, given it the time, those fears were unfounded.
With your level of intelligence and very little effort on your part, im sure that you could make your pics the same again without fear of being noticed by someone you know. I for one know that when you did have your pics on your profile, and then on meeting you, there is no way i could have recognised you. As i said with your level of intelligence, your pics could be there, and a witty profile added, once agian making sure that your mailbox is over flowing with those who are of interest , i know you could make ALL the changes work for you, making sure that you get excatly what you want.
Bo -x-
I dont often post in the forums, but will add my views on recent changes. I have not liked all the changes made, but understand that at the end of the day SH is no different to any other business, it has to move forward and try and cater for as many as possible. Like any buisness its the MAJORITY not the minority that will always fair better. At least you have this option to say what you would like, there are hundreds of sites out there where you do not and just have to put up with what ever the site owners want to do.
I for one feel that in no way does the new changes make it more of a vouyer site, in fact i think its done the total opposite. Vouyers and pic collectors are not going to bother with a few thumb nail pics that they find when they can search the net and find VERY much more revealing pictures
We have all at some stage in our time on here come across those who we lable as “Time wasters†if we have not im sure that we know someone who has come across them. The recent changes, to me make that even less of an oppertunity for these types now, as they have to put more effort into their time wasting. We all moan about those who never bother to read a profile.
Now to me those who are more serious about meeting and not time wasting are more likely to take that time, and also send invites out to private gallerys. I for one have found this and get many invites to view peoples private pictures. Even when i clearly state on my profile i am not meeting at the moment.
Those that have not bothered to read my profile do not get a reply, because i have put some effort into making my profile work for me, i have filled out and given details that are relevent to suit me, but what i tend to get is, “I know your not meeting at this time, but if that changes then i would be intrested in meeting youâ€
With what we are able to do on the internet today, it is possible to make all the changes work for each individual profile. Like a little more thought on changing or altering pics BEFORE uploading them. In fact just more effort by anyone will make the site and the changes work for them.
When i go into the chatrooms, we now have the option to turn of whispers if we want to. To be honest i cant believe that this had to be implimented, as i for one feel im in total control when im in the chatroom, and if i want to whisper i will, if not i dont, those that whisper me will be ignored if i so wish to do so, especially if they have not asked to whisper. Ignore them they soon give up, give them a reaction they will persist in doing it. BE IN CONTROL and at the end of the day, to be honest, if all else fails you have an ON/OFF button.
This is just my views, and regardless of status on here, i use the site as I WANT i make the EFFORT to have any changes work for me and will carry on doing so with any future changes that will be made.
Bo -x-
Others see you as fresh, lively, charming, amusing, practical, and always interesting; someone who is constantly the center of attention, but sufficiently well balanced not to let it go to your head. They see you also as kind, considerate, and understanding; someone who will cheer them up and help them out.
Hi Scarlet
Sorry but can you take my name of the list please
Hope you all have a brill night
Bo -x-
Hiya peeps
It was great seeing you all again, and im so glad that everyone had such a great time. Your all such a lovely bunch of people and its such a pleasure spending time in everyones company when i visit Scotland.
It was a great night spent with some lovely people and makes the hard work soooooooo worth while as i know how much its appreciated by everyone.
Thank you to all those who managed to attend and made the whole evening such a success for Woo and Dg
Bo -x-
Happy birthday Dg,
Have a great day
Bo -x-
Hi peeps
Just a reminder we will need a table for the drinks so please can someone confirm that they will deffo bring one. Size of paste table should be ok, and maybe a few smaller tables, if they are available.
The kitchen is just not big enough for everyone to sort drinks with the amount coming lol.
Ohhh and HELP!!!!! with all the stuff that i bought with me from home, i forgot something, yep ok blonde moment, but my car was full as it was lol.
I forgot the Marsh mellows for the chocolate fountain, :cry: and although i have looked in some of the local shops, (not going further without you know who or i`ll get lost) I cant seem to find any. Can someone tell me where i can deffo get some, or would someone be as kind to bring a bag or 2 of them along please
Looking forward to seening you all again,
Bo -x-
:thrilled: :happy: :thrilled:
I am also a firm believer that you only get out of SH what you put in, regardless of if your on the forums or in the chat rooms.
We all have seen some of the changes that are being made on SH. Where some I like and some I do not like, I do agree that SH must keep making changes and moving forward in an attempt to cater for everyone on SH as best they can that is the idea of the polls they run from what I can see, so if you don’t take part in those polls then your ideas etc cannot be heard, and like any poll run it’s the majority verdict that affects change. As they say, “You can please some of the people some of the time, but cant please people all of the time “ look what happened to Woolworths. Ok not a swinging site, but none the less a company/business who did not keep up with the times, so it was goodbye Woolworths
There is such a vast amount of different people on SH, and all looking for different things. SH tries to cater for everyone, as they recognise there is a vast difference on SH which is expanding all the time, Hence the poll option and members given the choice to open up polls of their own etc.
Swinging for me is all about choice. Everyone is entitled to their own choices they make on SH. Just because they may be different does not make them any less welcome on SH. You have those that just use the forums, those that just use the chat rooms, those who will just use the adds section. You have those who just visit clubs and only use their profiles to let others know what clubs they use etc. I tend to use the chat rooms more than the forums, with those I tend to be more a reader than a poster.
I have found in my time on SH, using the chat rooms, it’s the attitude and how people come across while chatting that affects the atmosphere in any chat room. If the attitude of people is that of un-approachable then how can you expect others who entre that room to just start up a conversation. How many of us have read posts in the forum and after reading some posts think that the poster comes across and none approachable etc and that’s just by a post they have made. Let alone in the chat rooms. Or just sat in a chat room watching the chat of a person and thought that same thing, or even by reading their profiles
If I am in any chat room and a member comes in and says “Hi room†then as far as I am concerned they have acknowledge the WHOLE room and I will always reply with a “Hello†back. I will try as best I can to involve any person in the chat and banter that is going on, but if they want to just sit there and watch my cam when its on then that is their choice and they are entitled to do just that. That is THEIR CHOICE.
I think most agree that it’s a tougher place for the single guys on any swinging site as there are so many of them, so yes they have to try and make themselves stand out from the hundreds of others, but also its for other members and those who are really looking for singles to try and encourage them into the banter as well. After all, any meet or perspective meet is a two way thing, as in single guy and couple or single guy and single fem, and single males ALSO have a right to say a polite “No thank you†and when they do, not get abuse when they do.
As I say, to me it is all about attitude how you come across that will dictate so much in the chat room or where ever, approachable or none approachable or how ever you use the site in general.
This is just my views and I make my own choices to which I am entitled, but I also respect others who have different views and make different choices, because they are entitled to do so. I do not ignore frown or look down on anyone just because they have different views or opinions, just accept them for who they are and the choices they make
Bo - x -
Ok as its my B/day month, please add me. Please can i have a list of hotels as well please
Bo -x-
This might help found at the top of your home page.
New Site Hardware - Please read
was moved onto our brand new hardware in the early hours of this morning ( 04/03/2009 ) in anticipation of new site updates and features. For the majority you should notice the general speed and performance of the website has increased significantly, some people might be experiencing some issues which relates to certain ISPs, if you are one of these people please contact the support centre for further assistance.
Heard the same thing myself Dg, its as though its reverted back to previous setting on some members profiles
Bo x
Count me in please,
Bo -x-
I have just tried to put my cam on and nothing happens when i click on it. It was ok this morning, and i can view other cams, but cannot activate mine.
As i said i had my cam on this morning and it was fine, my cam also works fine on msn
I need to confirm, of course i will be there, cant wait, :happy: :happy: :happy: