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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Male, 47
Bi-curious Female, 45
0 miles · Lancashire


Quote by Shaz_n_Tony
Well Shaz always shaves now so i don't get that problem now.....
But when she didn't used to shave down there i would often get a hair in my mouth but i would just ignore it for as long as possible....
But have you ever had one stuck between your teeth grrrrrrr thats something i have to remove straight away as its so dam annoying!
A hair stuck between you teeth can feel like a great chunk of wire thats forcing your teeth apart!
Tony wink

Jesus sounds like you need wire cutters not a razer to trim that bush lol
We'd fuck the crack of dawn if we could get up early enough!
Ah but do you try and hide the fact that your pulling a pube out of your mouth or do you blatantly sit up and go fishing with your fingers with your tongue hanging out.
If ive only just started down there then i usually lick the inside of the leg and the offending pube usually comes off you can then crack on with the task at hand with nobody the wiser. That little lick on the leg was just part of the foreplay.
Hi just reading the article about shaving your body hair and a few people mentioned they don't like getting pubes in their mouth, who does? So i thought id ask when that rogue pube does try to escape and go AWOL into your mouth what do your do?
Do you
A. Stop what your doing and pull the offensive hair out and give it its marching orders.
B. Try to be discreet and lick the inside of the leg or other body part to "drop it off".
C. Crack on and swallow it, it is only a hair after all.
D. Something else. (Maybe throw up in some peoples cases) lol
At some point i think everyone has had to deal with this problem so come on and tell us how you coped.
I know what you mean. Hey liked your profile why don't you drop by and check mine out.
So OK you do and its completely blank and full of question marks with no pictures at all.
I mean who do they think is going to be interested in that?
We had one the other day which was exactly the same so we sent back a message (to be polite) telling them that sorry but we weren't interested. Big mistake! That was it he was like a dog on heat after sending him our third message which at this point said "Take the hint" he messaged us back calling us a "Wanker" lol. Well i say he, it said couple on the profile but with a response like that i imagine it was the testosterone driven half. All this person could go on about was web cam webcam.
No thank you.
Tight arse!!! No thats not my user name, its what Diane calls me when i wont buy her the pair of shoes she wanted! Bearing in mind shes had several allready this week!
I think our problem is as blokes we want to look all macho and masculine, we just don't realise that our idea of "masculine and macho" is cheap and cheesy. But hey each to there own. It must work for some of us.
I hope! lol
Quote by helnheaven
'Spank the monkey'.........Cruelty to animals is well out of order!!! rolleyes and 'Bishop Bashing' not too clever either!

Yes enough chickens have been chocked throughout the lifetime of SH we must take a stand and stop this barbaric slaughter!
I keep posting this so hopefully the message will get around. to enter the chat site enter the extras lounge and then you can move from there to server 2 & 3 dont go to server 1 thats the one thats broken. If you do this you shouldn't have any problems
What turns me on well:
Short to tall woman, Slim/cudly, 2 eyes,2 legs,2 arms, hair would be nice (on the head) and preferably with no voice box! lol
No seriously french knickers do it for me, the way they hug a girls arse mmmmmmmmmmm awesome and if shes kissing and nibbling my neck whilst wearing them thats even better
And guten morgan to you. Don't ask me anything in German cause thats about my limit. I know what you mean about your body clock gettiing you up when all you want to do is sleep. Im the same, once im awake i'll lie there for half an hour to try and fall back asleep but it doesn't work so i just end up on here
Morning everyone, youre all up very early for a Saturday! Have you all got work? Im in Germany by the way so im an hour in front
A rat, fur burger, hairy cup, a wizards sleeve oh and of course for the back passage i could always kick your back doors in! :shock: lol
I told you theres loads, the list is endless
You can't please everyone lol. What do you like to call it? Another one i don't like is GASH. You hear em all in my job. lol
Has anybody had axe wound yet? Or Bubble gum? Sayings ive heard used a few times to refer to a womans bits. I don't like TWAT.
I prefer to call it a flower or a snatch depending on the context im using it, if im trying to be romantic i'll call it a flower, if im trying to be erotic and horny i'll call it a snatch.
What do you think?