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5 days ago
Bi-curious Male, 56
Bisexual Female, 38
0 miles · Lancashire


Quote by HarryJones
we "made our own entertainment" sitting in empty car parks.

Thats all very well and good for you couples but as a single bloke making my own entertainment consists of scanning through the two or so half decent signal radio stations I can pick up, in the hope of hearing a good song. Its okay down in Essex with Skues on, he once played Shaddap Your Face while I was sat alone in one dogging location and that was the highlight of the night, but more often than not they keep playing poxy Robbie, I mean apart from Strong and the early TT stuff I hate all of it. And when I go out on my bicycle I cant even listen to the radio!! I wonder if its time to invest in a personal CD player?
Regards all
Harry Jones
PS Those boots kill me biggrin
Hey making your own entertainment is far from easy when you have limited space in the car. I thought at one point last Sunday when Jen and I had finished "entertaining ourselves" that I would need to call the fire brigade to extract me, or risk a gearstick somewhere that nature clearly did not intend ;)
I think the idea of free speech in the UK is rather illusory, there is in fact no such thing. Everyone is free to say whatever they like except for that which runs contrary to generally received wisdom. The idea that people are able to freely argue ideas which the majority would find repellant seems long dead in a society so well "defended" by The Sun and Daily Mail. In a way today's society is not that different from that in the time of Copernicius who was ostracised for daring to argue that the earth orbited the sun rather than vice versa (the generally received wisdom of the day). I don't think this is an entirely positive development.
For us Dogging is always a spur of the moment thing, the idea of pre-arranged meets is a bit of a turnoff . On the whole like planning what you are going to eat a week or so in advance. Who knows if you will fancy a spicy curry or a shepherds pie. To each their own, but too much pre-arrangement isn't for us. With one notable exception (our first time playing with another dogging couple) we have always just gone out on the spur of the moment.
Our first experiences were a little frustrated by the fact that we didnt see anyone else around, although we "made our own entertainment" sitting in empty car parks. Much travelling around the local area ensued with more of the same each time we found another "location". Being chased away from a seemingly "perfect" but dead location by the local police almost dampened our enthusiasm, but later the same evening we came across another couple in a location just over the border in herts and watched whilst they played and vice versa. That kept up our interest encouraging us to try new places and finally arranging a meet with our first cpl. Unfortunately they were delayed and to fill the time while waiting we decided we would "entertain" a single guy parked next to us in a pick up. He quickly grew quite excited which was a turn on both for Jen and I. A few minutes later I was taking her from behind while she helped him out with her mouth and I watched her play with another guy for the first time.
Unfortunately for Mr PickUp the couple we arranged to meet arrived soon afterwards so his fun was cut short and he was a good sport when politely asked to bugger off for a little while whilst we became acquainted with the cpl we were due to meet. We thought meeting others would be quite embarasssing but after negotiating a move to their car (2 seat sports cars not being the ideal dogging vehicle) we quickly established a rapport and started playing with our respective partners before watching the girls please each other. After a while this got too much for the two guys and we proceeded to enjoy our own partners until a successful conclusion was acheived. During this time Mr PickUP had returned and rather than taking a close look at the action (we had the lights in the car on so we could see what was happening ourselves smile ) he appeared to remain in his pick up (or maybe he was an accomplished dogger and watching unobtrusively).
The mood was almost spoiled when the police turned up just after we had exited our new friend's car and Mr BFC was trying to rearrange his clothes. Imagine our surprise when the police told us that the area was notorious for dogging (it was very hard keeping a straight face whilst Mr BFC enquired what exactly that was). After a short check that we were not car thieves we were on our way and the seeds of a minor addiction were sown.
Quote by Silk and Big G
i love having it done !! feels nice actualy ..but most of all i love the womans face as she is doing it..ill meet with u gem if u fancy a go again X biggrin

How can you see her face???!!
Maybe because she is fucking him missionary style her on top, see above ;)
Not that I want to tihnk too much about being rogered by a girl with a strap on, but why should it be any different than anal with a girl? Who say it has to be done doggy style? Missionary can be much more personal, allow shallower penetration and feel better for both parties.
I think that if you don't at least float the possibility of playing with others at an early stage of a relationship there is a tendency to "bottle out" perhaps from fear of being thought a perv by your partner, or even worse causing them distress and upset. I suppose though that we are all different people so this is going to be a very individual thing. I wanted to try this with my ex but could never really bring myself to talk openly about what I wanted sexually with her, perhaps because of my relative immaturity when we first got together. I can say that every day that I didn't talk about my feelings, the less likely it was that I ever would, and ultimately 10 years down the line had never even really broached the subject apart from a half hearted suggestion we go on hols to Hedo.
Having been through similar experiences to the OP myself (Mr BFC here) I think that people tend not to give their sex life the attention it perhaps deserves. As a guy it seemed somehow natural to drift into erm "self entertainment" and it being the internet age, there are so many sources of stimulation. The trickier question is what began the decline was it a genuine dissatisfaction with my then sex life or was it the allure of something new and exciting which grabbed my attention and increasingly deflected my attention away from a partner who loved and respected me? Was the subsequent tail off in physicality between us a loss of interest on her part or a real attempt to give me what she perceived I wanted (i.e. less "activity"). I can honestly say I have agonised about this question and thinking of this has been quite painful as I began a new relationship which provoked memories of happier times with my ex. As someone who desperately wanted to avoid the mistakes of the past, I have dwelled upon this at considerable length and think I have identified a solution to prevent the same thing happening again.
From my own experience I think relationships reach a tipping point where there is almost no going back, I cannot quite identify when that happened with my ex, but I am sure others will recognise a growing feeling of something not being right when their partner wants to engage in some passionate activity ranging from kissing to sex. I made the decision that ultimately an active sex life was too important to me (no matter how selfish that was) for me to continue a relationship without one. Having identified that and going through a period of counselling to see if my relationship with my ex could revert back to a more "normal" track, I concluded that there was no way that I could feel the same way about my ex even though I loved her a great deal. We did however (despite the upset I caused her) part as friends and remain good friends to this day.
Now Mrs BFC and I only ever play together, I do not watch porn or engage in "DIY" in chat or any other context without her being present, fundamentally I try to anchor sex as being something which always takes place with my partner and not an end in itself. The fact that we are both open and adventurous people also gives us a common "hobby" which I think help to bind us more closely together. Will this be a more successful relationship than my last (10 years) is difficult to tell, but I can guarantee that it won't be for want of trying on my part.
For what its worth we have found that our limited experience of playing with others has been a great experience for both of us, bringing us closer together somehow and giving us lots to talk about while playing together for some time before and after meetings. I have been wondering whether to post my thoughts for a little while, but I have finally been prompted by a chat (in another place) with a married guy looking for cpls so he could effectively cheat on his wife. If someone had been able to warn me of the dangers of my own behaviour early into the decline of my sex life with my ex perhaps my life would be very different now. I don't want to moralise about this because others seem to have done that adequately ;) As I said to him though how can anyone who isn't even honest with the person they profess to love (i.e. his wife) be trusted close to the most important thing in my life (Mrs BFC).
I am uncut too and find if a BJ is too rough it can be painful. Jen was educated quite quickly tho ;) Personally I find it hard to ermm "finish" from a BJ so tend to look upon it more as an appetiser than a main course. Sometimes I think I am the only guy in the world who prefers to give oral than get it ;)
Quote by wild rose and the stag
the poll was aimed at doggers as opposed to couples but what the hell

If couples aren't doggers then what does that makes us? Doggees? (Not sure we like the sound of that :P)
Voted on this despite the initial confusion ;) I guess really the core queston is what constitutes "success". We tend to go out about once a week and always find action, but it tends to be us entertaining the guys there. I guess an ideal scenario would be for us to enter a car park with several other cpls (and no single guys) all up for fun, but since that is never going to happen, we just decided to change our definition of "success" ;)
Jen (Mrs BFC) is in her first year of an English and Media Degree.
Good luck with your Masters Fluffer, James (Mr BFC) did an MBA a couple of years ago and it was definitely a life changing experience.
Yea thanks PLC, I was kinda thinking along those lines, but then I have had a few this evening ;)
Quote by Poohbear
Hi Bucksfuncpl,
Last year in the evening at the pub Maggie wore a pvc nurses outfit, this year probably something similar either from home or purchased at the show, so school uniform wouldn't look out of place.

Cheers guys, so what about us blokes then?
We have just booked ourselves into the Olympia Hilton for the Saturday, so may get to meet some of you at last ;) Just continung on the what to wear theme, assuming normal casual wear during the day, what do people wear in the evening? Jen is threatening to wear school uniform but then we might feel even more perv than usual ;)
Quote by Michael100
Can anyone recommend (a) hotel(s) in central London suitable for the fabled discreet daytime adult liaison? Preferably somewhere clean, trusworthy, economical, straightforward, accepts cash & keeps ID requests to a minimum? Ensuite rooms a must, "atmosphere" not necessary (we'll bring our own!)!
Grateful for any suggestions, many thanks

Hotels in the UK generally do not ask for ID, as unlike in other countries they have no requirement to disclose guest details to the local police. They will almost all require credit card deposit even if you prepay via one of the hotel booking sites (e.g. Expedia, , Priceline etc.).
Assuming the reason you do not wish to use a debit/credit card as a guarantee is perhaps to prevent your other half finding the charge on your bank/credit card statement, most hotels will accept cash at check out rather than charging the credit card you have previously given as a guarantee. Your mileage may however vary.
As for specific recommendations much will depend on what exactly you are looking for, if it is simply a cheap place to "entertain" I would suggest you try one of the cheaper chains (e.g. Travelodge, Holiday Inn Express, PremierTravelINN etc.). They have minimal staffing and never seem to care too much about the comings and goings of their guests when I have stayed in them. YMMV
Quote by limerickcpl
By the by, its possbile to grab any or MSN display pics using the print screen button. Web cams can be easily recorded using video screen capture software, some avaiable free, some for 30 day trial.

Whilst its possible to grab images in this way, small /msn images don't scale up so well since they are fairly low res. Of course webcam chat can be recorded, hence it is important to build up some rapport before engaiging in it, we certainly dont start showing our bits the moment we get on cam, if anyone has recorded our web cam conversations they must have lots of extremely boring footage which could have been gathered in almost any context.
Quote by fluffer
Well as a total newbie I can't understand their frustration either.
I like most of you out there, am a real person not just going jump through hoops for someone at the drop of a hat.
Plz carry on carrying on

me too.. just joined recently.. decided against ad surfing once i realised that the forum was here and saw that this is by far the best way to get to know people... and surely expanding the soicial side of this they would be more likely to hook up with what they are looking for at some point.
all thinngs good come to those who wait
This is a really valid opinion and seems to be the majority view of all but the really newbies coming to this site in a bright fluffy cloud of optimism. Not all of us go along with this for many reasons though: -
1) We find it much much harder to decline invitations to spend more intimate time with those we have come to know well through chat or other media prior to meeting.
2) Some people are looking for more speciifc things (e.g. specific types of partners, or those below certain ages). Just because you enjoy someone's sense of humour in chat or forum postings does not necessarily get you any closer to the type of person you seek.
3) Some people are just shy and don't like to "bare all" in front of a broader audience be it forum or chat, however friendly that audience may be, like dogging exposing ones most personal thoughts in public doesnt come easy to everyone.
4) The relative closeness and familiarity a number of the established members have with each other can SEEM (and I am not saying it is meant to be so) exclusionary to newbies
5) Thoses parts of SH other than the ad boards can seem to dwell on almost everything but the subject that many would expect. The forum appears to be a unique feature of SH with the ads and chat available in many other places, it is probably a good thing that the forum in particular isn't so single minded, but for a newbie this can be really offputting.
We can really understand where the OP is coming from here, having been members for only slightly longer than them. Where we disagree though is making a big song and dance about leaving something which is clearly not for them. On the other hand there is a real danger that SH could miss out on the diversity of people and thought that newbie members can bring, by making those who do not fit the existing pattern feel unwelcome (however unconsciously). Who really wants to live in an indentikit world where the only thoughts and feelings tolerated are those which reinforce existing opinions and beliefs? Cynics might say Sun and Daily Mail readers ;) Isn't it a good thing though to have diverse views and (dare I say it) debate which may even cause one or two of us to change our preconceptions?
Anyway thats way over 2p worth :P
Why go to the trouble of doing this? Why not just hold a webcam session or show pics only via a medium such as MSN or which allows pics to be shown but without sending them? We have never sent a pic to anyone we have met or chatted to but have shown pics or held webcam sessions or both. We tend to find this does not deter the genuine, the only people who are put off are those we felt suspicious about from the outset.
We have no problem with Jen playing with other guys, but are put off by the intimacy of mmf, and thus prefer ffm (chance would be a fine thing of finding an attractive youngish bi girl ;) ). MMM+F can be kinda fun on occasion, especially when dogging. At least with FFM all parties can play with each other in a way that isn't going to work in MMF for str8 guys.
Single guys please note this is NOT an invitation to contact us. Single Bi F's why not take a look at our ad 327680 ;)
Depends on the branch for us:-
On the whole we avoid Pizza Hut and use Dominos, strangely Pizza Hut tastes much nicer in some other parts of the world.
Burger King is great when you actually get a proper one and not one of those BK's who warm up all the burgers in the micro (most of them it seems). The fries in the UK are crap though. BK's in Thailand are the best we have had, food always fresh and none of those crappy crispy fries.
KFC again depends on the branch, the main branches (e.g. Central London) can be great with tasty food and a more international menu (e.g. the savoury bicuits, gravy and mash like you find in the US). The cruddy local branches always seem to look dirty even when first open and the chicken tastes greasy and reheated.
Overall Mc'Ds wins for consistency, quality and a much more imaginative menu it seems than the competition. You can't beat a bacon bagel for brekky ;)
Probably the best UK "fast food" though can be found at Pret a Manger.
It's a shame that some of the better foreign chains can't be found in the UK e.g. "In & Out" for the west coast US, Taco Bell, or Fuji Sushi from Thailand.
Quote by Jiggle
right, if this as been covered before then i will get down on my knees and beg for forgiveness for not checking the Search!!!.
just a quick one, its come to my attention that when the chatroom is with out a op and trouble brew, a few memeber which are ringing opps to ask them to come into the room.
so this was just a polite way of saying the ops have got there only life as well as everyone esle, so if there is no op, please either record the logs, or do a screen dump.

I am sorry again but I don't see here where it says that friends of ops/mods who had their contact details on a purely personal basis were abusing the info. From the details presented it was unclear whether or not individuals had given out their contact details in an "official" or personal capacity. One poster queried this and the question wasn't answered.
Like anyone else I hold opinions on the op role etc. and stand by my original posts, but I hadn't appreciated that "friends" were abusing personal contact info. For that I am sorry and I would have tempered my remarks a little had I understood that.
Quote by bluexxx
If I was in your situation what I am saying is that I would be most pissed off with the "friends" first and foremost who disturbed me in that way

OK, so you're now saying that it is NOT OK for people from the site to contact ops or mods about site problems when they are not on duty?
Well, that's what I call a U-Turn
I think given the current heat it would be better not to respond to this. I was just setting out a point of view. From the origiinal post etc. it was certainly not clear that people who had contact info on a purely personal basis were using it inappropriately. No matter what my other opinions I never said that was reasonable. If that was not clear then I apologise.
Quote by bluexxx
Surely you can only be disturbed at all hours if you provide people with your contact details.

So..... now you are suggesting that all mods and ops should never give out their phone numbers to anyone on the site? That means that we are not allowed friends, not allowed to socialise with people from the site in RL... don't you think that a little odd seeing as we are primarily here to socialise and make friends just as you or anyone else from the site is?
Or are you suggesting that we should each purchase a phone especially for mod/op duties - bearing in mind that this is NOT our job and that we mod and/or op for no profit at all?
SImply bizzarre rolleyes
Surely it is up to the people we give our numbers to in TRUST to use that info sensibly?
Careful how you answer cos I am now getting pissed off :roll: :roll: :roll:
I think you misunderstood me, really I am not trying to piss you off. If I was in your situation what I am saying is that I would be most pissed off with the "friends" first and foremost who disturbed me in that way, and I am pretty sure they wouldn't be my friends for long.
Quote by bluexxx
It comes down to this, if I choose to be a fireman is it reasonable for me to complain about being woken up in the middle of the night to put out fires?

If I was a firefighter I WOULD complain about being woken up to put out a fire if I was NOT on duty at the time.
So anyway............. you're expeting all ops and mods to be "on call" 24/7 at the whim of anyone who might have a problem, however slight, on the site when we are not online?
Yes, we choose to be mods and ops. No-one is twisting our arm to do it. We do it cos we care about SH. End of.
But, when we are not online, we are not on SH, hence we are NOT in a mod/op role.... we may be doing other things instead, like playing with our kids, watching telly, at work, on the phone to the bank fraud dept, having a nice walk in the country, or god fordid doing what we are here for first and foremost.... ie. swinging! Are you suggesting that just cos we agreed with Mark that we would help him with his site IN OUR OWN SPARE TIME, that we should drop EVERYTHING if someone has a problem on site?
I don't think so....... and if you do think we should, you're off your fLucking rocker!!!! rolleyes
Nope if you read my original post I was suggesting that the intensiveness of mod/op activity is closely linked to the rules you are expected to enforce.
Surely you can only be disturbed at all hours if you provide people with your contact details. As for being disturbed when off duty, I have a phone for work, I wouldn't dream of giving out my personal number to anyone who wasn't a close personal friend. Any close personal friend who woke me up in the middle of the night for spurious reasons would no longer be a close personal friend. You can be damn sure that my work phone isn't answered when I am "off duty".
You were asked to pick up the role, and you chose to accept hence "volunteered" doesn't seem too unreasonable a description. It certainly was a free choice wasn't it and you could choose not to continue the role if you wanted to.
There is no point us trying to challenge the rules, as you rightly point out we accepted them when we joined. I was merely pointing out the fact that the role of Op or Moderator is made more or less difficult as a result of the rules you apply. This seems to be self evident and totally On Topic.
At no point within this thread have I "whinged" about our exclusion form the chatroom. You know our thoughts on that and unlike others I am not going to repeat the contents of the various emails in public, what is the point?
Does the fact that we were excluded from chat mean we have little sympathy for your predicament, probably yes, but I suspect that our view would have been much the same regardless.
It comes down to this, if I choose to be a fireman is it reasonable for me to complain about being woken up in the middle of the night to put out fires?
Quote by Shireen_Mids
Have to declare we have a personal gripe here though.

Yep you sure do, but as has been explained via several emails you broke the rules and as such you have been banned.... Get over it
Yep and life goes on quite well nonetheless.
By the same token you are an Op, you volunteered for it, if you don't like some of the interruption it brings, then leave and "get over it".
I was attempting to make a serious point whilst reasonably declaring I had an interest. The ease or otherwise of the Op role depends upon both the complexity (and number) of rules and the intensiveness of application. We have been using other chat sites of late (for obvious reasons) and they do not seem to come grinding to a halt everytime someone requests a cam conversation for instance.
The sensitivity of senior members here to a legitimate difference of view is quite astounding. I have always been of the view that it is a sign of maturity to be able to accept another person has a sincere difference of opinion without being offended that they don't share my own views, but to each their own.
Quote by bluexxx
Maybe, just maybe the Chatroom Op's role would be easier if the rules were "lighter" and they spent their time regulating the more serious transgressions. The difficulty of enforcing rules rises in direct relation to the number of rules imposed and their relative importance. Like the use of speed camera's though it is always easy to focus on minor infringements.
Have to declare we have a personal gripe here though.

I totally disagree. I think the ops should get more strict, in line with the new mods policy to tell people who piss us off to simply fuck off..... we then ban them if they continue to annoy us. I think it is a great idea, and re-inforces the superiority that us mods have over you minions on this site. I think the ops should introduce the same level of control on the chat room too, so much so that if you even fart whilst online you should be kicked immediately.
I think that bowing when mods and ops enter the room at munches should be implemented too. Anyone who fails to do so should be banned immediately.
Oh control.... you better fLucking believe it :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
You mean this doesnt already happen surprised
Maybe, just maybe the Chatroom Op's role would be easier if the rules were "lighter" and they spent their time regulating the more serious transgressions. The difficulty of enforcing rules rises in direct relation to the number of rules imposed and their relative importance. Like the use of speed camera's though it is always easy to focus on minor infringements.
Have to declare we have a personal gripe here though.
This thread has been quite lighthearted, but I wonder whether the vetting process would exclude anyone with certain "lifestyle" interests because it posed a blackmail risk? I suppose the only way this could be answered would be by someone actually workimg within the security service and that isn't very likely. I just would have thought that even being here would disqualify most of us.
We have a night vision scope which to be honest we mainly use to see if there are other couples in a car park when it is quite dark. We don't think it is much good for anything else, really (kinda like watching black and white tv but in green and white). It seems fair game if anyone (including us) is playing in a public space there is the chance of others watching (isn't this the whole point?). The red light on a night vision scope is not in fact a laser at all it is an infra red emitter which can be used in conditions of total darkness to bathe the "subject" in infra red light and thus provide a viewable image. Night vision scopes merely enhance the available light to provide a viewable image, clearly no light=no image, hence the need in some circumstances for the infra red emitter. Using the infra red emitter (they can be switched on and off) makes absolutely no difference to image quality in normal lighting conditions (e.g. moonlight) and thus it is difficult to see why anyone would choose to do so. Using night vision scopes is considerably less obtrusive when the infra red emitter is turned off.
We tend to prefer webcam chat to phone conversation, simply because phone conversations can be awkward and we don't like to give out our number. Also since we dont show face pics online, people get to see the real us and if they are not feeling too queasy continue the conversation ;)
We have been quite surprised though at the number of people who don't seem to have a cam. Given that cam costs are now quite low (£10-£15) we would think they would almost be de-rigeur for real couples, however we know this isn't always the case and just wondered why really? Perhaps its harder to justify if there are kids in the household etc?