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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 46


it's not embarrasing, but I think I had my first w*nk over Captain Wilma Dearing in Buck Rogers biggrin
Hiya! If there's room for a little 'un, I'd like to come - I'm 26, Male, and quite a nice chap, I think biggrin
Oh, heck, the little comment was about stature not...y'know wink Boy, is my face red.
Would you like to be PM'd, or are people just adding their names to this list?
aw, I'd love to come! pun intended there...god, I feel stupid now, that joke must've been done a billion times on SH already. But it's a classic. Where was I....Oh yes! Love to come, if I can.
"If he'd already found Atlantis why did it take him another 6 years to do it on Stargate???? "
Well, you know what lost cities are like. it probably fell down the back of the fridge...
well, if there's those that haven't checked up on bluexxx's kinks, they deserve all they get....
and then there's those of us that HAVE checked up on bluexxx's kinks and, well, we deserve all we get too :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Oh, yesyesyes, PLEASE!!
Aw, go-in. Can I? Will you?
It wouldn't do for you to be out of practice, so I humbly submit myself to your attenentions. Please add me to your ever-growing list!
biggrin :D :D :D :D :twisted:
NOOOOOOoooooooooo! Well, this is an excellent opportunity to become reaquainted with your imagination!
Actually, who's this Harry of whom you speak?
where the picture is, (should be), right-click and select save-as. then, when it's saved, see if you can open it that way....
....this isn't a fix, just trying to get to the root!
it does seem to be a bit slow, but the pictures are still there. are all the Swingingheaven graphics still there?
hehe, if you're suffering withdrawls, however, I could send you one of me wink
folks, sorry I didn't make it to the munch.
It wasn't my intention. unfortunately, a bad family emergency pretty much took me out of the loop.
I'm not deterred though. from the forum I can tell it was great, and I can't tell you how much i wanna meet you people. it's just that I've missed the short cut to doing so.
well, those who were expecting me, I hope you can forgive. for those that never knew of my existence...well, you've got something to look forward to now surprised)
best wishes everyone
wow...I'm first to respond? what'd going on here? well, I'm certainly interested in your lil shindig. Although we've not *reeeeealy* chatted on the forum, (we have, but briefly), I'll hopefully see you at the munch tomorrow and I can introduce myself properly smile
cool! you two are fun AND creative....kinda like a kinky Blue Peter....
hiya folks - I have a request that I hope someone will be able to fulfill.
is there anyone going to the greedy girsl night tonight from bolton way that wouldn't mind dropping me off there afterwards? please PM or post if anyone can help
If anyone can help me out with this I'm sure I'll be able to repay them some other way, (hehe, not necessarily x-rated. I do have other skills...).
okay, this is good for one or two - 30 mouth ulcers sounds....excessive, and if your doc's a bit slow, personally, I'd try and get an appointment with another...
a tiny dab of bicarb of soda on the ulcer. don't drink, don't wet your mouth, just let it steralise for 5 minutes. this is one of those traditionally family recipes that inexplicably works.
here's to a lisp-free future smile
Quote by roger743
You'll see a lot of sex maniacs' balls if you look in the right section of the photo ads. lol. lol

Ah, ya beat me to it!
(bloke walks into a bar and asks for a double-entendre, so the barman gave him one)
I'd like to come if you've still got places left!
pleeeeease add me to the list!!
biggrin :D :D
awwww, well done smile It's brilliant when you finally find something you'll enjoy. I remember how it was when I got my job. hehe, if you can find something you don't mind doing to fill your time it's great!!!
hehe, yeah, I've joined your group now. ooooo, you sexay laydee you wink
hehe, I certainly will smile will you be wearing a badge? (will you have anywhere to wear it?!?). What's a good time to turn up, too? would I be pottering about on my todd if I was there at 8?
umm, another question - do I need to bring anything? towel, condoms, etc?
yeah, I'd like to! any idea how many people will be there tonight?
Quote by Waterpistol
I can play the guitar, tabla, didgeridoo and do poi flying ~ I'm better at it when nobody's looking though. biggrin

ooo, do you do it with flaming poi?
thanks, bluexxx, It was a bit vague. I'd like to visit a club,see how it all works, but I'd really like to get the advice of anyone here as to where they themselves go. It's going and not knowing anyone that's putting me off. I was hoping by starting this thread that'd I'd get some responses that'd lead me towards a friendly club on a friendly night, get chatting to the respondees, so at least I could turn up as less than a complete stranger. I'm staright, but tips from anyone would be most welcome.
I hope that's a little clearer. hehe, if not, let me know, and eventually this *should* evolve into something like it was intended wink
Hi folks. I'm still a newbie, to the forum and the scene, and I was hoping someone'd be able to recommend a club night in the north-west that'd be particularly accepting to someone like myself? well, not someone like myself, ACTUALLY myself wink
I'm a bit nervous at going in blind, really, so if some of you frequent a nice club and wouldn't mind giving me some pointers, or even let me know when you'd be there, (just so I wouldn't feel a complete stranger), I'd be very grateful smile
oooookay, well, let's think about this....
easy - your memory is still 'now', it's just that it was originally created in the past, but it's not 'of' the past 'cos it's constantly being rewritten and reinterpreted and influenced by older pasts and theoretical pasts and futures. so, really, memory is just another point of view...nonoononono, my mind WILL rebel against thoughts like this. It wasn't made for them....
harsh, but fair - there is no future just an almost infinite string of presents. deep, n'est pas?