I often stay north wales ish when I'm working in cheshire... how north is north!
thought I'd bump it on your behalf to assuage the guilt!
no won't be in cape town, but have been there and it can be a bit intimidating on yer lonesome
good news is the surf's generally good this time of year
bad news is the sharks come closer in shore
perchance I'm going to find my self kicking my heels in guildford most of this week (apparently the border crossing from up north has been opened!!)
anyone out and about fancy a drink, bite to eat or whatever, or any recomendations for places worth a visit??
ta muchly!
lordy lord, am I that old already, jeez, where did 20 years go already??
maybe it works like this...
spend a month perving the profile pics, spend a month lurking in chat... if there still here in 2 months they discover the forum!
I like my dentist, she's lovely! very quiet soft southern Irish accent, and sooo gentle, like have a miniature ballet dancer tip toeing around your gob
and best of all, when she leans over you, she has some very classy lingerie to perv at down the front of her dress to take your mind off things!
I love my shed me!
16' x 8' 4 steps down into it as its partially underground, the windows are at ground level, turf roof, and a log burner in the corner.
one day I might actually do something useful in it
my personal opinion, and its more than likely I'm talking out of my hint end (as per), but I suspect if some of those that like to take the 'click here for a shag' sorry, send wink button route, actually got involved in the forums to find that elusive single fem, they might be bit more successful, but then again, that means that they might need to string more than a couple of syllables together, and then there's the issue of being able to read as well!
might be a bit controversial, but....
Some of the rooms can be a bit 'cliquey' IMHO
so as much as you try to join in, you can get sometimes get the 'we really rather wish you weren't here feeling' from the key protagonists!
does it really matter, I don't think so.
I would say though that if you encounter someone who wants to be judgemental about appearances, run away!
judgemental people are not likley to be nice people in my opinion, so let them go and find some suitably shallow to be judgemental with!
funny that you never here the mored cuddly folks of the world saying to the skinny ones (err... that'd be me then!)
"Eewww your so skinny, "
so here I am cooped up in manchester hotel cum sauna (feels that way anyway)
wondering if anyones is out and about fancy a drinkipoos or a bite to eat...
too hot for romping about in a hotel room, so just fancied some good converstaion and a glass or 2 (possibly lying about the first bit of that statement! but then again probably not!)
so if any of you good peopel are in the city tonight and don't mind someone tagging along...
ever the optimist eh??
yup, disabled winks unless their profile is at least 50% complete, be nice to have an extra icon in chat as well that indicated that the person that is relentlessy whispering you, actually has a profile worth switching to and having a look at!
IMHO, if they can't deal with a thanks but no thanks reply, they ain't the sort of folks you'd want to meet anyway
to me the 'your loss' type response just screams 'arrogant tosser' not the sort of person I would want to get intimate with, or be intimate with me or my partner
if they don't have the basic gumption to understand what no means, I guess the consequences in the flesh could be a bit nasty
best quality triple or quad blade razor (wilkinson sword quattro for me), soak yer bits in the bath for a wee while, soap em up and off you go,
rub baby oil in after, makes it softer, helps with any itch as they grow back - like blokes need an excuse to oil their parts
couldn't go back to all that fluffy stuff now, so its the fully monty or a very very short 'hitler tash' as my other half calls it for me
thanks for the welecome... there's nothing wrong with being hot and sweaty..
apart from the fact that the hot weather makes me as horny as hell to go with it!
thats cool, cos at least you've got a profile that says something to that effect and some pics to boot (cute bum by the way!!)
hell the everyone in funland, thought it was about time I said hello properly, posted a few things many moons ago, but been rather lax and made a be line for chat mostly (tut tut)
its a funny old game, and was wondering on other folks thoughts/experiences on the whole timewasting philistine tossers (tpt for short) syndrome
I mean why, in a room labelled 'bi men" or some such is it full of chaps who have nowt in there profile bar the glaringly obviously - straight male! definately tpt territory
and winks - FFS! "Really like your profile, why don't you drop by and have a look at mine, and let me know what you think." why bother when your profile does as much for you as Marcel Marceaux does for blind people! more tpt territory!
maybe I just seem to attract them! but here's my conclusions..
first mention of cock size in any ad' or username - tpt
lack of pics (yawn!)
profile with every box ticked but straight male! do me a favour!
happy to be proved wrong!
Sorry, was supposed to be saying hello!
In a two man tent, in her back garden, she was camping out with her best mate, who had the courtesy to pretend to be asleep throughout, even though she was only 6 inches away.
here friend didn't speak to me for nearly a year!
ok, new in these aprts but if this helps...
I'm an HTHell sufferer myseld and had a similar problem a while back, tried everything but to no avail. tracerouting back to the stall, as matter of desperation I started changing my dns settings to match the first hop in the route and bugger me i it didn't work, never had a bit of bother with NTL since
here's what I have as my dns settings for NTL now, give em a whirl
hope it helps!
my partner, bless her, has always had one rogue hair growing just next to her nipple. Nor a problem, I usually nibble it off. But for a giggle we let it grow. Just plucked it out, stuck it on a ruler and measured it - 72mm!
ok its been a while, since its little life was last wrenched from it but, but wondered if anyone else out there (amongst the girls that is) has suffered, well not really a sufferance, experienced then, such a thing!
stange the things you worry about when the winds ripping the roof off your house
feed his children??
nah can't see it, that would mean spending some of his money!
nobody really likes the man, but it doesn't seem to bother him, he could happily stick his hand down the couch and pull out $50 million for the tsunami appeal and not even notice!
ho hum, OT rant over, best go take a sensible pill
its gods way of saying buy a mac
there's no spyware and I haven't heard of a mac virus of any note since 1997
ok, probably not a sensible option for most, but as everyone else says, stop using MS software. Especially explorer and outlook.
Firefox is the mutz nutz for you windoze people and anything that diverts a few shillings away from uncle bill can't be a bad thing
the forecast is for more of the same later this week,
might have nice view of the stars when I'm lying bed by then as the roofer didn't turn up to repair the damage today
could be romantic but its more likley to be pissing down at the same time!
lost a bit of the roof the other night, lost even more tonight as it sounds even worse,
found the bin several yards up the fell and the dog got blown over when I took him out!