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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 57
0 miles · Hebden Bridge


nooooooooooooooooooo google earth=scary
its so creepy when the cam zooms in on your house from space
pics are old too.. the one of my house shows an old mini i havent owned for two years lol
if u find any pm me.. i keep taking my gf to t********* park and the coppers are always there sad
awesome profile btw whit woooooooooooooo
im a single guy too but tryna encourage my fuckbuddy into it and would appreciate any tips on good locations... good luck with ur enquiry there dude
hmmn..yeah still here
1 out of ten for effort.......must drop in more often
knew i shudnt hav gone outside yesterday tho
Quote by bluexxx
Oh good, now you lot have stopped arguing, I'm glad I've got my thread back to actually arrange some sex!!! :giggle:

S.E.X.....gets my vote!
never mind your still new here, i think your still going thro the kid in a sweet shop phase you will get over it :lol2:
ha ha.....maybe so.....
i have met a few people from site tho so im not a total newbie,..they are all still alive so im probly not an axe murderer
but yeah this site is very different in culture from the other one i use so er...keeping my big gob shut is proving to be a very steep learning curve
gazza be clear about this i fully accept what all three of you say re people wanting to be private about what they do or dont do
im different in that respect as im not the least bit bothered who knows what i get up to and thats how ive ended up making the mistake i have with the comment about angel
i have apologised to her privately re this and assured her it wont happen again
(my comment about angel also excercising discretion, was in reference to a slightly cryptic remark within angels post that refers to a private fall out we have had and i was only saying that discretion is a two way street!)
all the best
Quote by Angel Chat free any mon, tue,sat in dec....
it dosent matter that im a cute guy does it ( i am a good shag ask a***lc**t)
been a good boy and kept my schlong off the big screen as well....applause.....!

Yeah, you might have kept your schlong off the screen but you still haven't learnt about the discretion I keep talking about have you. Seriously not happy here, and you reckon I've insulted you?! To say I'm furious is a bit of an understatement
ok angel, .....i will not at any time in the future associate myself with you in word or deed if you find that so embarrassing?!?!??!?!
i do think it is unseemly to drag a private grieavance between us out into a public forum so please have ago at using the no doubt awesome 'skills of discretion' that you posses by making no further refeence to that
i am your humble student in these matters (distance learning now of course!)
Quote by Bloke2005

sorry dude the only cheesy puff in the room IS the crisps....

Then Blue will lose interest very quickly... wink :twisted:
Just joking around here mate - didn't mean to offend - have fun and don't complain to me if you end up with a sore bum :shock: wink
oh none would take a concerted and sustained campaign to offend me......and what kind of danger is my bum facing...feel its ur duty as a fellow swinger to clue me up
Quote by Bloke2005
Couldn't help but notice the empty packet of cheese puffs on the seat behind you.. definately lose the hat.... wink
Do you know what you've just volunteered for?! :shock:
Be nice to him Blue... he's cute and looks a little 'lost'. I'm sure you can put him back on the straight and narrow :P :twisted:

sorry dude the only cheesy puff in the room IS the crisps....
yeah i met blue briefly......imay be cute but i aint lost.....can hold my own....wud rather sumone else held it for me tho
Quote by gazzamongo free any mon, tue,sat in dec....
it dosent matter that im a cute guy does it ( i am a good shag ask a***lc**t)

been a good boy and kept my schlong off the big screen as well....applause.....!

It is commendable that you have kept you cock in your pants, but WTF have you got on your head???? :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
haha.....the hat?
im the captain of the love boat dontcha know....welcome abouard
PS..... a Monday sounds good wink
...mondays are gr8 for free any mon, tue,sat in dec....
it dosent matter that im a cute guy does it ( i am a good shag ask a***lc**t)

been a good boy and kept my schlong off the big screen as well....applause.....!
Quote by berksbex
Wow gazzamongo, that sure is one way to make an entrance on this forum!
In one day you have managed to blind 3 members (no pun intended rolleyes ) shock 2 others into using bad language (that they would never normally use :P ) and cause numerous edits! I expect there are work dismissals occurring as I type as people get sacked when their normal surreptitious posting got caught out from your enormous cock photo (I mean the photo is enormous, not your cock wink ).
Welcome to the forum, you should fit right in.

er hope so.....prefer a warm hand upon my extrance to a pitch fork in my exit so ill calm down a little till ive sussed the vibe out here
(are you sexy btw berksbex ?...nice to make ur aquaintance!)
er...sorry angel ( best freind!)......sorry folks
im a regular on another forum where getting ur tallywacker out would be almost compulsory........ive put my old chap back in my pants for now......eek!
Quote by northwest-cpl
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
I've finally seen the disadvantage of a 19" monitor.

er sorry bout that.....and a seven inch monitor would have been quite sufficient!
Quote by naughtynymphos1


omg i cant withdraw my penis........from the forum
soz guys n gals
(do pm me if u like my cock and are a hot chick or couple hee hee)
alright blue,
u met me saturday at cupids..cute shaven headed guy farily buff n more than keen
(i was with angel!)
ill shag ya no worries (im new on this site....ur party pics r WILD!)

oops tmi???...i have put my offensive weapon away, soz folkz im a loon!
Quote by lucyweebaps
lol gaz, stop doing that! You know the face will work, only problem is I dunno if Lucy has closed the list :cry:
LWB if you haven't, I can vouch for gaz, even if it IS his fault I broke my wrist :lol2:

Thx Angel biggrin I have added him.. hope your wrist heals quickly kiss
Lucy xxxx
thanks lucy....and angel.....mmmmmwah.....look forward to meeting you at the munch....theres a lot of nice peeps here on this forum thats for sure...took a lot longer to make connections o s******r p********s !!!!!
Quote by HuxleyNSusie
and must say hux and lady were lovely sexy people tooo!]

and susie must say theres no chance of a shag until you remember my name mad
see you again soon we hope
sorry susie......lli definately remember it if if im calling your name when i fire the porridge gun!
all the best
Quote by Angel Chat
Ooooooh!! I missed the last one due to hospital, but as far as I know I have nothing more coming up....... please can I go on the list for this one biggrin biggrin

hey angel, to take a newbie under ur wing.....ill behave i promise (crosses fingers behind back!)

hi everyone,
er im the guilty party responsable for the badly timed beer run and tragic 'wank-spanner' injury angel feel free to abuse away if you wish
im just signed up here so no pics me if ya like
just wanna say 'hi angel,.....mmmnnnn'........shes an awesome girl....funny , gr8 company and so sexy...hope to see more of her soon.....ill be ur a&e buddy too if there are any more mishaps
and must say hux and lady were lovely sexy people tooo!
catch yall later