Have a look at this thread, it may help you. (4th comment down)
I would guess that in this case, the finance agreement would be more proof of ownership, than the logbook. It's likely that who actually paid for the car and in what circumstances, will have to be argued over.
It will be interesting to find out ultimately.
Just a few thoughts. As said before, keeper and owner are not legally one and the same.
If it was claimed to be a gift, then the woman just needs to ask the man for proof of insurance to show he has used the car, which he has never had. Any court would not believe someone would gift a car to someone else, who would then never use it, surely.
The finance documents could be tricky, but proof of payment from a specific account could help.
And as a few have said, in a domestic situation, it could well be 50/50 regardless.
Let us know how it goes though.
If you do decide to persue things with this woman, just tell your friend that you knew how badly she had treated him, and so you are getting his revenge for him.
You don't have to treat her badly of course, but it might delay him becoming an ex friend whilst you see if you and the young lady get along!
I couldn't resist temptation either.
Maybe the couple in question have your profile in their favourites and log in that way. I don't know if that would then show up as them looking, but i suppose it's possible.
I'm no expert, but to me, the fact that you have asked, speaks volumes.
If you are having misgivings now, I wonder would those feelings evaporate or increase, should it happen? Shouldn't the experience be as much for your pleasure too?
Good luck with it, however it goes!
I would un-install the NTHell thing, turn off Windows and the ZA firewall.
Then I would try to use the services that do not work to eliminate if it is a firewall problem.
Obviously, if they do work, then you have found the problem. If not, cookies for the relevent services might need to be allowed, if security settings are too high.
If it turns out to be a firewall related problem, It may be beneficial to un-install ZA and download the latest version and install it. The reason being, ZA will then go through a "learning" process of what things you wish to connect to the 'net, by offering the user a yes/no option. It may be easier than getting someone on a phone to go through the ZA settings it already has.
The reason I would use ZA over Windows firewall is that WIndows can keep things out, but last I knew of it, anything already in the computer could connect outwards.
A little bit of all of the above, for me I guess.
Often I will have a nose when reading threads, to maybe help see where they are coming from.
I think fear of being labelled as a pest would prevent me more, than the fear of rejection, in using a profile to break the ice and make an initial contact.
I've not used it for a while, but there is a section where programmes that have tried to gain access to the 'net may have a red cross next to them. Change them to green ticks to allow them out, if that's the case.
I never had any trouble with it, so I don' t think it's ZA being a pain.
I've only responded to four ads, i believe. The first two soon after coming on here, I wrote meticulously and thought for quite a while what to write, as per the ads. It seemed to take bloody ages! All I got back were a long spam replies about how shit this site is and to go to another one etc. I kind of gave up after that.
Recently I responded to another two and just kind of briefly introduced myself and offered to send a face pic, should they be interested. Neither replied, but I never expected them to in all honesty. The reason for not sending a face pic in the first instance would be, as already mentioned, you don't quite know who is going to be getting them.
So a question to single women would be, in general, would a brief introduction be enough to get your attention or would you want a more detailed reply in the first instance?
Another folder you may want to delete is in Windows...Application Data...Identities
This hold info about each of your email addresses, including any newsgroups you have joined.