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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 52
0 miles · Cheshire


Morning everyone -
Anyone know how I can change my profile from a single guy to a couple (as I'm now playing with my gorgeous black bi-lady friend biggrin )
thank you!
Creamy chuck - not sure which of our suggestions ain't working?! Do mean you were able to see if the PC is being assigned an IP address but that it isn't..or that you can't see?
Did you check to make sure the new PC's MAC address is configured into the router? May not be necessary but if you are able to get into the routers config screen then you can try and find where your first PC is set up and then emulate that...soz to be obscure but a bit tricky to diagnose from afar!
Herts x
Awww thank you Anais - i am no longer an Advert virgin! Think I felt the earth move but it might have been the cat farting....
....laughing my head off at your signature hon lol
hiya Creamy -
You've got two computers on a home network and the second computer can't connect to the internet? Can the two computers see each other? ie if you go to My Network on either machine can you see the other computer? If not then this suggests the new computer is not connecting to the network ok - try checking the second PC is getting an IP address ok - if unsure how to do this let me know! If the PC does connect to the home network ok then it is possible you'll need to configure the router to accept connections from the machine's MAC address.
Sorry if this all sounds a bit tech but hopefully we can sort you out - just provide as many details vis a vis the above,
Herts x
Well it's a funny old world..I've been a member of SH chatting away and getting to know people through the wonders of the WWW for blooming ages now and I've only just got around to posting my very first advert! I suppose I have been in and out of relationships over the past couple of years and I never play away but even when single, somehow just chatting to like minded people has often been therapeutic enough. I've met the occasional lady/couple from here (always lovely, you know who you are xx !) but only today does it suddenly seem right to post an ad.
Hmm weird eh?
Maybe this is yet another sign of early male menopause... what do y'all think? Am I unusual in being so late out of the blocks? (beats being premature eh?!)
hi Sarah - Put me down on your list please. Be a good opportunity to meet lots of local fellow SHers I hope!
Blimey lots of good answers here...
On the whole a sinbin concept sounds great but similar suggestions have been mooted before (partic regards people not turning up for meets if i recall) and run into problems. The decision making on banning or suspending someone needs to have an appeal process to prevent someone being picked on and so the whole thing can just become unwieldy.
Really the only answer is for all rooms to be moderated by a dispassionate observer with 'godlike' power to boot anyone offensive.
In the absence of that we should all just practice defensive be nice and considerate to everyone regardless of their status. If they become annoying then ignore them but at least show them the courtesy of saying "sorry, i'm not going to chat with you anymore".
Brilliant post Whoosh!
It's my birthday today and speaking as someone now officially half way to death (3 score years and 10) you've made me feel EVEN older!
Mind you..this ol' dog still has a little life left in him :-)
FingerBob was a TV prog where the presenter played the characters using just his fingers and some basic props. eg FingerMouse was a cone of paper stuck on the end of one finger. It was ace..really imaginative and simple (like wot i is!). Not as good as the Flumps tho...
No idea what happened to it but if you are organising something i'll be sure to come along and say 'hello'. Please add me to your list!
..looks like i've missed my chance! First time i've made it onbto the forum for a while now and i'm too late...unless there's any chance of fitting me on to the reseve list? (Well you never know it doesn't hurt to ask!)..
fingers crossed but if not then y'all have a fab night..i'll be thinking of you!
all the best
Herts x
a bit lame but the one that sprang to my mind is "Marlena van der Tush-Tush".
Dunno why but it's got a certain ring to it!
Actually scratch that...tush tush sounds common..
"Marlena van der Derriere" sounds much better :-D
Mick me auld china take a peek at the big thread at the top of the page titled ' Chat Rooms not working' or words to that effect.
hmmm well ONE of mine is Simon which is stunningly dull and the other...well I'm not telling's far to unique to share!!
Wonders....hmm can you change your middle name by deed poll? Something like 'Hercules' has got a ring to it :-)
...I'm single again!..first time in years!! Huzzah!
Need a lie down now...
Is it the lid of a cafetiere? (one of those little single-cup-of-coffee thingys) ??
NWC ahhhhhh I see (sorry serves me right for not being awake...)
The reason I posted 1 for and 5 against was for the same reason that when you take your car to the garage you don't spend 10 minutes listing all the things that are working just fine! (Well, I don't anyway!)
But I've been away for a few days and reading all the more recent posts it looks as though everything is gradually being sorted out (although none of my points about the chatroom have reached the top of the action list).
PS does anyone know how much Mark was paid for this site? He did a great job and deserved a nice wad of cash but I'm worried cos buying the site suggests that the people doing the paying will be expecting a profit (honestly, some people eh?!) which suggests paid membership...goes against the grain after all this time!
hi Judy -
The problems I raised are all serious problems which need to be addressed but the old site also had serious problems most of which have been dealt with in the new look. Maybe we all just got used to living with the old quirks!
any way here's hoping SH continues to go fro strngth to strength
Over all the new look works for me (only one sign in for the whole site a major improvement) but a few points relating to the chatroom:
1) it no longer works in MIRC
2) The member list is unsorted and unsortable
3) The list of member profiles (and photos and vids) extend below the visible area if lots of people signed in so half the profiles etc are inaccessible.
4) My screen resolution is such that the flash chat room is very small in the middle of the screen - would be much much nicer if it scaled so that it is always, say, 90% the window width.
5) I'm using IE 5 (yeah I know old but plenty of people still use this) and the site doesn;t always look very pretty..the menu buttons for instance (Photo Ads, Voice Ads etc) now extend below the blue bar and look very blocky and ugly.
Anyway overall this is a big step forward so well done all concerned!
Guys listen to: for live updates from BBC radio london -
latest update is 3 bus explosions not 5....
LATE UPDATE: actually scrap that, the BBC website is down as is Reuters but CNN is still ok:
Quote by equi-princess
Ok a new thread for y'all:
Name the films which feature these famous line:
1) (VERY EASY and yes its in my nick): "Hang on lads, I've got an"
2) " I look up at the moon, and wonder: When will we be going back? And who will that be?"
3) “I have to warn you. I’ve heard relationships based on intense experiences never 
“Okay. We’ll have to base it on sex, 
“Whatever you say, 
4) “I do wish we could chat longer, but I'm having an old friend for dinner. 
5) (Finally this one is a bit tricky) “Mediocrities everywhere. I absolve you! I absolve you! I absolve you! I absolve you! I absolve you all!”

1)... The Italian Job..... the original...
2).. Apollo 13
3).. Mrs. Robinson....?????
4).. The silence of the Lambs
5)... dont have a clue............ lol
equi-princess xxx
Ooooo you're doing well :-)
1) Right
2) Right
3) Miles off!
4) Right
5) hmmm...a clue...albeit a tenuous one...think popsong by a dodgy German band...
Andy -
Spot on.. it all starts at local level:
As a child all we know is our family. People outside our family are strange and their habits are alien. We go to nursery and our social group grows and we accept the rules of that group but the group is still boundaried. We go to school and exactly the same occurs - the beach boys toon "Be true to your school" springs to mind. As our horizons broaden the walls don't break down they just get pushed back. If you grow up in an entirely white environment and don't encounter a black person until 20yrs old it is natural to find them unusual (and vice versa of course) and it is the natural instinct to be suspicious and cautious around anything unfamiliar.
This is also generational of course. Every generation thinks the young are terrible monsters despite the fact that in the:
20s we had dancehalls, street gangs and toffs taking drugs
30s we had street gangs and riots and toffs taking slightly cheaper drugs
40s we didn;t actually need much crime because the world leaders decided to eliminate half the world's youth (maybe the leaders were on drugs?)
50s we had teddy boys (on drugs if they could afford them)
60s we had hippies (taking baking powder cos couldn;t afford drugs) and mods n rockers
70s we had punks (prefered the natual high of body mutilation and hair dye to drugs)
80s we had rap (not saying any rappers actually took drugs but..) and house music ("E")
90s we had grunge, junkies and trainspotting
Naughties - well probably too early to tell yet...
Suffice to say all the above is junk. Each social group (geographic/age or whatever) will identify itself with all sorts of paraphenalia such as music or dress or drugs or political outlook but it all boils down to just helping indiviuals feel like they belong to some social group.
Easy peasy!
LATE EDIT: I know this all seems like i'm preaching but it is something which really annoys me - prejudice is natural and I recognise that it does serve a purpose but it frustrates me that we all waste so much energy getting angry at people who are fundamentally the same as us for doing the things that we also do. In my village we have a real problem with nuisance youths - no the problem is not the youths who are generally doing nothing more than standing around talking or playing. It is the older folk who feel intimidated - it is the older folk we need to help to engage more with the kids and to overcome their fears. These are generally good kids and being made to feel isolated and sidelined from village life will only fuel any angst.
Ok a new thread for y'all:
Name the films which feature these famous line:
1) (VERY EASY and yes its in my nick): "Hang on lads, I've got an"
2) " I look up at the moon, and wonder: When will we be going back? And who will that be?"
3) “I have to warn you. I’ve heard relationships based on intense experiences never 
“Okay. We’ll have to base it on sex, 
“Whatever you say, 
4) “I do wish we could chat longer, but I'm having an old friend for dinner. 
5) (Finally this one is a bit tricky) “Mediocrities everywhere. I absolve you! I absolve you! I absolve you! I absolve you! I absolve you all!”
Quote by equi-princess
Wow.... that was honest !!!!!!!
equi-princess xxx

Hehe..and don't even get me started on honest people..... !!
Amazing innit? The day after we win the bid ...the entire (yes I said the ENTIRE) London tube network has ground to a halt!
Bring on 20millions tourists!!
Most of my prejudices are just down to getting older and more senile....Its amazing how annoyed I get:
by boy racers conveniently forgettng that I was one 15yrs ago.
By loud music even if the only reason is that I have to turn up my own loud music to drown it out.
By dark-skinned people because I am jealous of their beautiful colouring compared to my sickly-off-white skin.
By young people cos they are smart alec know-it-alls
By old people cos they are smart alec done-it-alls
By people my own age because we know nothing, do nothing and spend all our time moaning about everyone else!!
....but apart from that I'm VERY open minded !!