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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 44


Quote by dundeecpl
I was watching that citreon ad yesterday and thought it is one of the best on the go at the mo, bloody good tune and great moving bodies :twisted:
G x

SOrry but the best ad at the min is the durecell bunny one, it is so funny when the bunny is on is way to work, my boyfriend does impression of him to make me laugh.
:lol2: :lol2:
Quote by JGL
i used to love the choco Advent calanders, but i think i'm a bit too old for them now.

You are never to old to have an advent calender, I've got a buttons one with a picture of a robin today, my boyfriends also got his at my house, but hes not been here to open it, maybe i can get it out without him noticing
I know this is'nt a pic, but the programme on bears on BBC1 last night was sooo good.
I was about 18, my boyfriend started to spank me (only a little) while he was playing with me it was great.
I wish my fiance would do it :cry:
I'm a relatively new reader, but i can't stop buying books now, my fav one was P.S I love you by Cecelia Ahern (girlie one yes)
But if anyone has read the FPC1 book, could you give me a hand. My exam is in January and the first chapters are soooo boring
After reading lil_miz_naughty_0204 joke, on the other thread. I thought i'd see who can cum up with the worst joke.
Heres mine:
Why did the banana go to the doctors ???
Cause he wasn't peeling well
GOD that make me laugh everytime rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Mine was about flashing while driving
Quote by hornystockportgirl
I'd love to go down on my BF while driving, but as i'm the driver would be abit hard !!
I love flashing while i'm driving, but not sure how much people can see ?? any tips
Up to now i've pulled my skirt up, i think i might just take it off next !! hump
I'm just getting over an abcess under my wisdom tooth , i went to my dentist today and he said if i have anymore trouble i'll have to have the tooth out.
Sorry but i just had to let everyone know, i've just had one of the new Mint Matchmaker McFlurry and OH MY GOD they are gorgeous, even better than sex..
Sorry i take that back, but they are yummy
Quote by Happy Cats
20% - I mean 20%! Cant be right - I cant have the lowest score confused

We'll have a competition -
Can anyone get a lower score than Happy Cats ????
Sorry couldnt help it. But i only got 26
As one of 3 single woman that will be there.
I hope there will be lots of people willing to take good care of me !!!
Heres another one of those quiz, if anyone is "old fashion" or "virgin" i think they should leave the site.

Here's my result
Amature porn
Congratulations! You scored 26%!
If you would be in a porn movie, you would be in an amauture porno. You've done a few things, but not everything. Still in a position to be bossed around in bed. Your toys are well hidden.
I am "The Punching bag"
You are 76 fuckable!
Yeah, you're fuckable. Probably fucked, too. You can be so wild sometimes that you may even be, well, how should I put this nicely, easy. Wild and kinky is good, but you should lean to use it in maderation. Hold out a bit when it comes to having sex with a new person. You don't have to let it all hang out! Sure, people want you, but it's probably because they know they could have you. It's ok to play hard-to-get once and a while. In fact, it makes you even sexier!
I didnt think i was that good, but the test doesnt lie
i think there is a club in manchester (heat) i think they have a website.
and they have that sort of thing
Well i think the main place i know in stockport will be out of bounds for a while, due to the 24 hour supermarket open across the road.
Or actually it might be busier, guys can leave the wifes to the shopping while he nips over the road for some fun !!!
Just wondering if anyone knows of any places in Stockport, as the main ones are now out of bounds for a while, due to the bloody stockport express.
Please PM me,
Quote by gingerjo-lee
hi steve
im sorry single girls are not allowed in partners on a thurs night sad
cya on thurs jo x

I'd like too come, but i've not been to one before, alway been something i've wanted to do.
I'd need someone to take me ???? redface
I'm sorry lads, but i'm only 23 myself, and in my experience some young lad are very quick to be pleased. But i must say, last monday i had a very good threesome with 2 lad 19 and 20 and it was very very good and lasted quiet a while.
So if you were in the T D car park in Stockport on monday 6th and caught a bit of the show, hope you enjoyed.
And yes but sorry this was excuse to gloat. (MY first time YEAH) lol
I read the article today (my boyfriends copy). It was pretty crap really. But i did leave it open on his bed so he might get the hint i want to try it :rascal: