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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 44


Please can you put me down for this if its not too late, I will rearrange a couple of things and nip down even it is for a few hours.
Would be nice to put a face to all those boobs and bums
my boyfriend suffers with them, he swears by zovirax.
Once you have the herpies virus your stuck with it for life. They tend to come up when he's stressed from work or if i'm stressing him out, also hot weather brings his out. So your best having a nice bath (not hot might bring it out more) and relaxing.
And most important DONT kiss anyone it will spread the virus.
Hope it clears up soon hun. :therethere:
At the moment mine has the following:
House Keys
Car Keys
Purse (lots of cards not really any cash)
Lip Balm (my poorly dry lips) NO RUDE COMMENTS
eye drops (my poorly dry eyes)
Face powder compact
lip gloss
make up brush
small angel perfume
AND half a pack of spearmint soft mint
We turned up at the arranged location at about , the police turned up 2 mins later saying there had been reports of "activities" in the area. We drove off and came back about 30 min there were still there.
Sorry to all the people we arranged to meet.
Well i would say shag and fuck are the same thing, if he'd said make love that thats a different thing.
Yeah couple bath great, also the chance to tackle the other team.
Dont the rule say you have to tackle someone by putting your head between the girls legs while playing with her breasts (Or am i just wishing!!)
I can say yes to all off those, so can i play.
I dont know the offside rule or any of the football/rugby rules (can i still play ?)
Does anybody know how to stop getting SMS spam messages.
My brother has been charge £2 for every message hes been sent from a company, i've contacted them and they have now stopped. But does anyone know if there is anything like with junk mail, where to tell 1 person and they remove you from all the marketing list ?
I've sent an email to everyone who asked to come. I will look forward to seeing you all later.
By the way a few people have had to cancel, so if you want to come PM me and i'll send you the location details.
When i go out, i make sure i have more than enough condoms "just in case".
I would never consider having sex without. No matter how much they say they havent got anything, they dont know if you have and they dont appear to be bother.
I am clean and want to stay that way.
I think its back to the old thing, where the women has to be prepared for sex, we are expected to go on the pill, buy condoms. I dont think any of my boyfriends has actually bought them its always been me.
OK I've had my moan now.
Just to let you all know, i now have enough guys (8) and remember as far as i know i will be only girl there.
I will pm everyone on friday, just to confirm times and places.
Hope to see you then
Thank you to everyone who has replied.
I have decided on a location, so if you would like to join me on the 19th about 9ish, just pm me and i'll tell you the location.
I'm getting excited thinking about it.
69position hump blast :wanker: :rascal:
I'm going out with a friend on the 19th, He want to watch me have sex with guy and other things to.
Now i'm wanting to go somewhere in the North West nearer to Manchester, (not Stockport) so i need some ideas of good places.
Also maybe to volunteers to come and help.
Someone who talks with there mouth full ( OF FOOD YOU BUNCH OF PERVS !!!)
There is a guy at work who does it all the time, i feel like climbing over the desk and shoving the bacon buttie down his throat !!!!!!!!
mad :x :x :x :x
Quote by Scandal
you can just pretend your under me !

I've been doing that for the last ten days wink
Disgracefully, would you have done that if youd have know about the real me !!!!
Please can a mod delete that post, i do not want the whole world (or whole SH) to know the really me !!!!!
I didnt realise that but i does look like that doesnt it. you can just pretend your under me !
they are red white and blue and pinky, not union jack style, i did take a pic for you but cant get it on here.