Hi guys I would love to come along if there is room
would love to come along please!
and a fee sounds ok with me
i probably tried as hard you tried not to be sarcastic....
but never mind - it doesnt mean that we have two
Good Idea Hx
ok - how about this:
29th June - Friday night 8pm
venue to be confirmed closer to the date
hello all, Im thinking of organising a meet for a few drinks in Cardiff or a local pub. Just thought i would post here to see what interest there was.
Dont know about you but south wales is a fantastic area....but the chatroom tends to be a little stale - so lets get together in one big room, add a few drinks and see what happens!
drop me a note on here if you are interested and if i get decent numbers i'll get booking!
would love to meet up - be great to message me with a bit more infow - where when? I;m 28 and very discrete - hopefully just what you are looking for.
BI - sorry I missed this ad! would have defo made the trip up, I know cardiff is a bit of a trek but its always good to meet new people.
sad i missed it now :cry:
I can confirm the dreamcast is the best value machine out there - its awesome for its age and the price!!
As for the PSP get GTA liberty city - the fifa 06 game is decent too, and virtua tennis!!! basically a great little macine but do yourself a favour pick up a decent memory stick and fire a couple of movies on there - its got a great screen
not many people meeting up in cardiff these days - well anydays really - anyway let me know if you want to know a few places to go out. Dazz
hi is it still down for everyone else??? i'm getting paranoid its just me!! ha ha
just wanted to say "here here" to both judy's posts!!!
hi welshcpl where did you get that from? western mail?
just wanted to drop a quick to note to see if anyone here will be attending Mandy and Andy's little do in newport tonight?
Mandy and Andy ( ) put on a monthly meet in the south wales area (location provided by invite only) and as this will be my first "visit" I thought it would be good to see if anyone from here will be going along?
just been to watch the show being recorded in Bristol - have to admit it was the first time i've seen it so I was plesantly surprised - normally i'd claw my own eyes out than watch Noel but this was actually ok!
Hi Gary i'm from Cardiff, and i think there have been a few posts about welsh members lately you could get a few names together from there possibly. just do a quick search. Dazz
it has to be - the bugatti veyron - it is an excecise in excellence so much so that every car is sold at a £4m loss to vw!!
mind you it would be rubbish to go dogging in, you could hardly blend into the background!!! ha ha
you are making the right move mate - call it a day. She's using you!
fairplay that seems like a success!!! how do you do it! ha ha - and I thought the scene in south wales was dead!
good luck mate theres not that many about round here!
Ok so it wasnt that quick - but I got carried away! sorry! lol
I just wanted to drop a quick line to say that although I take gingerminge’s point – and it is valid, there can be some harsh exchanges on the forums from time to time I have to say that I understand why. As you’ll see I’m pretty new to the posting side of this site but given time I know I will probably become one of those eager to slap down any newbie that sees this site as a simple way to “get laid quickâ€.
I know we were all new once, and in some ways it’s the more established posters job to cultivate and nurture these forums to ensure they survive and flourish through the new members – but in order to do so there has to be an element of pride in what they have created (this has probably been heightened by the recent takeover) and with pride comes a desire to protect.
So I don’t blame the more established members for pouncing on posts such as “21 year old stud for hire†or “bet you cant suck my cock dry†because these guys aren’t here to become part of the “community†they are here because they cant afford the subscriptions to Ok from time to time they can be a bit over zealous but until us newbies become established its important to understand this not just any old posting forum, this is their “baby†and at the moment we are just guests.
I have to say however in my short time on this site everyone has been very helpful and really decent to me – they have pointed out my errors from time to time but more importantly, and more frequently, they have taken the time to drop me a line to say well done when i've managed to make a considered contribution.
Once again I can see gngerminges frustrations and understand them but I guess at the moment us new guys will inevitably be judged by the majority – until we prove otherwise!
I just love womens bums what ever the shape!!!
I can’t speak from experience but isn’t there an element of the seduction of power involved?
It seems to me that it works on all sorts of levels. You have the husband’s thrill that he has power over the other man and his wife – it was his choice whether his wife has sex with him and he can stop it at any time – effectively saying “this is my ball and you’ll only play with it as long as I allow you to!â€
Then you have the wife’s thrill at the power she has not over just one man but two. She has both of these men eating out of her hand, the new man because to him she is a whole new sexual object and he wants her badly, and her husband because she knows he’s either jealous or so aroused that he could burst and she knows she can take all of that away if she wants to – just by stopping
Then you have the new man, the stranger – his thrill is obvious not only is he having no strings attached sex but he is doing it with a married woman – a – and more over he’s doing it in front of her husband and from the moment he kisses her he immediately assumes that he has power over another male, the husband. This woman has chosen to have sex with him over her husband and so long as he’s half way decent he knows he’s making this woman feel 10 times better than her husband can – just because he’s new, he’s different and he’s going to put the effort in! so he walks away thinking “it may be your ball but you’ll never play with it as well as I just haveâ€
But then that’s all a bit too close to physcho babble for me I think its more to do with the fact that we are all guilty of taking things for granted. That beautiful young girl you flirted with and seduced when you were a boy inevitably and quickly becomes “the wife†or “the mother of you child†or even worse “just the bird who does the shopping, spends my money and nags me stupid†its only when another man sees her as beautiful and sexy that you begin to appreciate what you have – you become proud “that’s my girl that guy is lusting after†and all of a sudden you realise that guy will fantasise about the night he had sex with your wife for the rest of his life, you don’t need to fantasise, you have the real thing. And that to me is SEXY
genius post mate! genius!
hi i'm just posting to let you know that my post is in the post and will be posted just as soon as the post arrives.....thank you
and yet again another cheese award!! ha ha I like it northeast!! are you sure you are not Graham Norton in disguise????? ha ha
what about wayne marshal song - Gspot! download it now - you'll either love it or laugh at it!!!