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Over 90 days ago
Gay Male, 62


Sounds to me like they did you a favour ...don't sound like they are worth bothering about dunno
My favourite is dear old Oscar Wilde
Moderation is a fatal thing. Nothing succeeds like excess :cheers:
If i could know what I know now then I would play the lottery every week he he he :thumbup:
I am not starting anything, I am merely passing comment ...... itsgray pops off and buries head in the sand. :giveup:
Quote by fabio grooverider

Am i disqualified?
1, i am not from the wirral biggrin
2, I am not 7 1/2" (bugger 1/2" too short) :cry:
3, I am not black ( i have plenty of black boot polish) :doh:
Seriously i hope you find what you are looking for

to that lot... you might want to add that you can't read.. since i am sure you currant avatar breaks the AUP......... confused :? :?
sean (a black guy who didn't particually like the boot polish gag)
Sorry about the avtar (used wrong pic i should have really checked)
I am also sorry you have not got a sense of humour fabio :cry:
i do have a sence of humor, trust me poeple know that.... at what point did that go thru your brain and think actually that was funny
so let me get this correct.... you actually answered a ad to which you hit none of the things they ask for....
and people wonder why single men have a bad rep...... sad :( :( :(
This thread seems to have traversed on to a completely different issue due to Dreamweavers head being stuck in the 1950's. Dreamweaver did you not hear that the black and white minstrels had been cancelled or are you still watching re-runs? Fabio's remarks do not have anything to do with a sense of humour failure they seem to me perfectly reasonable and somewhat restrained. Are you such a fool as to not know when you are being offensive, ignorant and using racist comments? The answer is blatantly obvious to all.... NO you aren't! banghead KICK IT OUT :fuckinghell:
Can I complain about all the people that come on and whinge about things that are essentially just a part and parcel of meeting people. :fuckinghell:
Quote by LordZenx
PS any bi guys/couples fancy a shag rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Love your style lol :lol: :lol:
*Thinks, perhaps I will try that myself*
Thanks LordZenx it was tongue in cheek of course bolt
I know even before anyone says anything "I have only been on here for two weeks" but I thought I would say this anyway.
I think this site is an excellent vehicle for all swingers and would be swingers to get together and join in and develop as a community. A community where safety for it's members is a given and not some hinted at lip service which has no meaning. As I have mentioned already, I have not been a member of this site for very long, but I enjoy visiting and chipping in occasionally when i feel like it. Some people may feel the site is over moderated, I do not agree it appears to be a responsible community and that is the way it should be IMHO. If it was not moderated in the way it is, then the site would in all probablity just become disrespectful and serve no purpose, other than to service the needs of those wish to see sites like this closed down on some loosely conjured up morality basis loon .
I congratulate everyone who plays a part in running this website, it is "A meaningful place" (this is the most complimetrary oneliner i can come up with).
To have meaning is everything I think, so thank you peeps. :swingingchair:
Thanks itsGray wave
PS any bi guys/couples fancy a shag rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Quote by Wishmaster
Will - glad I am an Anglican!! :shock:

Is there any correlation between mastubation and fishing ???
Had to read that twice then it definitely says FISHING bolt
Yeah ... i like to consider myself genuine just having fun reading on the forum and chipping in when i feel i have something to say.....all i can tell you from my experience from this site and others like it, is that if you have a good look round and open your eyes to the site and what its offering it soon becomes easy to distinguish the genuine peeps from the time wasters. I hope you keep chipping in and if you do I am sure you will soon find peeps will get to know you etcetera etcetera etcetera :thumbup:
Hi Venus I have only recently joined but thought this might be an ideal opportunity to meet up with lots of peeps in a fun environment if there is room for a newbie i would love to come along.... i will just need a volunteer to rub in the peppermint cream to ease all my bruises....itsgray definitely a cheeky :rascal:
Quote by krazykayaker
im only 20 and the other half 23 we have met people on here, shagged them, made friends with them etc. ive had a great time and find u all a lovely bunch and i hope none of u are mad at me and saying im too young. i do understand your point and i think its up to the individual - for example young couples are a little different to a single person. im not sure what do you think? im feeling very out of my place now after reading this sad

Don't let something like that put you out of place krazykayaker you carry on in the :swingingchair: you are very :welcome:
You are absolutley right Venus maybe it is a touch of the green eyed monster aimed at one so eligible to be a member of the site and willing to open his mind maybe it is just a case of wanting to spoil a young mans pleasure seeking either way it's not pretty and ageist ....... how sad dunno anyway you go for it arron and enjoy your time on the :swingingchair:
:doh: Look at how I am undone so easily and I thought you wouldn't notice rotflmao bolt
The attention as they say is all in the details ....... Squad Squaaaaaad Shunnnnn :swingingchair:
Yay it's official i am a loon Yippee :bounce: recognition at last :moon: :haha:
:laughabove: i am a stupid fool ... just failed that auditon for fluffer rolleyeswhat is particularlots all about :embarrased2:
A fluffer is the person who attends to all the last minute preps to make sure everything is perfect before filming starts paying particularlots attention to the cast of course he he he :giggle:
can i be fluffer innocent at whatever it is :rascal: oh go on then i'll start it a long hard thing or is it a soft voluptious warm welcoming thing or both.... Doh! thats three questions bolt
Sounds like fun catch_us_at_it
ps I agree with you, i think you can actually be a male and a couple at the same time providing of course you meet the pre-requisite of actually having a partner in the first place which i am sure you do :scared: just thinking to myself oh no am i in breach of sub section better do this to myself just in case :censored: smackbottom rotflmao
And i thought humour died with Tommy Cooper, my oh my you are both so droll my sides are having difficulty containing themselves :censored:
smile Hi my name is Gray and I am looking for some not strings fun in the portsmouth area can travel and accom :) get in touch if you would like to know more cheers Gray