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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 48


Quote by PoloLady
When was the first time you got really legless, totally smashed, rat-arsed?
Where were you?
What were you drinking and what happened?

I can't remember - and that has been a recurring theme ever since
Quote by Calista
ok more lyrics to guess ...
no one to talk too

That really needs another line - its almost as generic as asking which song the words 'I love you' are from
Just read all of this at once, have been away. I think its absolutely mint that anyone could think that because a single guy probably stole something it means that all single guys are likely to be like that. I'm genuinely amused, not offended in any way as a single guy - it just reinforces my view that there are a lot of silly peopl out there!!
I have a red one - Justice for the 96, its a Hillsborough disaster one. At first I thought people were just trying to be trendy and showing off but then I realised that the recipients of charity are not interested in the intentions of the donor, just the aid itself. So yes, a good thing especially if it encourages people who wouldnt normally donate to charity to do so
Sorry, which one did I get wrong...or both?
21 - Germany France Italy and is 9 the decibel?
Question 3 - do all the protagonists die during the play?
Apologies for answering one at once but I reckon it might take a week to answer them all!
PS Is 7 Bowie?
Quote by Scandal
You're not originally a village idiot are you?

Ouch! Touchy aren't you James.
Is that pre-match nerves or is it because you don't have a clue what I'm on about?
I see you want the Olympics in London. Why don't you build the new Analfield there too then all your fans won't have far to travel. wink
Yes, I am touchy. One reason is prematch nerves and another is that I don't like the Chuckle Brothers. Interested to know who you support Scandal?
This link from msn

got me thinking, how many of these have been posted on here as 'I had a mate whose mate...blah blah blah'. I'm sure the petrol station one was posted on here the other day wasn't it? Any other decent ones people have heard?
Quote by azappo04
the aim was to make ur country proud
we can come across millions of reasons why we should not get it
but then are we making ourselves proud..
i am in the country for a short stay and i dont think i iwll be here in 2010 to watch those games as i will be sitting back in africa but
when i know london did win the bid i would feel proud just coz i voted for it
thanking the city where i live
so reason being good or bad once the country has decided to bid lets just back it up

Olympics or no Olympics, what makes me proud is that people visiting the country want whats best for it - as above. Cheers Azappo
The best answer is 'Yes, why not, lets celebrate our identity;
The worst answer is the far too common one 'Why should we celebrate the Scots Welsh and Irish days and not ours they're bloody taking over the place, cant put a Georges cross up without being called racist its a disgrace' etc etc ad nauseam
Why not just be quietly proud that England is such a wonderfully tolerant and cosmopolitan place that so many diverse cultures and nations want to live here? That, to me, is patriotism in the truest sense of the word.
Bumping up just to say good luck to Parrot and to Kristof too. Gave up about a year ago after being a heavy smoker. The secret is to look at people smoking and not think 'I'd love one' but think 'Wow, poor guy/girl, I'm so proud of myself that I dont have to do that any more'
Sounds glib but you end up believing it
Quote by Jiggle
i'm not saying this cause i'm a brummie.
but the best location for it would be near the NEC site... spitting distance from the airport, railways and a major Motorway network... plus the fact its the centre.
but as like every thing.... its gotta be in london!.... remember the up roar when crufts moved to the midlands!

Crufts went to the Midalnds? And there was I thinking it was the other way round and Birmingham had gone to the dogs
A very good post eloquent it doesnt deserve the usual food related quips you might expect (kebabs, sausages), and people seem to have restrained themselves on the whole. Until me of course. But which course? Oh well I'm new and young, forgive me biggrin
Quote by foxylady 123
I hesitate to post in a controvertial thread that's not related to swinging, but this is the biggest waste of taxpayers money to happen in East London since the millennium dome.
The whole thing makes me sick.

I agree but for different reasons.
London and the South has had far too much spent on it.!! The games should be held up north and to do that the goverment needs to invest far more up here, there by allowing Manchester or another major Northern city to put in a viable bid.
Depravation is far worse up here than down South!! A reasonable working infrastructure is our first need.
Hmmm, well the last comparable event in the UK was the Commonwealth Games - in Manchester. Can't think of anything in London in living memory (well mine anyway) apart from Euro 96 which was just the one sport
Quote by TRiNiTV
No disrespect but this is a message to all you small minded people. I know this kind of thing isnt too common but whats with all the shit the new people get. Just because you regulars get to know the other regulars, whats to say that somebody new isnt as keen and honest as yourselves everybody does everything for the first time so give them a break will you.

how do n00bs get a hard time here? I'm a n00b-queen here and still haven'y got a hard time... c'mon peeps! why do all the other n00bs get the fun? :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
I had a hard time (amicably resolved) yesterday. I managed it by being spiky and rubbing people up the wrong way. Cant recommend it enough
Quote by rogerthedragon
Can I just say that as a very new member I am learning swiftly that a) 90% of posts are piss-takes and b) it is very difficult to tell what tone some posts are meant to be posted in. (I have been misinterpreted and taken too seriously already)Therefore, is it not fair to say that peeps should think twice before jumping on bandwagons and condemning people who might just be taking the piss?

The PM facility helps a lot with that. It is, as you say, easy to misinterpret, and a quick private message can often clear up misunderstandings. (Sometimes it can make them worse, but hey, that's life ;) )
So that's what PM's are for!!
I though they were so that the various cliques on here could keep up a whispering campaign about the people who don't fit in!!! wink
Roger the Dragon cool
(That'll teach you buggers to have an arguement when I'm too busy to join in! lol )
Various cliques eh? How does one join?
Quote by Ice Pie
Can I just say that as a very new member I am learning swiftly that a) 90% of posts are piss-takes and b) it is very difficult to tell what tone some posts are meant to be posted in. (I have been misinterpreted and taken too seriously already)Therefore, is it not fair to say that peeps should think twice before jumping on bandwagons and condemning people who might just be taking the piss?

The PM facility helps a lot with that. It is, as you say, easy to misinterpret, and a quick private message can often clear up misunderstandings. (Sometimes it can make them worse, but hey, that's life ;) )
Thanks Ice, I don't care what people say about you, I think you're alright
Can I just say that as a very new member I am learning swiftly that a) 90% of posts are piss-takes and b) it is very difficult to tell what tone some posts are meant to be posted in. (I have been misinterpreted and taken too seriously already)Therefore, is it not fair to say that peeps should think twice before jumping on bandwagons and condemning people who might just be taking the piss?
Am expecting of a deluge of 'you're too new, you dont know what it was about etc' but to be honest I dont care if I'm new and in fact think it means I have no prejudices - therefore in a great position to comment.
PS In case you were wondering, that was a serious post. I think. I dont know if I can do serious but I certainly know I'm no fan of over-zealous political correctness!
Quote by Jas-Tim
Do you really think that that kind of whiny post is attractive?
There are a lot of people on this site looking for meets and I personally find whiners a huge turn off.

I went to university in St Andrews and trust me, whining is the local sport round there
Quote by Jags
Yes, immediately - Jags? Tell him the rules.... wink

Rules are: snog all - shag few - laugh lots - argue little - love all
:P lol
I may struggle on the arguing little side of things, as Bloke will testify. Otherwise I think I'll fit in fine!
Quote by Bloke2005
James has gone quiet.. come on cheeky chappy - what do you have to say for yourself? wink

I have to say for myself that I'm bloody knackered and would be tucked up if it wasnt for having to run a full virus scan...on my comp that is, I wear condoms you know