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Over 90 days ago


Warming the Bed
OH thank goodness it is not just me and mine them and hate them in equal measure, well I do mine.
Crossing threads I am now totally grey due to daughter worry but Blond for a laugh!!!
Damn it grows out quick when hair is short!!!
Roots to be done soon
So back to teenagers, I am certain I was never as bad as mine are, can't be anything to do with own TVs , CDs Vids puters etc can it?
jerry almost merry
Warming the Bed
Quote by easy
Goldfish explanation is here in the first 3 pages of the thread I think

half of the contributors here are certifiable, or should I say this place is full of comic geniussses
That journey was so surreal, I can see that assimillation will take a while but I am learning that resistance is futile.
Just need to adjust the levels to seriously deranged
jerry the merry
Warming the Bed
So would that be
Fritz herbert
Fritz William
Fritz gerald
Fritz Patrick smile rolleyes :roll: :roll:
jerry confused: :?:
Warming the Bed
And there was me getting totally confused searching Goldfish!
not a lot wiser
sitting back and watching and wondering and scratching head!
but smiling
Warming the Bed
Quote by westerross
get your mits off my tits Fritz!

Oh I've said that a few times lol
Dawn :silly:
How many Fritz's do you know - or is he just persistent??
Its a well known midlands name, I am sure there was a Fritz in Crossroads!?
Warming the Bed
Quote by neilinleeds
dawn i love it! rotflmao 17 goldfish is a bit steep though don't you think? i mean it is davej we're talking about? wouldn't rate him any higher than 5 meself? i mean we wouldn't want him to get carried away with that sort of price on his head would we? but it's apparently not the first time he's been a wanted man either.
neil x x x ;)

May I ask what this davej has allegedly done to be worthy of such a price on his errrrr head?
And is there an exchange rate for goldfish?
probably asking a silly question but wondering
Warming the Bed
Welll Done,
Now to just keep the appointment and hope that the pain does not recur before you have them out.
Never had much trouble with mine, assuming I have some!!!! confused
Warming the Bed
Sooner you get it done the better,
and lets face it the discomfort you feel now is not about to go away.
So be brave, make that call, and then make sure you take up the appointment, and then hopefully by christmas all should be well and you will have forgotten everything.
You mentioned not being scared because you have children,
well teeth extraction cannot be nearly as tough as child birth!!!
Look on the bright side, for a short operiod of time you get to legitimately use a class A drug. After that they just give you paracetamol, but it does sweeten the cup for a short time!
Best wishes and good luck
Warming the Bed
Full beard...
something about a full softened beard that drives women crazy.....
tickling of thighs and clit!!!!
don't knock it till you have tried it...
mods blocked addie....
Warming the Bed
Quote by Hu99ie
Sounds interesting. Seems like ages since i saw/read the original.

The Radio version was the original, having been virtually written on the hoof. The books followed and then the TV series
mostly harmless
Warming the Bed
Why Thanks Judy , and mr Fc
a relation? hope I did not cause offence?? innocent fun, honest!
difficult to fit in sure some of you know
look forward to getting to know y'all
Warming the Bed
you appear to be an expert on this and so for an newcomer perhaps you could help,
Edited cos it was bollox sorry! confused
Warming the Bed
I think that that is a yes OK but am still not sure...
Warming the Bed
Mrs Fc why is it that I suspect that you are being disingenouous?
Warming the Bed
Whoops I just posted in a thread without saying Hi,
and that seems to be the done thing in these parts
so hi guys
forgive, .pleeeeze
Sorry, did not mean to be too up front.
will sit back and try and work out what and what not to do, but good to be here.
almost single guy in 40s but feeling younger, but don't we all?
Warming the Bed
Mrs Fc
Is it about time that you presented youself over my agreeable knee?
you are a naughty naughty naughty girl, and you know what you deserve!!