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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 63


i wondered who it was in the pic
He could have put his head out of the window an used those ears to slow down !!!! lol :lol:
LMFAO....thats real cute.... redface
for anyone who wants to check if they have been flashed you can go on this link & check it gives you name/password just enter reg no & will even show pic if you have been caught
Hi folks hope this post is ok (and dosnt break the rules) I did a quick search to find out if there was a solution to these dreaded machines and would really like to know if anyone on here has used (and found it worked ) the photo reflective spray you use on your number plates , or which camera detector is best in use , I have been caught on static and mobile cameras so the time has come to invest in a little protection ......Steph .....I know I should slow down !!!!
used to work in a garage myself & have seen this done as well
Was she blonde tho ?
Quote by gingerminge38
Ah bless... Blonde's are such gentle creatures...

Hmmmmmmmmmmm we are arent we !!!!!
A couple of years back I had just pulled up at a garage for fuel got out of the car and heard 'F*** it' shouted out from behind the open bonnet of a yellow golf in a flustered female voice upon further investigation i observed oil pouring out under the car ..Oh a damsel in distress I thought better get in here quick I approached the front of the car I saw this Luuuuurvly looking gal in a hell of a mess oil all over her skirt and top....Oh can you help me please she said despairingly ....Of course darlin whats wrong....I cant get any oil in my car , have you got a very thin! I said looked down and burst into fits of laughter ,I couldnt stop to get a word out....someone had told her to remove the dipstick ,check the oil ,and top it up , well she did find the dipstick ok , and was trying to pour the oil into the engine through the tiny hole left when the dipstick was remowed.....still laughing now gets me every time......Oh and what colour hair did she have ?????? any guesses.....cant tell you if it matched tho. lol
There's no spyware on here although I've read in other threads about some of the external emoticon links fetching cookies from elsewhere.
Think you're getting them elsewhere.

Thankx for the advise and I do sincerly apologise for the inferrance that the orogin of these things was sh, it truly was not intended to read that way , but my knowledge of these things is nil and I was just after some advise on how to murder the beasties really, and as I am reletivly new to the forum (not sh however) I shall be a little more carefull how I phrase my requests in future...promise
Raider thanx for the offer if I get in S*** I'll scream
Thanks all for the help.......Steph x
Quote by Dave4kelly
Thats very scary Steph dont you have any anti spyware on your machine? Theres loads of free ones around.

thnx Dave4kelly
I have maxsecure spyware detect loaded latest version updates daily but the stuff is still getting thro
Hi Guys n Gals, Ive had a little prob with my browser freezing so I did a spyware scan and found huuuuuuge ammounts in the 'High Threat level' not knowing too much about the subject it tried to find out where it was all coming from and every time I visited this site I pick up a worrying level of these things last time 17 high 5 med and this was the only site I visited ....The browser is ok now Ive cleaned all the spyware off , but just wanted to know if this is normal or should I be worried.......Thanx Steph x
Quote by debbiewebs
Profile said 45 so I just added one ........and no debbie it looks georgous rolleyes

wooo you want to be in me web? :twisted: :twisted:
Said the Spider to the Fly :roll:
Profile said 45 so I just added one ........and no debbie it looks georgous rolleyes
Well for me it was Saturday 18th June 1983 , in the city gem bar Malta I was working over there at the time........ I met a beautifull part lebanese girl called lalihia , she was extreemly well educated and spoke the queens better than I could , after a few drinks at the bar we took a walk along the marina and sat down on the quey we were half way through a bottle of cheap plonk and decided to play that dangerous game truth or dare , it was a beutifull warm moonlit night , I really have never met anyone so beautifull , open , honest , and sincere ......But theres always tomorrow ! :cry:
I Think it could be a garden shed.....hopfully incorperating lovejoys idea , there are quite a few days Id like to change !!!!!!
Got to be stockings for me.....but tights are just as sexy especially when ripped off mmmmm
My best advice on this subject is to simply insert a red hot poker where the sun dont shine ,or maybe try sulphuric acid instead of shaving gel , the effects are probably similar to waxing the delicate areas of the anatomy........OOOOOOch!!!!
DAMN !!!! and theres me thinking we were real women......just a little added and a little taken away redface
Get shot of AOL puts too much junk on your computer ,they also have reliability problems in some areas with their broadband service , I was with them for years on dial up but only managed to do a year on BB , just too many disconnections.....CRAP basically
I Guess guys have a little more aiming to do (especially when intoxicated)