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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 61
0 miles · Lincolnshire


hhmmm... I assume shes know's you're on this forum...... if not then yep - its a problem!
If she does know then surely a threesome's the answer if her attraction is purely physical? If not then looks like the beginning of the end of the relationship i guess?
Quote by tallnhairy
Firstly, lots of forums, bad idea, poor mods have more places to look. Also the cafe is the cafe because it covers such a wide range of topics. Having said that a place to move the clutter would not hurt. Yes people would moan, but hey the conversation can still carry on in there unlike a locked thread. I would call it the 'Out There...' forum. Not offensive, not off topic, just really, well, out there smile If a topic is offensive then lock it and move it 'Out There' to save us all reading it.

... Not necessarily.... I used to moderate a board (different subject matter!!) which had i think about 10,000 members at the time...... we had about 10 different areas, and a team of 8 moderators, who basically had their own specific areas to concentrate on, and then they just randomly surfed the rest...... system worked quite well for us
Quote by BigScotsBloke
There are a massive number of members and posters yet only three areas of the forum! I've made the suggestion before but in view of the recent posts and strength of feeling coming out maybe now would be a good time to expand the forums to creat a forum for 'swing related talk' specifially, funnies etc specifically, and finally the 'Off Topic' i.e. nowt to do with swinging area? Perhaps then at least the people who want to post funnies etc, wildly off topic questions / observations can go there?

Well good idea if Mark can spare the bandwidth and storage space then sure a few more forums would make life easier :
here's my thoughts
1) Lets Meet Up
2) Dogging
3) Swinging
4) Munches
5) Humour
6) Off Topic , say wot ya like
As I said above all depends on whether Mark feels that the site can spare the bandwidth and the storage space , as well as needing a few more Moderators to check out the new forums.
Good Choices Davie!
drinking lots of water i read also improves both taste and quantity!
doh .... off we go again...... as said above - this is now a very long post - and some good suggestions have been made.
I once got hung drawn and quartered for speaking out of turn and criticising - and yes - in some ways if you don't like it - then don't come in!
But I would like to make one point for consideration;
There are a massive number of members and posters yet only three areas of the forum! I've made the suggestion before but in view of the recent posts and strength of feeling coming out maybe now would be a good time to expand the forums to creat a forum for 'swing related talk' specifially, funnies etc specifically, and finally the 'Off Topic' i.e. nowt to do with swinging area? Perhaps then at least the people who want to post funnies etc, wildly off topic questions / observations can go there?
In reality currently we have an area for dogging , a meeting up area and then an anything goes area which in its very title and subeading - which clearly says general discussion and chit chat - where it seems that if people post too much chit caht then they get locked - which i guess is a bit of a contradiction?
It seems clear that with over 24000 members we would benefit from more than three forums?
It bothers me that a forum that should be friendly will evolve into a messy place where people are just sniping at each other - which naturally cannot be described as a fun place to be!
I just hope that we can rid ourselves of the ill feeling and go forward with some of the positive suggestions!
There...... lol biggrin
Yes - I Gotta agree Cadwell is technically challenging - I decked it on several occasions at the gooseneck trying to get that adverse camber thing sorted........ The full circuit through the trees is very tricky - especially in bad weather !
I guess I'd probably place it first, but then again my absolute fave tracks to race at were Three Sisters (Wigan) and Knockhill in Scotland - I always did well there (i.e never threw it down tha track) - but ho hum my racing days are over now...........
Sex is way more fun though!
i have to agree with the above comments - why not just do the threesome she is happy with and take it from there? No has to mean no!
Can't see any reason to lock it? seems reasonable topic for discussion?
it didn't work for me either...... maybe we should get copywriters and spin doctors..... maybe a new job for alistair campbell........ make me sound like Brad Pitt!?
Oh God - now you'e started something.......
20,000 pants under the Sea
Oceans Pants
The Italian Pants
Journey To The Centre of The Pants
Top Pants
Saturday Night Pants (i have a pair of those surprised )
Hitchhikers Guide to The Pants
The Bourne Pants
The Phantom of The pants
Dawn - your 'friend' should get hubby to take her to London,
see a show - anything they can get a ticket for..........
take her shopping for a suitably revealing outfit........
wander around Soho and get some new toys - the expanding vibrating butt plug is definitely the best and most versatile ........
take her to a VERY expensive restaurant and wine and dine her
........ back to a hotel.......
breakfast brought up to your room.........
Maybe Ian could do the same for you??? ( confused :? :? ) I could suggest it
Hee hee
Yes - I have to agree - just go to London, - you'll get a ticket for something or other from one of the west end box offices, stay the night, doa nice restaurant, have a look around soho for some new toys, have breakfast in bed in your room (!) ...... happy anniversary!
Go for it man......
it's enough to give anyone a headache - would you like me to rub your brow to relieve the tenseness freckled bird?
lol :shock:
i'd like to see the seats being folded down really easy!..... maybe a practical demonstration next time i'm your way! rolleyes :roll:
Mmmm - bonnet is too high to shag over ----but the back has darkened windows!!
wink :wink: :wink:
flipping 'eck what kind of car is it?... I could bring a beer crate to stand on! ha ha
my vote is that you treat it to sex on its bonnet - just mind the heels on the paint though.....
bonnect is nice and warm when its cold
i dont think there is much to shoose between MK and castleford - i usually go aevery couple of months to either one of them ( both about the same distance for me!) I have found that MK usually has a few more rails and toys for us boarders.......
Cheap it ain't but its good to just get back on the board after the snow season ends.....
Thought #1 - maybe we should get a SH session together at one of them. Meet in the bar, a couple of dricks, get changed in the (largeish) lockers.....hhmmmm.... could take a while..... on the slopes....... back to the bar...... sounds good? I'd be up for organising something if there are enough takers.... let me know!
Thought 2# - ah yes a swingers week or weekend in the Alps - cheap flights out there... yes like the idea of that - apres ski fun! Any takers on that one too?
don't do this to me - its the end of my working day - my brain is opuddled - I can only manage 5 letter words..... i have several though!
It was amazing weekend - my first time there so I was a Glasto Virgin but i'm soooo hooked on it - can't wait for 2007!
It's undescribeable really the sense of calm, and spititually its so uplifting. I still fell on a high now (without any substance help!!)
Lost Vagueness is mad - but so many cool people - anything and everything goes !
Fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
wifey only played for the first time 9 months ago - i was initially nervous and a little jealous, but she kept eye contact with ME all the time as she was playing with another guy - that helped a lot as i knew she was focusing as much on watching me have pleasure as her own.... and everything has worked out fine. J was nearly two years plucking up the courage for the fifrst time in taking it from fantasy to reality. A couple of experiences have been better than others, and we have some clearly defined rules!
so in all - like above posts you REALLY have to BOTh be sure!