We're looking for a single guy to join us for an hour at a central Cardiff hotel, around 8pm.
Check out our ad and drop us a line.
It would never work, a bunch of guys all watching the telly and only one remote control!
Has anyone been to the new club in Swansea? We were thinking of going this week and wondered what it was like, worth a visit? I couldn't find it in the clubs section.
Hi, we're going to be in Walsall on Thursday and would like to meet up with a couple for a drink and maybe some fun if we hit it off.
Drop us a line and we'll get back to you.
There have been many threads about 'single' married men and 'single' married women but none that I can find about 'single' couples. Those of you who know our situation know that Nat and I are not a 'couple' in the sense that we don't live together but are lovers, I suppose is the best turn of phrase.
My question to couples is, does that fact put you off meeting? Would you be less inclined to meet a 'couple' whom you knew to be two singles rather than, say, a married couple?
We're going to be in Bristol on Thursday evening, if you're a couple and would like to meet for a drink followed by some fun if we all get on, drop us a line and we'll get back to you.
Ithis nat i will vote for h it is a mighty impressive arse especially in real life, dont mind travelling to view the others in real life just to get comparisson you know
Hi we're looking for a bi/bi curious guy for some fun in Bristol on saturday 27th evening, drop us a pm with a face pic and preferably a mobile number.
Could have been worse, could have been polos.
We're going to passing through Cardiff tomorrow, early evening, and wondered if there were any bi guys who'd like to meet up. Obviously, as we'll be travelling ie not in hotel, you'd have to be able to accomodate if we 'clicked'.
Please pm, the more ino you have in your profile, the more likely you are to get a reply.
i prefer the first pair they make your curve of your arsebut the second ones where very impressive too , nice arse though
I'm glad it's not just me that never understood the 'seperate room' thing.
We need a "things you always wanted to know but didn't want to look stupid asking" thread.
Polo Lady?
Happy Birthday
Yes it would appear size does matter, I was in the chat room last night and the women were under a constant barrage of "what size bra d'you wear". I think it stems back to boys playing 'trumps' in the school yard, they're obsessed with facts and figures.
I'm not sure really, my time with Nat is presious anyway, those of you who've had a long distance relationship will appreciate this, so I suppose finding someone we 'click' with instantly would be good. As for what happens after that, who knows, the most important thing for me would be that the atmosphere is relaxed and lighthearted. I get nervous as hell meeting people, so if they're relaxed it rubs off (hopefully alot of rubbing!)
Blimey Robbie, a serious answer! From me! At this time in the morning! It's 'cos I'm off to my first munch tonight and I'm petrified!
This is getting silly.
Yes you have paid. Well done, I hope this makes you happy.
I don't think any one is trying to say that you don't deserve extra's for your money, you do or why would you have paid?
The problem is that some of those extra's affect us poor lowly free members, we are not stomping on your rights we are standing up for ours, the ones that were in place before this whole things started.
I hope this makes sense, now can we please move on?
OOOOOO a birhday, jelly and ice cream, lovely!
Happy Birthday!
Sorry, that's the same weekend as Global Gathering.
luv yr profil, fancy a shag?
A little pre-munch fun in the third hotel on the list anyone?
maybe they like 90 year old gay virgins, takes all sorts ya know.
By the way, nice pic, you have lovely teeth.
Sheddy, you seem to be quite conversant in these, is there something you wish to share with us?
One of my fav's is 'age and looks, unimportant'
that makes me feel great, that does.
on the rare occassion I go in the chat rooms, I just sit in the corner and hope no one notices. I find them very confusing places, how are you supposed to know who's taking to who?
I can't understand anyone wanting more than one name.