i will bring a bucket of jelly or two lol
oh its the old nature versus nurture debate lol
Im not sure about being born evil but i think being evil is something thats within you, i personally dont think its your up bringing, some kids have terrible childhoods but still make decent human being and the other way round, the vast majority of killer are from normal house holds with good partents and whos siblings lead perfectly normal lifes, maybe a traumer in child hood could trigger off what ever makes people do these things but it has to be there to start with other wise every child who'd had a bad upbringing would be killing and
only my opinion tho lol
dont need an invite do we, hes told the whole word where it is lol
hope you dont get to many gate crashers ;)
cant see the difference myself, its all a matter of what you like, i personally think things are just more acceptable for women than men, not my opinion but thats just how it is, like bi females, you can go into any club any night and see girl on girl and thats fine but for guys to play with each other you have to go on special nights designed for them! why is that? if its ok to go into a club on a friday night and women to play with each other why not men? i also knew a women thro swinging that wouldnt allow her husband to try another man even tho she was bi herself, i think its just not really acceptable for men to have things up their bum, play with other guys etc, sad really in this day and age and even more so in swinging clubs where people are supposed to be open!!!
yeah i have to admit the nipple is a bad one, took mine ages to heal, the hood was fine after it was just the pain of the actual piercing that hurt, nipple was'nt as painful to get pierced, i thought, but the healing took ages
hurts like hell and dont let anyone tell you different, think about it.....you can't stick a needle thro your bits and it not hurt lol
When i was thinking of having mine done everyone said....oh it dont hurt.....then admitted after they only said it so as not to put me off!
if you find another guy give me a shout ;)
oh i love seeing bands live, and going to music festivals, you have to go to music festivals to experience the loos you havn't lived till you've smelt a fesitval loo after 4 days in the sun lol
ive been to both clubs, i personally prefure chameleons, in my opinion Xtasia just seems to be a meet up place for people who go onto hotels or arrange later times to play, where as chameleons seems to have much more playing on the night, suppose it depends what your after, xtasia is more a dress up and dance night club, where as chameleons is a more relaxed sauna based club where most wear towels or underwear, i also have always found the people at chameleons more friendly and sociable.
heres a question for the thread starter? have you ever actually been tested for HIV? if not how do you know you hav'nt already got it? if yes, why get tested for something your so sure you as a straight male can't catch? ;)
anythings possible
Two questions spring to mind tho
1 if its not a advert why put it in the lets meet up section?
2 Why the poll? lol