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2 months ago
Straight Male, 60
0 miles · Tyne and Wear


Anyone going to this? Drop me a line if you would like to meet up for a few drinks and laughs.
Hi, is anyone going to the 48 hour 80's party in Southport in September. I would love to meet up for some drinks and laughs.
I will staying near there 1st - 5th Feb. If anyone would like to team up to go then please drop me a reply
Hi will be in Los Cristianos for a week over new year with g/f. She doesnt play but would love to introduce her to this. Looking to "bump" into another couple and take it from there
Group of 9 men going to Tenerife on 17th October for 1 week, looking for couples or single females for some laughs and fun if compatible
WOW!!!!!!!!! My first 2 page post biggrin :D :D
So now that we are pretty much agreed that pre- arranged meetings are the way to stop the undesirables, who wants to christen this virgin site?
Wahay my post is back, thanks Jim biggrin :D :D
Still no luck getting the new site running although I have passed the information on to a few couples.
Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple
Ohhhhh Newcastledave, Im sure that Northeastcouple didnt mean any harm in their post and were just having some good old fashioned banter with you.
As for the loads of views, a good percentage of them will be the ones who are checking if you are advertising a female for them to come and play with and the rest are just like me, bloody nosey lol
So just cause you didnt get the response you expected, please dont take it personally, it happens that way sometimes. Keep posting and please, keep the location just for the ones you trust wink

Thank you Naughty, what a nice answer :lol: I feel better already
Quote by Chaotic_Spirit
79 views and no replies, does this mean that dogging in Newcastle is now officially dead!!!!!!
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
no not at all ,just means either to cold for people or they have a meet sorted or people dont want to come out just to suit you.
You were right,its alive and well biggrin
Did you have a rough day yesterday? I didnt ask people to come out just to suit me, I asked people to contact me so we can discuss it further. Maybe you should read your own profile again because on it you say "we welcome new cummers to the scene as we know what its like ". Although I have been on this site for a while, I am a newcomer to Dogging and your reply was a little was just a nice surprise to discover somewhere new that wasnt overun.
I'm sure it wasn't suppose to sound like that. I believe what naughty meant was that a lot of doggers, myself included, don't like pre-arranged meets and aren't fond of new locations which we can only find out about by meeting yourself there.
If you have a suitable location you'd like people to use, i greatly recommend that you post it as a location under the SH doggin directory which can be found here:
chaos x
I understand that Chaos, and believe me I am not trying to advertise the place just for me, I originally went on here to share it with people but it seems sometimes that new posters are only on here to be talked down to,(new as in my first post on the dogging section of the forum). As far as listing as you suggest, wouldnt that just allow all the boy racers and other idiots to spoil yet another location?
Quote by northeastcoupleuk
79 views and no replies, does this mean that dogging in Newcastle is now officially dead!!!!!!
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
no not at all ,just means either to cold for people or they have a meet sorted or people dont want to come out just to suit you.
You were right,its alive and well biggrin
Did you have a rough day yesterday? I didnt ask people to come out just to suit me, I asked people to contact me so we can discuss it further. Maybe you should read your own profile again because on it you say "we welcome new cummers to the scene as we know what its like ". Although I have been on this site for a while, I am a newcomer to Dogging and your reply was a little was just a nice surprise to discover somewhere new that wasnt overun.
79 views and no replies, does this mean that dogging in Newcastle is now officially dead!!!!!!
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
New discrete site in Newcastle, just outside the city centre. Anyone interested then email me and we will see if we can arrange a meeting.
Thanks for that everyone. I have no worries about getting sacked I just didnt want any of my staff finding out about this site or any personal info. I might be passing on via email on here.
Thanks for that everyone. I have no worries about getting sacked I just didnt want any of my staff finding out about this site or any personal info. I might be passing on via email on here.
Can any of the wise people on here answer this please.
I use the PC at work to view this site and respond to ads etc. Although there isnt a ban on doing this, will our I.T bods be able to see what I am looking at and (even worse) will they be able to read the emails and messages i send and receive on here?
Thanks in advance.
A male patient is lying in bed in the hospital, wearing an oxygen mask over his mouth and nose, still heavily sedated from a difficult four hour, surgical procedure. A young student nurse appears to give him a partial sponge bath
Nurse", he mumbles, from behind the mask. "Are my testicles black?"
Embarrassed, the young nurse replies "I don't know, Sir. I'm only here to wash your upper body and feet."
He struggles to ask again, "Nurse, are my testicles black?"
Concerned that he may elevate his vitals from worry about his testicles, she overcomes her embarrassment and sheepishly pulls back the covers.
She raises his gown, holds his penis in one hand and his testicles in the other, lifting and moving them around.
Then, she takes a close look and says, "There's nothing wrong with them, Sir!!"
The man pulls off his oxygen mask, smiles at her and says very slowly, "Thank you very much. That was wonderful, but listen very, very closely......
A r e - m y - t e s t - r e s u l t s - b a c k ?
I was a very happy person.
>> My wonderful girlfriend and I had been dating for over a year, and so
>> we decided to get married. There was only one little thing bothering
>> me.. it was her beautiful,
> younger
>> sister.
>> My prospective sister-in-law was 22, wore very tight miniskirts and
> generally
>> was bra-less.
>> She would regularly bend down when she was near me, and I always got
>> more than a pleasant view of her private parts. It had to be
>> deliberate. She never did it when she was near anyone else.
>> One day 'little' sister called me and asked me to come over to check
>> the wedding invitations. She was alone when I arrived, and she
>> whispered to me that she had
> feelings
>> and desires for me that she couldn't overcome.
>> She told me that she wanted to make love to me just once before I got
> married
>> and committed my life to her sister.
>> Well, I was in total shock, and couldn't say a word.
>> She said, 'I'm going upstairs to my bedroom, and if you want one last
>> wild fling, just come up & get me..'
>> I was stunned and frozen in shock as I watched her go up the stairs.
>> When she reached the top she pulled off her panties and threw them
>> down
> the
>> stairs at me.
>> I stood there for a moment, then turned and made a beeline straight
>> to the front door.
>> I opened the door and headed straight towards my car.
>> Lo and behold, my entire future family was standing outside, all
>> clapping!
>> With tears in his eyes,,,, my father-in-law hugged me and said, 'we
> very
>> happy that you have passed our little test...
>> We couldn't ask for a better man for our daughter.
>> Welcome to the family.'
>> And the moral of this story is: