Hang in there buddy.
Sometimes time has a way of providing the perfect solution.
I eat my peas with honey.
I've done it all my life.
It makes the peas taste funny,
But it keeps them on my knife!
Let us know if it works out.
I've never heard of it being done, maybe I should get out more...???
May I experiment?
This one's for the ladies:
Imagine my mouth close to your ear, so close you can feel the warmth of my skin, but not my touch...
I growl a long low, soft growl deep in my throat, then take a nibble of the soft tender skin just behind your earlobe.
I tell you I am going to take my tongue and trace the line of your collarbone from your shoulder to the base of your throat. I tell you I will take my time and savour the taste of your skin. I ask you feel the tingle on your skin before I start.
Then I hesitate for a heartbeat, just about to make contact with your skin, watching the goosebumps run down your arms.
Then I slowly, gently, softly drag the very tip of my tongue along your collar bone making a long slow gentle curving circle at the hollow of your throat before moving directly along your thoat to your lips...
Any good?
'Coc I was born 'n raised in Southern Africa my fave food is from there...
"Boerewors", translated as farmers sausage.
32 inches of thick pure beef and aromatic spices.
It's good...
I've recently had the idea of slicing up a strawberry or two, and then having the slices taken, one by one, by mouth from the tip of my cock by a willing lady.
Although as yet I cannot think of a reciprocal gesture with the 'berriesfor her yet.
Any ideas? :twisted:
Watching my neighbour across the street having her morning shower while I do the dishes. 8am sharp she rolls UP the blind right in front of me. And she damn well can see I'm there.
She's got to know I'm there, right?
Hi Nola,
Thanks for the welcome. Glad to be here and a part of community.
Morning folks,
I've been reading this thread since yesterday, and as a noobie simply digested the atmosphere without interference.
But now I have to chip in my penny's worth.
Is the whole object of the forum to allow people to express their individual points of view?
I cannot commenton the past, but it seems there is life out here. A four page thread already kinda proves that, don't you think?
Live and let live I say.
For isn't the beauty of us all much like a wild flower arrangement, not in our similarities, but our diversity?
Waking up this morning and knowing it was going to be a scorcher!