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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 73
Straight Male, 80
0 miles · Greater Manchester


Bring them on, as long as they have something between their ears.
We agree with you Silk and Big G, we like to turn up and see what happens, if anything.
As you say, for us that is part of the fun although we do understand that it isn't for everyone.
You will never stop this happening.
We have been lucky and it hasn't happened to us too often.
Far better to accept it and move on. No point in complaining about something you can't change.
This post may upset a few although that isn't our intention but if you think about it it does make sense.
What ever car you have it does help to have electric seats. Saves having to keep winding them down when the opportunity for fun presents itself.
Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple
you might not believe this, but we managed all this fun without the use of the inet,

For me, that is how dogging should be! I love the internet and love chatting on here but for us, proper dogging is about going out and finding the right places and the genuine doggers.
We couldn't agree more Naughty Wigan Couple.
Not too sure about this guy. He may be genuine but the chats that we have had with him suggests that caution is needed.
If we have got it wrong Karlos all we can say is sorry but you really haven't helped yourself.
Quote by Alexandra
Dear doggers.......
please, please, please
as the nights gets lighter please do show a bit of thought and leave it till a bit later to have your fun.
Believe me I am fully in support of dogging - but not when there are still kids still playing on parts of the beach - or when (like me) parents are teaching their kids to drive on the beach.
I was down there last Saturday - about 7-8 pm - not only were there the obvious single male doggers (sorry fellahs - you do stick out like a sore thumb), but there were the obligatory boy racers waiting to target the doggers. Just such a shame that this was at a time when kids were around flying kites and having fun.
Not having a go (honest) just in everyones interest (including your own) it maybe worth waiting till dusk has fallen. That way the beach is for all!
Big hugs,
Alex x x

We couldn't agree more.
If this is the conduct of the so called dogger it is no wonder that the press latch on to it, put it to press and the follow on from that is all the hasle that comes with it.
We really used to enjoy the dogging fun we had, not always any activity but the social side of it was very enjoyable. We would often go and spend the night chatting and be happy with that if the chemistry wasn't there.
Alas, those days seem to have gone. We know dogging still goes on but it's not the same.
Quote by fabio grooverider

steve.. when did you turn into a man of few words??? lol
A good question Sean.
Quote by Martino4660
Get a job people clog up the healthcare system and are the sole reason for the financial mess this countries in........if you wanna play, do it in the evenings!!!
Anyone want to have some fun with me?

This is a guy who judging by one of his previous posts only does this behind his g/friends back.
Your post says you are not interested in dogging.
We just thought we would bring it to your attention that your profile says you are, might be a good idea to update it, no offence intended just thought it might help you.
Pete & Sue.
We have been stuck in the sand on this beach but only when we first started to go there.
You do learn to spot the danger signs and it is easy to avoid the soft sand. The sand that causes the problems most of the time is when there has been a lot of wind and it drifts.
We found that in the good old days of the doggers when locations weren't that well known every one looked out for each other. This was also this case when someone got stuck in the sand, all hands to the pump as it were.
I suspect you will need to do better than that to get people interested.
Try a different tone to your posts puddle. You come across as being a very arrogant "dick head"
You may well not be but thats the impression you give.
When we go into a pub for a drink and find we don't like the place we leave, we don't go up to the manager and slag the place off to him. As the saying goes, different strokes for different folks. We adopt this line of thinking to most things we do.
Need we say more.
At the end of the day do people really need to be told what is acceptable?
We as a couple have always been of the opinion that posting locations was not a sensible thing to do and for the reasons that most people know about.
Not meaning to point the finger at anyone but if people stop and think before they post then there would be no need for this thread.
Interior lights !!
We know this thread is aimed at single guys but thought that some feed back from a couple may be welcomed.
Interior lights being switched on would be a good idea so that you would know who you were approaching in a car.
From our point of view it would also be a good idea if single guys were to do the same when they parked up near a couple so that couples could decide whether they wished the single guy to approach their car.
Thie is just our view on the matter as we don't like to signal guys as we feel it a little unfair on them if after they have approached our car Sue didn't take to them for what ever reason.
Try posting an example of what you send to couples and I'm sure you will get some feed back from the members as to what it may be that is resulting in you getting no replies.
The age range in the poll would suggest that people stop when they reach 50 and start again when they are 55.
Lapdogger, are we talking day times or do people need to be careful at night also?
Calltoe is the guy that posted a location in the dogging section.
Think that sums the guy up.
Hi russnw,
Wecome to the forum.
What a refreshing change from the usual posts from single guys. You tell us something about yourself which is the thing laking in most of the posts from single guys.
You come across as being polite and a nice guy.
We feel that given time to get yourself known you will be successful.