I must admit to hording clothes!!!!!!!!!!! Do you remember those ones that fit you 5 years ago??? I have wardrobes full and boxes in the loft full of them. I have this insane notion that I will get into them again!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah....right!
Midlands girl here.......hellllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooo, born and bred Wolverhampton and on the way back up there!
Not sure about this blonde joke thread....lol..from a blonde point of view.....lol
oooohhhhhh its so pretty..................................................................lol
That just blew my mind, its too late at night for that..............................lol..............funny though.............
Looooooooooovvved th Bush one, very funny, thanks Libra x
Well I dont know about everyone else, but we will be getting Sexysteph and Vodka_babe a beer tomorrow night at the Leicester munch!!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome to , hope you enjoy it as much as we do!!!!!!!!XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXx
Thanks for the invite Blue. We are going to have to decline it, we can't get childcare for that night :cry:
Hope you all have a really spanking time :twisted:
I too have posted an apology in the Cafe. After reflecting today about the comments I have made in the past, I feel it was only appropriate.
I feel at this point I will add my own points to this thread. I have aired my own opinion on a few of the cheating threads.
Although Im not sorry for my own personal opinion (this site has a wonderful variety of opinions, so from time to time people will clash), I am sorry for railroading new members to this site with my own views. Its not fair and not a very good impression. As I said Im not sorry for my opinions, but from now on I will not post on these threads and keep my opinions to myself. It is not my place to openly judge these people, as mentioned numerous times we have no idea of their lives, personalities or personal situations.
Everyone here is fantastic and its this colourful mix of people that makes SH what it is.
To anyone I have offended, please accept this as a personal apology