Yes! We have been taking note and reading your replies
Sadly some of you took offence to our blunt remarks, to which we are truly sorry. But under the circumstances, it was the only way to get to the truth we were looking for.
Yes! like many of you out there, we understand the meaning of responsibility, security but most importantly respect and the truth.
For the record: Although we are newbies to your site we followed your rules by joining in as much as feasably as possible... replying to threads topics etc as commitments would allow.
We understand that some of you are just content with sitting behind a computer to get your kicks... thats fine
Some of you, like us, want to get out and meet other like minded people to socialise and when some sort of trust has bonded, then go wherever the mutual mood takes us (this is not our first time in that department) so we do understand
However, when we did kindly ask to attend your socials and meets... we either got no replies or told we were too new... despite learning tonight that single males get invited in far less time (a week!)
When we asked if anyone wanted to meet us.. Yes!, people initially replied to which we were greatful and excited but unfortunately when we responded back in turn... no one wanted to know anymore.
A further attempt was made to arrange a social meet... but again no one replied or explained why we were given the cold shoulder.
dosnt this count as making an effort? Althogh 37 replies wasnt enough... we are restricted as "newbies" we loose either way
we are not a pushy couple as when we get no replies... we respect that and so we dont continue to pester, we just want an honest answer
Yes we know that we have only been on this site for a short while, and must wait until we are vetted and trusted by everyone before we are allowed to meet. but when we here of single males being trusted in far less time than a harmless "family" couple like us, you cant blame us for feeling a bit let down and disapointed?
Think about it! anyone can hide behind a computer screen and call themselfs what they want and say what they like! I and no one would be any of the wiser! All WE tried to do is let everyone see exactly what we were really like... Honesty comes before Trust.
Disappointingly, our last thread reavealed just how many of you were quick to jump down on us, take the piss and tell us where to go. Admittingly although we wernt excited about many of your comments.. But it did at least explain how you REALLY felt about us, and it did explain why we were being ignored when it came to following up with those intended meets.
If your asking us to prove ourselfs behind a computer screen, then sorry we cannot. As we could lie to you as much as possible, and vise versa.
Now the truth is out! there is no more bad feelings from us with the fact, that you do not wish to know us.... just wish you were more honest with us in the first place.
Obviously, as a result of tonights revelations we will not be visiting the site anymore. Caz is too upset by this all and I have always backed her 500%. So if anyone knows who is responsible for removing our details from your list could you please either pass on this message or delete them for us, as i cant seem to able to do this myself
The best of luck to you all in what you do to be happy