Quote by piercedJon
I agree with you, it may seem harsh... but if someone is in a position where the knowledge of what they do for fun would harm them if found out, then perhaps they should not do it...
My personal feeling is "if they don't like what I like, and I don't hurt anyone, then feck them," but others may dont have that luxuary....
If you look back to before being gay was more in the open, there were jobs when being found out would land you in trouble (not thinking forces here) it was more... if you are gay and someone finds out you might be open to blackmail that you would give into to hide the fact... the problem was that this drove people to either not being true to who they were, or it did mean that being outed was always at the forefront of their minds... it was the fear that was the problem, not what the person did per-say.
Quite frankly if a judge or counciler was to say "hey you know what... I swing, I love it... feck off" it would kill a story dead... but its the worry about being found out, and the denial that makes it into a story... especially if someone publically denounces others getting up to what they themselves get up to.
My mother doesnt know I swing, she doesnt know I'm bi, heck I'm not even sure if I've had the courage to show my tats to her, lol... but if she found out then while it may cause problems and friction for a time... I would like to think she would get over it and still accept me as who I am and as her son!
(assuming its a true story) if the navy can accept a "satinist" as a member of the crew (personally I think it was a rank that was takin the piss) then just about everyone can accept someone for who they are!
Perhaps I'm lucky so far... I've had people find out and give me the :shock: look, and its taken a few weeks before they "forgot," and I'm sure there will be people that were friends that would then shun me, and others that would ridicule me, but if I hide what I like then not only does it make me a hypocrite, but it leaves me open to people putting preasure on me.
The quickest way I have found to stop a problem is to say "yeah, I do, I love 3somes and moresomes, its a real buzz, like being in a live porn film" they either walk aways tutting, or ask more questions, lol.
I'm not saying be an in your face "i'm this" type... purely, if someone finds out then so what... Most people know I swing, and most people know I'm bi... and after finding out they either stay friends, or they dont! Apart from here I dont publicise it, but people do find out... if I (or someone) was that worried then I would not frequent a place such as this because of the worry about being found out.
as far as people finding out ......i couldnt give a monkeys.....however my exhusband is a tw@t and if he found out what i was upto not only would be asulky arse it would give him grounds to yet again make up stories that my children are in danger and i am doing it front of them etc etc etc
then it would result in a long drawn out court battle .he would try for residence and say im an unfit mother and my patner is an unfit person to have around the children
so you can see why i want it to be discreet